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Chapter 292: Really embarrassing

After the three members of the drama club came up to say hello, they sat down in the row behind Amamiya Noriko and Suzuki Sonoko.

After the vice president introduced himself, he was unanimously urged by the three members to move to the very back, the seat furthest away from Amamiya Noriko who was sitting in the aisle seat.

Noriko Amamiya pursed her lips and smiled to show her friendliness. This person hasn't confessed to you yet, right? I can give you the buff "Amamiya-san seems to be interested in me".

As for their small actions of jostling each other, that is secondary, and this cannot stop Noriko Amamiya from casting spells.

And she understands that only the Alliance of Broken Love is the most reliable friendship between men.

Words like 'I must make her happy' are very rare.

But what puzzled her was why Yuanzi winked and these three classmates were so obedient.

Yuanzi suddenly felt stronger.

The three male classmates who had already rejected them all had an impression of Noriko Amamiya. Occasionally they would say hello to each other and would chat a few words. At this time, they were also talking to her seriously.

We already knew from Master Sonoko that Amamiya-san was interested in talking to the drama club, so the topic naturally started with the drama club's affairs.

Let’s talk about some interesting things that have happened in the drama club recently, what scripts Amamiya Noriko likes, and whether you are interested in starring in them. The drama club will definitely welcome them.

After hearing the last topic, Suzuki Sonoko finally nodded. With a wink, she asked these guys to help get Noriko to star in her script. She thought she didn't understand her hints because of what she said before.

Although they really didn’t understand it, the three students just happened to talk about this topic.

Just like when you go to the tea club, you will definitely be invited to make tea and drink tea. When you go to the basketball club, you will definitely be invited to play basketball. When you come to their drama club to be a guest, of course you have to invite Amamiya-san to star in it. No matter what role it is, I am very much looking forward to it.

"What do you think of Juliet, Amamiya-san?"

Amamiya Noriko's heart froze when she heard this, and she twitched her lips, "You are in the same group as Sonoko, right?"

The three of them looked at it expectantly. If Amamiya-san played Juliet, there would be great potential, even if she was the heroine of "Gone with the Wind" that they had just played, the three of them would be the husbands of Amemiya-san...


Noriko Amamiya thought that your smiles were too dazzling, so she waved her hand very neatly and said in a crisp voice: "Thank you very much for your kindness, but I still don't want to do it. I have no confidence in my acting skills!"

When the three people heard this, they immediately became more interested. They could teach me! Teach me step by step!

Noriko Amamiya looked at Sonoko, was this a disciple taught by Sonoko? Her ideas and goals were clearly exposed.

Sonoko held her forehead, ready to tell them not to bother Noriko, since Noriko really didn't want to act.

But the vice president behind him had already spoken: "Amamiya-san is usually very busy, right? He doesn't have that much time to study drama. Don't embarrass Amamiya-san."


The three classmates widened their eyes and made a mistake, giving this guy a chance to make a move.

And from the very beginning, he very crucially defined them as causing trouble for Amamiya-san, and he was the one who thought about Amamiya-san.

"Yeah, what the vice president said is right."

"Amamiya-san must be very busy usually."

"There is really nothing we can do about it. If you are interested, Amemiya-san can come and take a look when you have time."

The three people hugged the vice president intimately, suppressing the vice president Shotaro Mukai again.

Shotaro Mukai's expression remained unchanged. Even in the face of tremendous pressure, he did not give up easily. He said slowly: "Suzuki-san, are you interested in the dialogue drama?"

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned when she heard this, feeling that this topic suddenly hit her.

And it was said that she was very free and had time to study drama. Well, she was quite free.

Suzuki Sonoko laughed: "I quite like it..."

You can't say you don't like it in front of people in the drama club.

Shotaro Mukai's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he continued to ask: "Are you interested in playing a role or something? As the vice president of the drama club, I can tell Suzuki-san."

"Oh, speaking of which, I plan to write a script myself! It will definitely be a more touching and resonant love story than "Romeo and Juliet."

Shotaro Mukai applauded immediately after hearing this: "Okay! To be honest, I have some experience in love stage dramas!"

Suzuki Sonoko immediately consulted and prepared for her script. Miss Suzuki has always been a do-it-yourself character.

