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Chapter two hundred and ninety-one: that adult's arrangement


Amamiya Noriko didn't expect Sonoko to notice it too.

But how should I answer this? He nodded obediently and said:

Although this drama is a bit bloody, there aren't any characters who are insulted. It's probably just...tired.

I feel like it’s not good to use my cute image to discuss with Sonoko whether someone has been fucked or not.

"Ling, it shouldn't be humiliation or anything like that... maybe it's just that I'm tired and sweating a lot. Sonoko, don't you see that he's wiping his sweat with a handkerchief?"

Amamiya Noriko changed the subject on the spot to maintain her reserved and quiet image. This word was the first time she had spoken it since she was born. Would any serious person say this word?

Yuanzi nodded suddenly: "I'm wiping sweat, right."

But she pondered for a moment, "When a boy pulls open the collar of his shirt and half-covers his collarbone, is that another kind of sexy?"

That's saucy.

Noriko Amamiya corrected herself in her mind.

Sonoko's concerns were very similar to her concerns... But she just thought about it in her mind. Sonoko could speak out, but this kind of topic was not suitable for her Miss Amamiya to talk about. Although it was not

Idols, but idols carry a heavy burden.

I have the urge to open a small account and exchange dirty jokes with Yuanzi, but I don’t want to be too...chicken.

Suzuki Sonoko tilted her head and glanced at Noriko's side face. Amamiya Noriko noticed it and turned her head slightly silently. "Don't tempt me to talk to you about these things anymore. I am the dignified Noriko Amamiya."

Sonoko understands, Noriko is too embarrassed to talk about men, she has clearly rejected so many of them, how cute.

After coughing, Sonoko decided to tell something reliable and said with great interest: "Noriko, if you have a chance, how about I write a script and act in a stage play? To be honest, I think my acting skills are okay.

Of course, my ability to write love scripts must also be stronger."


Amamiya Noriko lowered her head and thought about it carefully. Didn't Sonoko really write a script? Mouri Kogoro's comment was "This kind of disgusting lines and disgusting script, what kind of love idiot wrote it?"


She asked carefully, which aspect did Yuanzi want to write about?

"Of course it is an extremely beautiful love story!"

Noriko Amemiya nodded. Her thoughts were beautiful and full, but the reality was skinny. She had to remind her: "But Sonoko hasn't been in love yet..."


Sonoko was heartbroken. Although Noriko was right, the two had been playing together since childhood, and Noriko certainly knew that she had never been in love.

"Noriko, haven't Noriko ever talked about it? What does it have to do with it?"

Amemiya Noriko's first update, okay you are right, I am a heartless person, I have rejected love hundreds of times...

Noriko Amamiya explained a little: "I just don't want to fall in love for the time being."

Suzuki Sonoko nodded in agreement: "It's just that I haven't met the ideal handsome guy yet."

The two of them looked at each other, and Suzuki Sonoko reached a unilateral consensus. It was not that they couldn't find a boyfriend, they just didn't want to find one, and they just didn't like him.

Suzuki Sonoko concluded: "Writing a love script has nothing to do with whether you have been in love or not."

Noriko Amamiya cheered her up: "Come on Sonoko."

"If it's written, Noriko will act in it, right?"

"Ah this..."

Amamiya Noriko turned her head and looked aside in embarrassment, encouraging her to encourage her, so she should forget about letting her act. She knew how disgusting Sonoko's lines were, and she would feel very ashamed, to the point of rolling over in shame.

"Eh?! Noriko won't even act in the script I wrote?"

Seeing this, Suzuki Sonoko quickly came over and was shocked.

"How about the heroine, Noriko?!"

The heroine's lines are even more shameful.

"Am I the male lead?"

I feel like I will be taken advantage of by you.

"Call Xiaolan and let's go together!"

Noriko Amamiya helplessly saw that Sonoko was almost touching her face, but she still shook her head: "Let Sonoko and Xiaolan play, I'll forget it, my acting skills are very poor."

Suzuki Sonoko had a look of regret. Noriko had said so, but there was nothing we could do about it. Indeed, Noriko might not be very good at acting.

"Okay then, I'll go back and do some research and write a script. If Noriko is interested, she can also make a cameo!"

Noriko Amamiya nodded: "Okay, okay."

She knew that the script written by Yuanzi would definitely come out and be selected. Although she didn't understand why, it was indeed released in the garden party episodes.

If she had to act, she would be a tree.

