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144 As expected of you, Zhang Wei!

When someone mentioned the trap Zhang Guangmu set before going to bed, the audience, who transformed into little white dumplings, began to argue.

"No! Zhang Guangmu is so kind, and he has read books about sages since he was a child. Although he is very young, he is also a benevolent gentleman. How could he care so little about human life!

Some viewers think that Zhang Guangmu is a pure white lotus and would never do such a thing.

Someone immediately refuted it word for word.

"There are too many flaws, let me spit them out one by one!"

"First of all, you are too involved in the drama. Zhang Guangmu is a subconscious actor who lives in the Xuanlong Empire."

"Secondly, he is not a so-called gentleman in the traditional sense. He can manipulate people's hearts better than anyone else."

"Finally, what Zhang Guangmu did was not a matter of disregarding human life, it was self-defense!"

Taking this topic as a turning point, the number of viewers focusing their cameras on Zhang Guangmu is increasing.

Many young people who were originally paying attention to Tang Kaixuan and Yang Chi also changed their perspectives and came to Dongmang Town.

Some viewers think that Zhang Guangmu is a deep-thinking guy who has calculated everything well in advance.

Some viewers also felt that Zhang Guangmu's arrangement of defense was a reasonable move by a normal person.

You must know that [Burning Demon]'s death burning will only lock on the target that makes the sound.

Zhang Guangmu himself wears the Evil Suppressing Pendant, so he is not afraid of being killed by Ran Mo for making noises while talking in his sleep.

And the room was sealed off, forming a relatively airtight environment...

In other words, under normal circumstances, as long as no one suddenly breaks into Zhang Guangmu's room, the Burning Demon, which is only used as a warning, cannot harm anyone.

Zhang Guangmu didn't care about that, and even took the dagger that fell on the ground lightly and hid it close to his body.

People who pry open other people's windows late at night may have some ulterior motives, and if they feel cold, they will feel cold.

I opened the door and asked the waiter for a bowl of white porridge with pickles, a fried dough stick and a bowl of Yangchun noodles.

After eating a bowl of breakfast, which he named "Carbohydrate Trio", Zhang Guangmu wandered around the town lazily.

After comparison, he found that the person who wanted to attack him at night last night and was killed by the Burning Demon was one of the three people who had murderous intentions towards him.

He probably came here for the Evil Suppression Pendant.

It's a pity that the man was too impulsive, or was blinded by profit. He didn't find anyone to cooperate, so he rushed over overnight and lost his life.

During this process, the family of the young master of You'an Inn sent something called a "silver certificate".

It is said that his You'an Inn has been opened in many towns and villages. With this thing, you can stay in hotels wherever you go without spending half a penny.

Zhang Guangmu didn't refuse and accepted it directly, treating it as a reward for developing a hidden side plot.

After eating, Zhang Guangmu planned to return to You'an Inn and continue on the road with his guards.

But halfway through, someone suddenly stopped him.

"God! God!"

Zhang Guangmu looked around and found a young man dressed somewhat similar to himself looking at him nervously.

"What's the matter?"

Zhang Guangmu had an impression of this person.

One of the three people I specially marked before going to bed last night.

Nine times out of ten, they are the same as those who attack with broken windows and spontaneously combust at night. They come here for the evil-suppressing pendant.

The young scholar's forehead was covered with hot sweat, his breathing was obviously too heavy, and his expression was a bit ferocious.

Obviously, he was nervous.

Hearing Zhang Guangmu's voice, he grinned and walked over with a stiff smile.

"It's like this. I went to Beijing to take the exam, and I was attacked by a demon. I was certain to die, but I was saved by your Excellency."

The scholar who was rushing to take the exam spoke more fluently and gradually walked towards Zhang Guangmu: "I thought hard all night and felt that I really had nothing to repay, so I could only..."

"Kill you!"

At this point, the scholar's face suddenly became ferocious. He took out a slender iron needle that was specially polished to a sharp point from his pocket and stabbed Zhang Guangmu's neck fiercely!

There was a fierce light in his eyes, and his face was full of greed.

At this moment, the scholar in Confucian uniform who was rushing to take the exam did not look like a scholar, but more like a gambler in a casino who risked his life to continue gambling after losing money.

The momentum is decent and the determination is sufficient, but unfortunately the ability is too low.

Speed, strength, technique...

In Zhang Guangmu's eyes, they were all ridiculously weak.

Facing this attack that was full of flaws, Zhang Guangmu just turned his body slightly and hooked his left leg, deflecting the opponent's center of gravity.

The scholar who was rushing to take the exam really exerted too much force. Being pulled so lightly, his center of gravity shifted and he fell hard to the ground.


The interaction between the two attracted the attention of pedestrians on the street.

The passers-by, who were still looking sad because of the demon's troubles last night, immediately swarmed in and suppressed the students who were rushing to take the exam.

