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143 Immortal Guangmu! Walk in reincarnation!

I don't know when the haze in the sky has completely dissipated.

The bright moon and stars shine in the sky, complementing each other and coating the earth with a layer of silver.

Although it was late at night, the subconscious actors, who had not been given the negative state of "night blindness" by the director, could still clearly see Zhang Guangmu's current appearance.

That calm and calm posture, in the dark night, is elegant and powerful.

Like a banished immortal descended from the nine heavens to the mortal world, he is free and uninhibited, making people yearn for him.


In fact, when the demon was making trouble just now, some people had already seen Zhang Guangmu's actions.

He is deliberately making noise to attract those burning demons to him!

Everyone knows by now that as long as a normal human being makes a sound, he will be selected as a killing target by the Burning Demon and burned to ashes in an instant!

But Zhang Guangmu...

The "death condition" was clearly triggered, but he was still alive and well.

He seemed to have an invisible protective film on his body that was impervious to all evil.

In fact, any demon that touches him will be annihilated on the spot and disappear completely.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone and became ironclad evidence of "gods subduing demons and slaying demons"!

The little white dumplings floating in the air were excitedly discussing the scene just now.

"Slay demons and demons! Fly so handsomely!"

"Is that jade pendant taking effect?"

"In other words, Zhang Guangmu probably didn't know the function of this thing at first, but he still left the way of survival he knew to others..."

"Huh... I was quite worried at first. I was afraid that Mu Zai's first starring role would break his subconscious mind. But now it seems that he is still the second generation Chang He that he was when he was filming "Endless Food Bag"."

"Sacrifice yourself to save the world..."

"People will change, but at least for now, Zhang Guangmu has not changed!"

"By the way, if Mu Mu hadn't been efficient enough and led a group of people on the road overnight, under normal circumstances, by the time he got here, Dongmang Town would have been wiped out by demons, right?"

"I feel like this plot development is not quite right. It's different from what I thought!"

"There is a saying. I originally thought that this was the disciples who traveled around the world, gave lectures and recruited disciples, and brought their reputation to the capital. But now...this is the plan for Jesus to recruit disciples and the coming of the Holy Son?":.

"Hoo ho ho, it feels interesting!"

The little white dumplings were able to quickly regain their composure, because they would not be harmed by the monster after all. After seeing the monster's true form, they felt less scary than the pair of weird evil eyes they saw in the darkness last night.

On the other hand, the people in Dongmang Town, in addition to being frightened after the disaster, were obviously much slower in regaining their sanity.

Judging from the evil spirit of the demon, if Zhang Guangmu hadn't beaten him to pieces, how could he have given up on these helpless humans for no reason?

Most people are a little confused about the idea of ​​"gods descending to the mortal world", and even monks with two feet are at a loss to understand it.

There are very few people who can still pay attention to Zhang Guangmu in the moment of life and death.

It's just that this group of people swore to use their lives and ancestors as guarantees, saying that they saw Zhang Guangmu kill all the monsters one by one!

There are many scoundrels who swear by themselves, but even a green-skinned hob can never swear by the reputation of their ancestors casually. After all, when people enter the world, they either pay attention to credibility or loyalty.

People who don't have these two points will not be able to survive in this Daqian Dynasty.

"Zhang Guangmu is a god who has descended into the mortal world!"

"The Zhang family scholar is a god!"

"Come and meet the immortal. I saw this immortal slaying demons and demons with my own eyes. I will never admit his mistake!"

After hearing the oaths of this group of people, some of the indigenous townspeople who originally thought they were disaster stars and broom stars, instantly lost their anger.

Many people even kowtowed on the spot and prayed to Zhang Guangmu.

They hope that this "god" can resurrect their relatives and friends/give themselves immortality/accept them as their disciples.

The crowd was chattering and chattering incessantly, making it impossible to hear what they were talking about.

Zhang Guangmu didn't take it seriously and didn't show any anger or impatience.

If you put yourself in their shoes, you can understand what these people think.

Originally, the residents of this small town had nothing to do and lived a good life.

Only a few people died every now and then in the town, and the general environment was still stable.