Amamiya Noriko was thinking, and suddenly saw people from the drama club over there coming down, and several people playing the main roles went to the side to look for a slightly handsome man with glasses, brown hair and a white coat.

You can tell by his face that he has a very kind personality, and he was chatting with his classmates in the drama club with a smile on his face.

It seems to be a general guide.

"Eh? Did you see it too, Noriko? That's the school nurse of our school, Mr. Shinde Tomaki, how do you think? Do you think he's handsome too?"

Suzuki Sonoko noticed Noriko's gaze and introduced her aloud.

"I heard he is a very kind and handsome guy who is easy to get along with. It's true. There are quite a few girls in our school who like him."

Amamiya Noriko nodded, of course she knew Tomoaki Shinde, the man who was betrayed by Sister Bei.

The reason why I am able to direct the drama club at this time is because this versatile school doctor graduated with the top score from Toto Medical University and has played the leading role many times in middle school. He has rich experience in drama and has a lot of experience.

Speaking of which, it is really unworthy of me to graduate from Dongdu Medical University with the best grades and then go to Didan High School to be a school doctor.

However, Shinde Tomoe did have the opportunity to find a job in a big hospital, pretending to be Sister Bei, but was protected by the FBI and sent to New York to escape. When he came back, the job was gone and he continued to work as a school doctor.

"Logically speaking, Sister Bei shouldn't have sneaked into Didan High School so quickly, right?"

Noriko Amamiya was thoughtful, but Sister Bei probably hadn't noticed Conan and Xiao Ai at this time.

Xiao Ai even went to Didan Elementary School for the first time today, so Belmod had no chance to see her.

Noriko Amamiya thought for a while out of habit. After all, she was a character with some role in the plot.

Handsome and rich, great at sports, versatile, kind-hearted, and quite strong, he was replaced by Sister Bei for nearly a hundred episodes.

It shows that this vest is really useful.

Noriko Amamiya paid a little attention, and after carefully confirming that it wasn't Belmode pretending to be someone else, she didn't pay attention anymore.

You might consider going back to the health room with a minor injury to earn his points.

By the way, he is also the temporary coach of the basketball club. You can check whether he is there when you go to the basketball club.

And they can get to know each other well, so that when he runs away to the United States to seek refuge and Sister Bei comes to pretend to be, she can justifiably go to the health room to play with Sister Bei.

Sister Pei doesn’t know that Noriko Amamiya is Baileys.

Amamiya Noriko quickly finished her calculations in her mind, and when she looked away, she saw Suzuki Sonoko looking at her with her big eyes.

Noriko Amamiya waved her hand: "I'm not interested in new doctors."

"I haven't asked yet."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Noriko and tilted her head.

"Isn't that the type that Noriko likes? She looks perfect in every aspect."

"Are all new doctors 25 years old? I'm only 17, and it's really not my type."

Noriko Amamiya shook her head repeatedly, Sonoko, please stop thinking nonsense.


Suzuki Sonoko scratched her head, Noriko, you even know someone’s age.

But that's right, the new doctor is quite famous among the girls in school, so maybe it doesn't matter if he knows his age.

Most of the people who came over to talk to Tomoaki Shinde about acting were girls. Most of them were not there to learn acting, but to catch a rich husband.

The drama club was performing on stage just now, and several boys came together to talk to Amamiya-san.

However, when they got halfway there, they saw Amamiya-san looking over there. They turned around and saw the mature, handsome, and kind-hearted Tomoaki Arata, and they were immediately shocked.

Shinde Tomaki suddenly felt a chill coming from his back for no apparent reason.

However, when they got closer, they happened to hear some words from Amamiya Noriko and Suzuki Sonoko saying that they didn't like that kind of thing, and they were all in a very comfortable mood. They even took a few strides when walking, and their faces were full of spring breeze.

Coincidentally, they are not the handsome, gentle, young and rich type of new doctors, hahaha...

Suddenly I felt a little sad, no matter what.

Then Master Yuanzi will be a god forever.

The vice president of the drama club, a third-year student, continued to use his acting skills professionally even after finishing on stage to let Amamiya know that his classmate who had rehearsed hard and practiced hard was named Shotaro Mukai.

At this time, he put on his shirt solemnly, and showed it from a distance to let Amamiya-san know that he was not trying to catch fish, and that he was practicing seriously. Of course, he still had to pay attention to his appearance when he came to say hello.

