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027 Candy

"Who wants to go shopping with you? I'm leaving first."

After saying these words, Suzuki Sonoko ran away. Really, she just asked someone to go shopping when they just met...

Hanyu Qing'an looked confused and turned to look at Yuzi, "Did you make Sister Sonoko angry?"

Yuzi looked innocent, "No, Yuzi is very good."

"Did I offend her?"

Yuzu nodded.

"..." Hanyu Qing'an scratched his head.

His stomach growled, and Hanyu Qing'an looked up and realized that it was already dark. He remembered that he hadn't had dinner yet, but...it was getting dark too fast.

Huh? Wait, it doesn’t seem safe to let a little girl go home by herself so late, right?

Thinking of this, Hanyu Qing'an stood up, opened the drawer of the chest of drawers by the door, grabbed a handful of candies in his pocket, stuffed one into his mouth, and left in a hurry.

"Yuzi, you turn on the TV first and learn to read. I'll go and see your sister Sonoko off."

Yuzi stood up and went to the drawer furtively when she was startled by Hanyu Qingan's voice coming from the corridor, and quickly responded: "Okay~"

"Also, don't eat candies secretly at night, or you may damage your teeth."

Yuzi looked at the colorful candies in her hand and reluctantly put them back, tears of disappointment left at the corner of her mouth.

When Hanyu Qingan ran downstairs, there was no sign of Suzuki Sonoko. He didn't know the direction of Suzuki Sonoko's house. He stood on the roadside and looked around for a long time under the light of the street lamp, wondering which passerby on the road was looking at him.


"What are you doing?"

"Looking for someone." Suddenly being tapped on the shoulder, Hanyu Qing'an subconsciously replied. When he turned around and looked, it was Suzuki Sonoko he was looking for.

"It's late at night, who are you looking for here?"

"I'm looking for you." Hanyu Qing'an blurted out without thinking.

The unexpected words made Suzuki Sonoko's face heat up. She turned her head uncomfortably and straightened her hair, "Why are you looking for me?"

"It's quite dark. It's not safe for a girl like you to go home by yourself, so I planned to send you back. But after I came down, I couldn't find you for a long time."

"Oh..." Suzuki Sonoko put the heel of one foot on the ground and swayed restlessly, "I went to Xiaolan's house and said a few words to her."

"Well, then I'll take a taxi and take you back." Hanyu Qing'an's words were a little unclear.

"No, I want to walk back. It's not too far anyway." Suzuki Sonoko clasped her hands behind her back, tossed her hair, turned around and left. Hanyu Qing'an could only follow.

"By the way, are you eating something?" Suzuki Sonoko stared at him strangely.

"Candy." Hanyu Qing'an took out two candies wrapped in colored paper from his pocket and asked in a teasing tone, "Do you want to eat them?"

"Eat, it's free if you don't eat." Suzuki Sonoko stretched out her hand to take it, and her fingertips passed through Hanyu Qing'an's palm. The little heat made her feel "burned".

Peel off the candy wrapper and put it in your mouth. It tastes sour and sweet, and your cheeks feel sore and numb.

"Well, it's so sour~" Suzuki Sonoko covered her face and shouted vaguely, "How can you, a grown man, eat such a child's food?"

"I bought these for grapefruit. I picked up a few. Children like this kind of colorful, sour and sweet things. I guess eating sugar can directly bring happiness. I don't usually eat sugar.

Yes, as you get older, you won’t be able to feel happiness from eating sweets.”

Suzuki Sonoko curled her lips, "How old are you? You just say you are old and look old-fashioned."

"Almost thirty."

"What does it mean to be almost thirty? Twenty-one is also called almost thirty."

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, "Twenty-nine."

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko looked strange and looked at Hanyu Kiyosu's face, "Are you really that old?"

Hanyu Qing'an was stunned for a moment when he was asked, and then he remembered that it was indeed not the case now, but he had already said it, so he didn't bother to correct it again. There was nothing wrong with his mental age, "Really."

Suzuki Sonoko keenly caught the changes in his expression and felt that there was something wrong. He did it on purpose. Why didn't he just say it if he didn't want to say it? Why were he making it up?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Suzuki Sonoko snorted, stopped talking, and walked faster.

A girl's changeable thoughts would make her scratch her head even if she came to God. Naturally, Hanyu Qing'an couldn't see through what Suzuki Sonoko was thinking. He only felt that women's hearts were as deep as the bottom of their hearts, and so were girls.


A cry broke the silence between the two of them. Suzuki Sonoko stopped and looked at Hanyu Kiyosu. The latter was not embarrassed and explained calmly: "I haven't eaten yet tonight. I'm just kidding."

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly asked, "Is that why you eat sweets?"


Suzuki Sonoko looked at the candy wrappers in her hands, there were two.

Uh, I accidentally ate it all by myself...

She raised her head and looked around. She walked this road often. She was very familiar with the scenery of the entire road, the surrounding shops, and all kinds of people.

"If we walk further, there is a snack shop that should still be open. Their red bean daifuku is delicious. Didn't you say you want to treat me to a meal? That's it. I happen to want to eat it too."

"How can this be done? I agreed to treat you to a big meal as a thank you."

Suzuki Sonoko stamped her feet, her little leather shoes making a clicking sound on the sidewalk tiles, "It's okay if I say yes, I'm the one being invited to eat, can't I still make the decision?"

Hanyu Qing'an could only nod, "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

Listen to you...

Suzuki Sonoko felt that these words made people feel inexplicably panicked. She lowered her head and looked at her left and right feet. Two small leather shoes appeared alternately in front of her eyes. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of two leather shoes with completely different styles.

Doing the same reciprocating motion.

The rhythms are a little inconsistent and messy, and then they gradually become consistent.

Listening to the overlapping sounds of two different shoes on the floor tiles, Suzuki Sonoko felt much more comfortable.

Suddenly, her arm was pulled, and Suzuki Sonoko looked up in a panic, only to see Hanyu Qingan frowning and pulling her towards him.

What is he going to do?

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned, didn't make any reaction, and didn't know what to do.

"Be careful with the car."

With these words, Suzuki Sonoko felt the surroundings suddenly light up, and the light source came from behind, but soon, the light source whizzed past, leaving behind the roar of the engine.

"Are there so many racing cars at night here in Tokyo?" This is the second time Hanyu Kiyosu has seen it since he moved here, and it's not the same car.

"Ah? What did you say?" Suzuki Sonoko felt that her mind seemed a little slow and she could not understand the current situation at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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