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142 Extinguishing [Burning Demon] (Bai Meng

Everyone was shocked.

Zhang Guangmu said: "It's getting late, so don't go back."

"Come to me!"

The tone was normal, but the content of what he said made people feel a little panicked.

After hearing Zhang Guangmu's words, someone finally realized something was wrong.

“It’s so quiet!”

"Why is it so quiet all of a sudden? There were sounds of snoring, grinding teeth, and talking in sleep just now!"

"Yeah... the dogs on the street next door were barking happily just now, but now you can't hear them anymore..."

"What is this sound? It feels like a child is crying..."

"Damn it, it smells like blood!"


"Everyone, wake up, stop sleeping!"

"Run! Run!"

"Run away, aren't you stupid? It's safe to stay with the scholar. He has great righteousness!"

When people are in a critical moment, they will always subconsciously rely on the strongest person in their field of vision.

Zhang Guangmu, who told them stories about monsters and monsters for a long time, still maintained a calm posture without changing color even when everyone was cowardly. With this look, he naturally became the "strong man" in everyone's eyes.



Miao Zhi, who was listening carefully, had a complicated expression on his face and his facial muscles twitched slightly.

After listening to so many stories from Zhang Guangmu, if he understood correctly...

The so-called "haoran righteousness" is not a mysterious power to protect the body at all. It just means that "with enough knowledge and experience, one can develop an upright and upright aura, and when encountering monsters, one can deal with them rationally and calmly, and make the right decisions."

Judgment and Response”.

That is to say...

If Zhang Guangmu couldn't tell what the demon was in the first place, his awe-inspiring righteousness would only make his death look better.


A scream came from the crowd.

Everyone looked around, only to see a dark afterimage flash past.

A handful of blood spilled into the air.

The strong smell of blood spread among the crowd.

Because of the movement at You'an Inn, the residents in the nearby streets also woke up one by one.

The residents of this small town opened their eyes and let out shrill wails one after another.

Someone found that his wife turned into ashes silently...

Some people find that they become orphans when they wake up...

Some people find that they want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person...

Zhang Guangmu, who had not slept for nearly two days and two nights, had a greenish look on his face, but he did not look like he was about to die suddenly, and his eyes sparkled with crystal light.

"The devil is afraid of power but not moral."

Zhang Guangmu's brain started to spin rapidly, and his voice was clear: "There are obviously more than one kind of demons causing trouble in this small town!"

"You must use thunderous means to quickly eliminate one of them before you can find the secret to restraining it and frighten the rest!"

"Everyone, come closer to me first!"

Even if you say this, not everyone will listen.

Even among the guards who listened to him telling stories for most of the night on the second floor of You'an Inn, only half of them were moving closer to him.

The other half fell into a state of confusion in fear, murmuring unconsciously, and didn't even know where they were running.

At this time, anyone running outside will basically end up dead.

People die one by one, and their methods of death are different.

Some were hiding and running around, but suddenly they evaporated and turned into a ball of blood.

Some try to hide in hidden corners, and suddenly burn out of their bodies and turn into a handful of ashes.

"So far, I have discovered two types of monsters recorded in books."

Zhang Guangmu's expression was calm, and there was no look of fear on his face that was common on the faces of the guards and townspeople: "One of them is the [Demon in the Night], and the other is the [Burning Demon]."

Having said this, Zhang Guangmu separated from the crowd and walked quickly towards the bottom of You'an Inn.

"Actually... these two kinds of monsters, in my opinion, are very easy to deal with."

"Like other demons, whether it is a night demon or a burning demon, there are fatal flaws and flaws, and... there are more than one."

Zhang Guangmu said in a deep voice: "In order to save time and save more people, I'll talk as I walk!"

"Everyone, follow up!"

"As we go, I'll teach you how to deal with these things!"

Not long after, Zhang Guangmu led everyone to the street in front of You'an Inn.

He sat cross-legged on the spot and spoke in a short but calm tone without any impetuousness: "The demon in the night looks like a dandelion. It can float in the air and fly. It has two eyes and moves very fast. It is bloodthirsty by nature and likes to kill."

"The way to deal with them is easy!"

“And, there are many kinds!”

"The first is to use oil paper to cover the front of the body. Any object made of oil paper can easily block the monster in the night."

"The demon in the night cannot break through the defense of oil paper."

"If you have an oil-paper umbrella on hand, you can open it to protect yourself. If you encounter a window covered with oil paper, you can also use it as a barrier."

When Miao Zhi heard this, he subconsciously clenched the book in his hand, thinking a lot in his heart.

Although the stories about monsters that Zhang Guangmu told before were very interesting, they did not have many methods to deal with monsters. They basically just told everyone how to behave in the world and how important it is to stay calm and rational when facing monsters.

This time, Zhang Guangmu went straight to the practical stuff.

Oil paper...

If I could get some oil and saturate this book, wouldn't it be possible to ward off some kind of demon?


What about the other one?

That, the so-called Burning Demon, how should we deal with it?

Miao Zhi gritted his teeth, frowned, and followed Zhang Guangmu closely.

"Another way to deal with [Night Demons] is to look them in the eye!"

Zhang Guangmu did not tell what Miao Zhi wanted to hear, but explained an easier way to deal with the monsters in the night: "As long as you lock them with your sight, they will fall into a frozen state and cannot move easily."

At this point, everyone knew what to do.

With Zhang Guangmu as the center, they formed a group of three or four, back to back, trying to open their eyes, fearing that they would be killed by the demon if they blinked.

"As for [Burning Demon], it's easier to deal with."

Zhang Guangmu's eyes flickered, and he noticed the eerie blue demonic flames shining endlessly in the dark night.