I even smoothed my hair on the way and changed into a cooler hairstyle.

Noriko Amamiya from the drama club rarely comes to visit. The few times she comes, people are rehearsing like today. Unless she also goes on stage, there is no room for her to show off and she disturbs others' practice.

But it doesn’t matter. To be honest, there are quite a lot of people in Didan High School who think they are pretty. In the drama club, these classmates who think they are pretty are certainly the type who are confident in themselves. Most of them have confessed to her with great confidence.


She didn't know if her confidence had been dampened, but she knew three of the four classmates who had rejected her.

I’ve never seen the very naughty person on stage.

Shotaro Mukai is a third-year student, and studies are more important. Although he still serves as the vice president, he has almost retired. He is not always online for department work. Noriko Amamiya has not seen him since she has been here so little.

There were four people in total. When they were about to reach the seats of Amamiya Noriko and Sonoko, a sharp look flashed in the four people's eyes and they looked at each other secretly. Then the question came, who was sitting behind Amamiya-san?

Because Sonoko was sitting inside and Amamiya Noriko was sitting by the aisle, and there was a seat next to her, so it was not easy to blatantly sit next to Amamiya Noriko. They were not close friends, so they had to be at least one seat away.

, or as thick-skinned as a city wall.

After some secret competition to squeeze each other out, when they walked in front of Amamiya Noriko and the others, the four of them had already lined up their order. However, when they approached to say hello, the four of them were still in a row and greeted Amamiya Noriko and Suzuki Sonoko together.

"Good afternoon Amamiya-san! Hello Suzuki too."

"Good afternoon both of you."

Noriko Amamiya pretended not to notice their previous actions, smiled at them, nodded and said softly: "Good afternoon."

Suzuki Sonoko raised her hand and said hello skillfully: "Hey, good afternoon."

Yeah, she found out that she knew all four of these people, and they all came to her privately and secretly to ask her about Noriko's preferences and so on. She also told them all about her choice of sex, and left them to their fate.

This kind of situation like 'Hey, that sister of yours is very cute, I want to pursue her, can you give me some advice?' would probably be very heart-wrenching for an average single female classmate to encounter, and she would also feel a little bit happy about the gossip, and then It gives me a sense of accomplishment in helping my sisters find a partner.

But here in the garden, pure happiness has arrived, and her happiness is very simple.

Then he told Noriko their information backhand, letting Noriko know that someone was going to confess to her again.

Because Noriko has not been in love yet, it is obvious that the four classmates here and the three who have confessed to each other have failed...

It seemed like I was faced with a student whose academic performance was very poor, and took him to repeat for one year after failing the college entrance examination, and then took him for another year, and then the student finally got admitted to a pheasant university...

Suzuki Sonoko was slightly embarrassed, but she really only felt a little bit ashamed. Isn't this happening again? She hasn't given up yet!

She raised her hand to say hello, and at the same time, she secretly blinked very smoothly, raised her chin, and grinned, hinting at three of her students at the same time.

As for the vice-president, it seemed that his studies were the most important thing. He didn't come after his first semester. He probably couldn't understand the code.

Of course the three garden students understood it from their respective codes!

Amamiya-san’s dialogue plays and musicals are both very interesting, so you can start from this aspect!

Regardless of whether they understood it or not, Suzuki Sonoko conveyed it to me and helped me let Noriko participate in the play I wrote!

The three classmates secretly thanked Suzuki Sonoko, and then made a mental draft. If Amamiya-san is interested in dialogue drama, that would be no problem. It would be easy. They are all from the drama club, so there is no problem at all!

It's just that the other guys are also from the drama club, so they all started at the same point...

No, there is someone with a higher starting point, the vice president of the drama club, Shotaro Mukai. With the title of vice president, he is suddenly much more attractive than ordinary members like them!

The three of them looked at each other secretly, and cast their malicious eyes towards Shotaro Mukai.

This is their usual and beloved vice president, but the vice president after a breakup is the truly good president.

No, it’s not falling out of love, it’s failing before falling in love!

Noriko Amamiya sat quietly in her seat, pretending not to notice the various hints they were flying around in front of her eyes.

As for Yuanzi's winks, she could only ignore them. She really couldn't understand Yuanzi's hints.

But those three obviously understood it, and then seemed to reach an agreement, unanimously speaking to the outside world, and dealing with the vice president...

Is this the arrangement of that Lord, Lord Sonoko?

This chapter has been completed!
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