However, a group of outsiders headed by Zhang Guangmu had not even spent a day in the town when such a tragic incident occurred in the town.

There is nowhere to vent the fear and resentment in my heart, and I am always looking for someone to take the blame.

The residents of Dongmang Town subconsciously wanted to blame Zhang Guangmu and others.


The people who swear that Zhang Guangmu is a god are not only the guards around him, but also many townspeople who have lived in the town all their lives.

Even the few scholars who traveled to Dongmang Town seemed to say the same thing.

It's not like they are just following what others say or hearsay, each and every one of them swears by it, as if they have witnessed with their own eyes Zhang Guangmu's thunderous method of slaying demons.

If everyone agrees, there is nothing to worry about.

No matter how preconceived and convinced that there are only monsters and no gods in this world, when thinking of Zhang Guangmu's calm and calm demeanor before, he still feels a little unsteady.

"Everyone, please go back to sleep."

"I'll suppress the remaining demons first."

"We will deal with the rest during the day tomorrow."

Zhang Guangmu spoke and immediately took action.

He walked towards the night monsters who were fixed by his "sight".

There is no individual difference in the monsters in the night. They look like they are produced in an assembly line factory. They are all the same size.

From the outside, it looks like an enlarged version of a dandelion. There is no dandelion stalk, only a furry head with a pair of evil green pupils in the center. The snow-white hair is stained with the blood of the deceased.

These fluffs don't seem to be stained by blood.

Drops of dark red blood fell along the night demon's snow-white fur, slid down, and fell to the ground, falling into bright red water splashes.

Zhang Guangmu came to a night demon.

The survivors at the scene immediately held their breath.

"Chief Immortal, be careful!"

"How about we go over together and help?"

"Go away! If you want to go, you can go, but I won't go!"

"I'm afraid, if you go over and help the Immortal Chief, if something happens to him, we won't have anyone to protect us!"

"You're afraid of me, but you're not afraid of me anymore? Fuck your grandma! Bah! What a shameless thing!"

The surviving residents of Dongmang Town were shivering.

They stared at Zhang Guangmu intently. Even if something came to his lips, they would either swallow it back or lower their voices as if they were whispering.

If nothing else, at least Zhang Guangmu is really brave!

Others avoid monsters. Even when faced with a monster that has been cast a "body-holding technique", they hide as far away as possible, fearing that they will be tainted with even a little bit of the monster's aura and be in bad luck.

How could anyone, like him, dare to get close to someone who is obviously a mortal body?

Oh no!

If he is really a god, then he cannot be described by the words "mortal body".

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Guangmu looked up and down at the mutated dandelion-like night demon.

Having stayed up for two consecutive nights and only caught up on two hours of sleep in a hurry, Zhang Guangmu now felt that his body was still a little weak, which was completely different from his usual state of full energy and energy.

Based on his previous experience in suppressing and containing burning demons, Zhang Guangmu judged that as long as he carries the evil-suppressing pendant, he can put it into the evil-suppressing pendant no matter which part of his body he touches the demon with.


Judging from the situation, this evil-suppressing pendant does not seem to be something with "endless energy".

Zhang Guangmu discovered that as long as he used the evil-suppressing pendant to suppress and contain demons, the color of the jade pendant would become lighter.

Perhaps when it turns completely white or transparent, this jade pendant will lose its function.

This is normal and very reasonable. It is a feature of the series of films directed by Xu Qianqiu.

The golden finger given to the protagonist to save his life not only has a single function, but also has many restrictions.

To be honest, Zhang Guangmu feels that the [Evil-Suppressing Pendant] and the [Black Jade Bracelet] (Xuanlong Empire) can make full use of more than 99% of the energy within the range of normal human cognition, such as light energy, heat energy, electric energy, radiation energy, etc.

Compared with the "personal terminal" (one for each citizen), it is obviously inferior.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Guangmu has been secretly studying the various properties of this thing since he entered the world of "Tian Xia Zhi". Although it was the first time he used it tonight, combined with the information obtained from previous observations and analysis, he soon

Through the process of elimination, the charging method of the Evil Suppression Pendant was found.