People kept being burned to ashes and died on the spot.

Zhang Guangmu took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and insisted loudly: "As long as you don't make a sound, they won't notice you!"

This is obviously seeking death.

You know you shouldn't speak, but you still keep talking here. If the demon doesn't kill him, which one will he kill?

A mass of iron sand-like material floated in the air. It was originally integrated with the night, but it continued to hunt and burn the creatures that made vibrations and sounds.

Now, everyone knew to remain silent, but Zhang Guangmu was still speaking, and the Burning Demon, which looked like iron sand, rushed towards him in an instant.


The book in Zhang Guangmu's hand suddenly burst into flames and burned up in an instant.


His body was not harmed at all.

On the contrary, all the burning demons that touched him disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Guangmu blinked, his heart as steady as an old dog, knowing that this was the life-saving golden finger arranged by the director for him as the protagonist of the plot, and it took effect, but there was a just right look of surprise on his face.

This behavior seems to be doubtful about his own survival.


Only Xiaobai Tuanzi floating in the air and the production crew were in the mood to pay attention to Zhang Guangmu's expression.

Everyone at the scene, whether they were his guards or the townspeople who had gathered together to save their lives, were shivering and trying to keep themselves warm, trying to warn themselves not to blink or make a sound.

The jade pendant hanging on Zhang Guangmu's waist suddenly vibrated slightly.

The vibration was subtle, but he was keenly aware of it.

Zhang Guangmu immediately lowered his head, glanced at the jade pendant on his body, then grabbed it from his belt and held it in his palm.

"Everyone did a great job."

"As long as you don't speak and your movements are as small as possible, you won't attract the attention of the burning demons and won't attract their attacks!"

Zhang Guangmu, who had read the script of "The World Knows", already knew the function of the evil-suppressing pendant and the extent to which it could be achieved.

What is the purpose and main effect of the director's design of this thing, but the problem is...

He had to act uninformed.

At least, in front of the audience, Zhang Guangmu needs to show bit by bit how he made the Zhenxie Pei recognize its master, when he discovered the strangeness of the Zhenxie Pei, and how he gradually explored its potential.

The good news is…

Now, the two most troublesome levels are over.

Although everyone is not quite able to understand what Zhang Guangmu's situation is and why he can force Lai Lai to death, but this does not prevent everyone from listening to what he says and doing it.

At this critical moment of life and death, it is really rare to have a guy who has the courage to speak out and take responsibility!

Although Miao Zhi had great ambitions, at this time, he did not dare to imitate Zhang Guangmu.

He didn't even dare to turn his neck to look at Zhang Guangmu, for fear that the slight sound he would make by turning his neck would attract the demon and kill him.

As for the one who will be targeted for killing because of the sound, it doesn't matter whether it is called the Burning Demon or the Night Demon.

Miao Zhi didn't care about those things at all.

He was sitting back-to-back on the street with a few guys he didn't know he knew, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle. His heart was beating wildly, and his breathing became very rapid, as if he wanted to breathe out his lungs.


Cold sweat flowed down his forehead. Miao Zhi's thoughts were confused and he felt like his brain was in a mess.

At this moment, he even began to wonder if it was because he wanted to change his destiny so much and live a better life that he suffered such a life and death ordeal.

If we could be content with the status quo and not pursue anything deliberately, would we be able to live a peaceful life?

Perhaps, the nightmare I encountered tonight was caused by me?

Miao Zhi's thoughts were flying, and fear suddenly arose in his heart. If the demon that requires sight to be locked floated over from directly above his head, wouldn't it be certain that he would die?


He soon noticed that there was a man leaning against the wall of You'an Inn, looking up at the sky.

It’s Zhang Guangmu!

Miao Zhi later realized that in fact, as long as two people stood facing each other and looked at each other's backs, they could guarantee that they would not be killed by the monster in the night!

Zhang Guangmu...

What he did was reasonable and correct!

Back to back or something...

It’s just a waste of manpower!

Miao Zhi opened his mouth, but then thought that he could not make any sound now, so he immediately closed his mouth and remained silent, not daring to say a word.




Balls of bright blue flames bloomed between Zhang Guangmu's fingers, but they did not hurt him at all.

Miao Zhi's pupils dilated slightly.

He noticed that Zhang Guangmu was not leaning against the wall and doing nothing.

This scholar who made him feel extraordinary from the first time they met was truly extraordinary!

When everyone was trembling and huddled together, Zhang Guangmu was still knocking on the wall, actively attracting the Burning Demon's attack!

The current situation is...

Faced with the attacks of countless burning demons, Zhang Guangmu managed to survive without any damage.

Ball after ball of demonic green blue flames lingered between his fingers, but they could not even burn his sleeves, only wisps of white smoke came out.

This is no longer a matter of courage!

Zhang Guangmu is a strange person who has truly mastered the power of subduing demons and eliminating demons!

Even those from the Second Department of Subduing Demons and Subduing Demons may not be able to do this...

No, it is definitely impossible!

Otherwise, it would not be about subduing demons and subjugating demons, but slaying demons and exterminating demons.

You can get some clues from the name.

Miao Zhi noticed that the beating frequency of the green blue flames between Zhang Guangmu's fingers gradually decreased, and in the end, there was no longer any light.


Maybe it means that Zhang Guangmu has eliminated all the [Burning Demons] in this town!

Miao Zhi's heart was beating wildly, he licked his lips and said in a voiceless voice: "God!"

"He is a god!"

Everyone followed Miao Zhi's gaze and locked their eyes on Zhang Guangmu.

(18,000 words updated today)

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