The three drama club members have already released their vice president. Since your target is Suzuki-san, there is no doubt that we are good brothers.

Noriko Amamiya looked at this situation and blinked her confused eyes. What to do?

There is actually a talented vice president in this small drama club, and the target is Yuanzi? No way...

I calculated that Ce Yumiya Noriko miscalculated on the spot.

Noriko Amamiya couldn't help but pay more attention. Since ancient times, those who were interested in Sonoko were either scumbags, murderers, dead people, or superhuman beings.

Even if Sonoko wears a hairband, she is not unattractive or ugly, but she is similar to Mouri Kogoro's character. She is good when standing quietly, but once she starts talking, people will lose their desire to pursue her.


But if he still likes her like this, it can only be Kyogoku Makoto who has discovered her shining point, or he has ulterior motives.

Shotaro Mukai and Sonoko Suzuki explained the knowledge of stage play scripts, smiling peacefully and full of patience...

No matter how you look at it, there is a problem.

Noriko Amamiya wanted to observe again, but a girl slowly walked over and said hello to her: "Long time no see, Noriko, Sonoko, good afternoon, you finally have time to come and play with our music club."

Noriko Amamiya pursed her lips and smiled quietly: "Hello, Nakajima-senpai."

Suzuki Sonoko raised her head and nodded: "Hello, Nakajima-senpai."

Nakajima Qiuye smiled and nodded in agreement, and then said with a smile to the guys in the drama club: "Ah, Noriko came to our music club to play, and several classmates in the drama club are

what do you mean?"


The vice president pretended that he was looking for Suzuki Sonoko, and the three drama club members awkwardly showed stiff smiles to the president of the music club. Although he was the president of the music club, he was not very gentle.

On the contrary, she is very strong, and she has always been the type that boys absolutely cannot like.

And he is still a third-year senior, which is enough for them to quibble.

Amamiya Noriko patted her head and said with a confused look: "Yes, Nakajima-senpai, I forgot that I came to play with your music club, I don't blame them."

Nakajima Akiha, a third-year student at Teidan High School, the president of the music club, and the eldest daughter of a wealthy family. She has a strong personality, but her etiquette is still very decent, and she has high attainments in music.

"That's it. Since Noriko has said so, I'll spare you. I won't do it again--"

Nakajima Akiba nodded towards Noriko and spoke softly, then turned into a sinister smile and tone when he turned to look at the three of them.

The three of them sat upright to show that their hearts were free of impurity, could withstand the test, and had no fear of evil spirits. They asked their seniors to let them go.

Nakajima Akiha walked to the stage with Amamiya Noriko, while Suzuki Sonoko stayed behind to discuss her script writing with the vice president of the drama club. The ultimate lovelove, ten times more moving than "Romeo and Juliet"

The above love script.

Amamiya Noriko walked in front, Nakajima Akiha turned back and glanced at the three of them, "You didn't harass me Noriko, did you?"

The three of them shook their heads in unison, feeling a tacit understanding.

Although the music club president has a strong personality, there are still many gentle girls in the music club, so we can't offend Nakajima Akiha.

Nakajima Akiha curled her lips, the drama club always had a lot of scumbags, she had to help Noriko strictly control the situation.

Turning back and continuing to walk with Noriko, Nakajima Akiha warned Noriko very seriously: "Noriko must be careful when getting along with people in the drama club."

Amamiya Noriko really didn’t know why. She was not familiar with the drama club: “Why is this?”

Nakajima Akiha picked a few examples of scumbags on the spot, and used her musical voice to describe them vividly and vividly to Noriko Amamiya.

Especially when she mentioned that there was a scumbag among them who wanted to pursue a girl from her music club, she looked even more displeased.

After listening to this, Amamiya Noriko wanted to say that this was a matter of probability, because it was true that boys with better looks were dragged to the drama club, and the difference between most handsome boys and unhandsome boys was just whether they wore makeup or not. The drama club wore makeup.

There are several boys, and it's normal for them to be more handsome and find a girlfriend, so the probability of being a bad guy is higher.

Nakajima Akiba saw that Amamiya Noriko was confused and didn't know what she was thinking. She sighed. Noriko is too naive and can be easily deceived. Fortunately, she has no idea of ​​​​love, otherwise she would have been deceived by the scumbag.