It does not require heat energy emitted by the human body and does not rely on solar energy to operate.

Its energy seems to come from...

human emotions.

Zhang Guangmu originally thought it was "gratitude", but later he discovered that it was not the case.

As long as it is a human being who is not too far away from you, whether it is fear, pain, joy or any other emotion, as long as it is strong enough, it can provide energy for the Evil Suppression Pendant.


When the emotional target of these human beings is themselves, the charging effect becomes more obvious!

In the world of "Tian Xia Zhi", it is enough.

Anyway, after reading the script, Zhang Guangmu knew that he did not need to face weapons with lethality of artillery level or above.

In this way, there is so much maneuverability!

Zhang Guangmu has at least ten or more "Evil Suppressing Pendant Development Plans" in his mind. If you pick any one at random, they will all have different independent painting styles.

As for which golden finger development method to choose, Zhang Guangmu has vaguely made up his mind and plans to choose the one that best fits the world view and style of "Tian Xia Zhi".

At this moment, because he could clearly feel the emptiness under his feet while walking, Zhang Guangmu did not waste too much time and energy on observation. He just reached out his hand on the spot and patted the night demon lightly.


A monster as big as a human head, a monster in the night that had just killed countless innocent people, was just slapped away by Zhang Guangmu!

After bringing a night demon into the Zhenxie Perry, Zhang Guangmu's mind seemed to have another self starting to speak.

【Tonight, I discovered the secret of the "Evil-Suppressing Pendant". 】

[This jade pendant can help me suppress evil spirits! No monsters or monsters can harm me!]

[So, I immediately used it and saved the lives of most of the residents of the town!]

[Thinking about it carefully, I feel a little scared.]

[If I and the group of rangers around me had not walked slowly and hurriedly all night...]

[By the time I get to this place, the residents of Dongmang Town will probably have been killed by demons!]

[When I was young, I, Zhang Guangmu, determined to bring peace to the world!]

[Saving the common people in Dawn means starting from small things, bit by bit. Along the way... I will do my best to save more people! 】

Zhang Guangmu nodded slightly.

The script prompts are very good and very consistent with my own wishes.

Maybe the focus of the field control team's foreshadowing was just the last sentence to save more people.

Xu Qianqiu's production team and Zhou Mo's production team have completely different styles.

If the latter is orderly evil, then the former is a typical orderly good.

Even if it was a "voice", he was so kind, for fear that the audience would feel that the control team gave too many reminders, and all the nannies in the audience were taking care of the baby.

What does this script hint mean? What role does it play in the entire play?

In fact, it reminds the protagonist of the plot [the scholar who is rushing to take the exam] to take the initiative to do something, harvest the emotions of others, and use it to "charge" the Evil Suppression Pendant.

However, Zhang Guangmu had already started doing this.


What he was going to do was a little more extreme than the control team and director expected.

Recalling Zhou Mo, Zhang Guangmu sighed inwardly that he had never worked with a chaotic and evil director.

I feel that everyone is relatively reserved and no one really lets himself go.

Otherwise, it would be interesting to fight in a "Heavenly Way" with the attribute of "Chaotic Evil", right?

Thinking of this, Zhang Guangmu collected his thoughts, scanned the town, and found that there were still many night monsters still alive.

Since you have the ability to kill all the monsters and monsters in sight, then go ahead and do it!


Another slap passed by.

A [Night Demon] was suppressed and contained in the Evil Suppression Pendant.

Although these things seem to have the ability to fly, they actually only float at a height of about 1.78 meters above the ground.

So Zhang Guangmu doesn’t need to move a ladder to “catch monsters”.

Otherwise, the fashion value will drop instantly.

The key to appearing holy in front of others is to have a high style and be handsome!

What the hell is climbing a ladder!


With no need to worry about the energy supply of the Evil Suppression Pendant for the time being, the originally tense and exciting battle, in Zhang Guangmu's view, has completely turned into a mechanized move of bricks.

Zhang Guangmu felt like he was in an assembly line factory, slapping the night demon one after another.

It didn't take long for him to collect all the two monsters that were ravaging the town into the evil-suppressing pendant.

In fact, there are not many. There are half and half of the burning demons and half demons in the night, so there are only fifty in total.

In the eyes of everyone at the scene, it was the immortal Zhang Guangmu who used his methods to slay demons and eliminate demons, causing the souls of evil spirits who harmed people to fly away and completely dissipate into the void!

No one doubts Zhang Guangmu's ability and origins anymore.

after all……

So many people in the small town died without any resistance. It was obviously the devil's trick.

Which guy who pretends to be a ghost can make the demon cooperate?


Just use your brain a little and think about it.

Instead of questioning without hesitation, it is better to kneel down and worship the gods immediately to see if you can pray for any blessing.

"The gods will bless me with a fortune!"

"My God, I want to marry a beautiful wife!"

"I want to have three sons and inherit the family fortune!"

"Please God, let my You'an Inn open throughout Daqian!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Brother, please resurrect my father and mother..."

The group of people gathered around Zhang Guangmu, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing loudly.

The sound is really crisp.

Some people had their foreheads bleeding.

But Zhang Guangmu is not a true god and cannot fulfill their wishes.

It's just that at this time, if you really subconsciously deny the fairy's statement, it is very likely to cause other troubles.

Enmity turns into enmity, kindness becomes enmity while enmity rises...

There are too many quotations from sages who are flower growers repeatedly telling Zhang Guangmu that human nature can be trusted, but not completely.

Guys who often test their humanity usually end up overturning violently.

In the process of extending grace, dignity is also an indispensable and important thing.


At this time, you should deal with it in other ways.

"Everyone, get up."

Zhang Guangmu made a flat body gesture: "Burning incense and worshiping me is useless."

In fact, he still had a lot to say, but it was a pity that these survivors who were frightened by the demon could not listen to his words at all, and only regarded him as their spiritual sustenance.

It's like a drowning man who sees a straw floating on the water and reaches out desperately to catch it in his palm.

Unfortunately, straw is not a lifebuoy after all. It cannot save them from drowning, and they may even be dragged into the water together.

"Zhang...Zhang Shenxian! Can you resurrect my cousin?"

A relatively familiar man came to Zhang Guangmu's side, with his head lowered, his eyes full of tears, his whole body trembling, and even his voice was trembling: "He is also your guard...one of the entourage."

"Although we rangers are all licking blood with our swords, I brought him out and there is no way I can take him back..."

"I don't even know how to deal with his parents..."

Zhang Guangmu actually wanted to reply directly to the other party: "Look on the bright side, maybe when you return home, you will find that everyone in your hometown is dead."

After all, this statement makes perfect sense based on pure logic.

Everyone in his hometown is dead, which means that this guard no longer needs to worry about the death of his cousin.

Moreover, where in the Daqian Dynasty were there no demons causing trouble?

Except for the capital city, which is under the emperor's feet and is suppressed by the Demon Subduing Division, the people in other places are just like grassroots and will die at the drop of a hat.


Zhang Guangmu finally relented.

He gave up on the response plan he had prepared and chose a completely new path.

Feeling the expectant looks of these people, Zhang Guangmu sighed.

He calmly held the Zhenxie Pendant in his palm and immediately raised his right fist high.



A ball of orchid ghost fire shone intermittently on his right hand.

In essence, this operation uses the function of the evil-suppressing pendant to continuously release and retract the [Burning Demon], forcibly adding a layer of special effects to oneself.

Seeing this scene, some people who had stood up fell to their knees with a thud, their whole bodies weak.

Everyone present immediately held their breath, stopped speaking casually, and listened quietly to Zhang Guangmu's eloquent remarks.

"Everyone who died here today has been sent to the underworld for reincarnation by my magical power."

Speaking of this, Zhang Guangmu emphasized in a faint tone: "In other words, everyone who dies here will be reincarnated into a wealthy family in the next life, and enjoy all the glory and wealth in the world."

"I am a god, I shouldn't have said these words."

"Just remember it and don't spread it randomly."

Zhang Guangmu's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he glanced over the crowd, taking in all the various behaviors of these survivors.

Surprises, gratitude, panic, numbness, and even evil thoughts...