She will protect Noriko's innocence.

Amamiya Noriko didn't know that Nakajima-senpai was so interested in her. Because there were only a lot of girls in the music club, just like the drama club where boys had a higher probability of having girlfriends, she rarely came.

As for the idea of ​​protecting her innocence, Noriko Amamiya paid for her own kindergarten and was already preying on the innocence of others...

Amamiya Noriko thought about it. After walking down the stage, she saw a group of girls from the music club on the stage surrounding her. She was very warmly welcomed to the music club as a guest. There were a lot of girls with nice voices, but they were surrounded.

They formed a ball and chattered, which still made Noriko Amamiya feel a little dizzy.

"Welcome, Amemiya-san finally comes to play with us again?!"

"We have been waiting for Amamiya-senpai for a long time!"

"Amamiya-senpai, I admire you the most. Can you tell me how you get so many boys to confess to you?"

Amamiya Noriko really couldn't answer the latter question, so she could only choose some easy-to-answer topics. Why is she so popular in the music club?

On the way, she glanced at Akiha Nakajima, who was standing next to her with a happy face. Noriko Amamiya understood, you, the president, are taking the lead, right?

Another reason is that among the music club members present, there are many members of the flower arrangement club.

"Okay, okay, you guys are surrounding me like this, Amamiya-san is almost out of breath."

After hearing her words, a group of girls quickly moved aside so as not to crowd Amemiya-san.

Nakajima Akiha returned to the topic. Last time, she agreed to let Amamiya Noriko come to the music club as a guest, but she declined, saying that she would perform a performance next time to make up for it, and now it's time to pay off the debt.

Although she really likes Noriko's idea of ​​being innocent and not in love, she is also looking forward to Noriko's performance.

Noriko Amamiya was finally on the shelves. It happened that Nakajima Akiha was going to let the members of the music club perform a chorus to warm up. After asking Amamiya Noriko if she could play the piano, she let her play the piano.


Amamiya Noriko looked at the piano score and found that it was not difficult. The relatively simple "Snow Flower" could be considered a popular type.

"Then please leave it to Noriko."

Nakajima Akiha also went over to prepare a duet with her members. She was still the lead singer, and the music was left to Amamiya Noriko.

Amamiya Noriko nodded her head and smiled at them, a sincere and encouraging smile, revealing a few white and smooth teeth. Her sweet smile made people feel like the spring breeze was blowing on her face, and she stared at them with bright eyes: "Come on, everyone."

"oh oh!"

A girl with an out-of-character personality took the opportunity to speak out: "Even if we are both girls, we can't help but fall in love with Amamiya-san because of this smile!"

Noriko Amamiya tilted her head, does this count?

No matter, if you dare to come, dare to refuse.

What tone of voice is better? If they are girls, would using a softer tone look artificial?

However, I usually use a tough tone to deal with gangsters and the like. Girls should be gentler.

It's better to look more innocent and cute, ahem.

Amamiya Noriko buried her head behind the piano score and said in a small voice: "Well, well, thank you very much for liking it, but we can't do it..."

After a long absence, the system prompt actually sounded.

Prompt power 1, we have gone further and further on the road of using great force to produce miracles.

The system's judgment is that a confession must have a certain degree of genuine intention. Only if it is rejected will it be effective. Mechanical or joking confessions will be invalid. If you reject it, there will be no system prompt.

However, the requirements for the level of affection are actually not very high. If I use Sonoko to prove it, when I confessed, I thought about the scene of Noriko becoming my girlfriend if she really accepted the confession. It was so tempting.

Even if Amamiya Noriko refuses, it will count.

That girl really wants to be her girlfriend.

Noriko Amamiya declined with shyness, "I'm sorry, I am on a journey and a sea of ​​stars."


But after she buried her head, she found that it had become quiet there. When she looked behind the piano, she saw them laughing again, including the girl who confessed, and more than a dozen girls laughed like bells.

Echoes in the Activity Center.

"Oh my god, Amamiya-san is responding seriously!"

"So cute!"

"I was so sad when I was rejected, but I saw Amamiya-san's very cute appearance!"

Nakajima Akiha’s eyes are twinkling and cute.

Noriko Amamiya: "..."

Don't do this, I'll be really shy.

This chapter has been completed!
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