There are all kinds of things in the world.

After focusing on the two people with strange expressions and eyes that made him feel uncomfortable, Zhang Guangmu just silently remembered their looks.

"These two guys..."

Zhang Guangmu raised his eyebrows and said in a voice as loud as a mosquito, "Are you planning to repay kindness with hatred?"

If you don’t ask for anything in return for saving your life, you should at least give a better expression or eye feedback, right?

That greedy and cruel expression clearly shows that he is not a serious person.

At this time, there were a few maverick little white dumplings jumping around in the air, chirping to remind Zhang Guangmu, so he pretended to look away casually.

Zhang Guangmu noticed from the corner of his eye that it turned out...

In addition to the two strangers with strange eyes, one of the "own people" from his hometown also looked at him with obvious murderous intent.

After putting the three people on the blacklist, Zhang Guangmu clasped his hands upside down with one hand in front of his body, and slowly walked back to You'an Inn.

While going up to the second floor of You'an Inn, Zhang Guangmu couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Five of the guards who came out from the same small town at the same time died.

Among them was the short, dark man, Tang Hua.

The green-skinned man who once wanted to slap Zhang Guangmu to vent his anger, the fake bully who was rolled all over the floor with a poke, is dead.

Under the erosion of the Burning Demon, he turned into a ball of ashes.

And Miao Zhi...

Zhang Guangmu originally felt that the knight-errant was quite good, he had always been very motivated, and was very dedicated to reading and studying...

Although this person is still alive, he is one of the three or two people who looked strange just now.

Zhang Guangmu was able to determine from the information obtained from Xiaobai Tuan that Miao Zhi did not notice the action of using the evil-suppressing pendant, so it should not be for the sake of wealth.

At that moment, the sinister expression and the resentment in his eyes made Zhang Guangmu suddenly realize...

Miao Zhi is a person you cannot have close friendship with!

Or just kick him out of the team!

Or you have to find a way to kill him!

Although Zhang Guangmu has been the boss several times, although the time has not been too long, Zhang Guangmu has also made gradual progress.

The accumulated practical experience made Zhang Guangmu gradually understand the importance of purging the team.

Only by keeping the composition of the team members pure and everyone having the same goal can we go hand in hand and reach the end!

A team that is constantly at odds with each other will not last long!

"Every man is innocent, but he is guilty of carrying a jade."

Zhang Guangmu shook his head and muttered these words softly, then locked the doors and windows, took out "one" of the burning demon he had just caught from his evil-suppressing pendant, and placed it on the bedside.

Then he lay down on the bed without even taking off his clothes and began to sleep.

Perhaps it was because he stayed up two long nights, didn't catch up on his sleep for long, and experienced a chaotic fight. Zhang Guangmu felt that as soon as his head touched the pillow, he instantly fell into a deep sleep.

It was a very sweet sleep. When Zhang Guangmu opened his eyes, he felt his stomach growling.

The window that was originally locked had been pried open at some point.

It is now around three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is not too harsh, but the light is very bright.

Three steps away from the window, near the window, there was a ball of human-shaped ashes.

A sharp dagger also fell on the ground.

Obviously, this should be one of the three people who had murderous intentions towards Zhang Guangmu last night.

The other party pried open the window overnight. No matter what the reason was, it was not a good thing.

When the little white dumplings floating in the air saw Zhang Guangmu regaining consciousness, they started chattering among themselves.

"Mu Zai, you finally woke up!"

"Holy shit! It was so thrilling last night! Fortunately, a burning demon was missed, otherwise, the drama "The World Knows" would have had to change the protagonist!"

"You slept like a fucking pig! Did you know that you were almost killed?!"

"Of course he knows, and he has set up warning devices before going to bed..."

"There's no point in locking the windows and blocking the doors...wait! Could it be..."

"The Riddler, get out!@Class rep!"

"Come on, come on! What that friend just said probably means that the burning demon that killed the night raider was specially released by Zhang Guangmu before going to bed!" To provide you with the fastest extraordinary update starting from tearing up the script, 143

Immortal light! Guaranteed reincarnation! Free reading.:.

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