"Are you crazy?"

"He actually repaid kindness with hatred! How bad!"

"Is this scholar suffering from apathy? Why did he suddenly attack the gods?"

"This guy deserves to die!"

"Zhang Shenxian is indeed a heavenly immortal descending to the mortal world. He always looks like this... Although I don't know how to describe this one, it looks very powerful!"

A ferocious look appeared on the face of the scholar rushing to take the exam who was pinned to the ground by everyone. He struggled desperately and shouted in a low voice: "Zhang Guangmu! Immortal Zhang, I saw your secret!"

"If you don't want me to tell the secret, just ask them to let me go!"

He just wants Zhang Guangmu's evil-suppressing pendant.

It's just that he didn't think about stealing or outsmarting him. Instead, he just decided to kill and steal.

Rude, greedy, foolish, direct.

But this is exactly the scholar's subconscious mind.

If he really had his own shining points and above-average qualities, he wouldn't have been arranged by the director to be a supporting role in a map that should have been a dead town in the original plot trajectory.

At this time, Zhang Guangmu seemed to have another self talking in his mind.

[Although this scholar repays kindness with hatred and is not a good person, he is still a man of great achievements.]

[After a small punishment and a big warning, let him go. 】

Zhang Guangmu raised his eyebrows.

This script prompts...

It's so inconsistent with my own wishes.

Although I can barely justify my explanation, it is too pedantic and not enjoyable at all.

Therefore, Zhang Guangmu did not intend to listen to the field control team.

He's not a yes man.

Just do what you want. Why do you have to be obedient if you do something that goes against your own three views and is of no benefit?

"What you did just now was obviously to kill me."

As Zhang Guangmu spoke, he separated from the crowd, came to the scholar rushing to take the exam, and stepped on his back: "I think you are already prepared to be killed."

Without waiting for a response from the scholar who was rushing to take the exam, Zhang Guangmu took out the dagger he carried with him, stabbed the opponent in the back of the heart, and rotated the handle smoothly.


Blood splattered everywhere.

Scholars rushing to take exams are like leaking water bags, with blood flowing out of their bodies.

He struggled frantically, trying to say something.

But when the words came to his mouth, he could not form a logical and coherent sentence.

All the struggles became futile.

Not long after, the scholar who was rushing to take the exam completely stopped breathing.

Zhang Guangmu reached out and pressed his hand on the man's neck.

There were no signs of vital activity such as pulse or heartbeat.

Therefore, this person should not have a strange body structure such as "the heart is born on the right side".

After Zhang Guangmu finished doing this, he silently warned himself that next time he would have to cut the spinal cord and directly destroy the medulla oblongata.

It's a clean, one-shot kill, and no post-mortem or last-minute blows are needed.

Seeing this eye-catching scene, most passers-by were frightened and quickly distanced themselves from Zhang Guangmu, fearing that he would go on a killing spree.

But there was still a small group of people who insisted on pressing the corpse of the scholar who was rushing to take the exam.

Perhaps they regarded this incident as a test from Zhang Guangmu and an opportunity to change their own destiny.

Looking at their looks, it was as if they were afraid that this person's remains would come back to life.


Zhang Guangmu waved his hand: "Throw this corpse into a mass grave."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at these brave guys: "If you want to follow me into the capital, please move quickly. See you at the door of You'an Inn in an hour."

Several people who thought they had passed the test of the gods showed ecstasy on their faces and took action immediately.

The pedestrians who were retreating on the street seemed to realize something belatedly, with expressions of regret on their faces.

However, there were still some people among them who quickly followed the mass grave team, obviously hoping to fish in troubled waters.

Zhang Guangmu doesn't care about this, they can do whatever they like.

Anyway, there is strength in numbers.

No matter how useless a person is, as long as he is still alive and breathing, he can add momentum to the team and make up the number of people.

On the other hand, the small white group of spectators floating in the air cheered unanimously.

"Damn it! So cruel! I feel like I watched the water prison trial in "Flaming Wolf Castle"! I will kill you if I say I will kill you!"

"Brother Mu is like this. He is cruel and talkative."

"Well done! Damn you! It's disgusting to let that guy who repays kindness with revenge be let go!"

"The game between the subconscious actor and the inner voice ended with the former's victory this time!"

"As expected of you, Zhang Wei!"

"Is the director sick? Why don't you want Zhang Guangmu to kill that person just now?"

"After all the killing, why are you still holding on? Xu Qianqiu is an elite director, so he must have his thoughts and calculations in doing this."

"Lao Xu has always been kind-hearted. That's just how he is. There's no need to go out on a limb, right?"

"By the way... in the escort team, the man named Miao Zhi has been tossing and turning all night long. He keeps mumbling Brother Muzi's name. His expression is quite ferocious. He is probably going to do something bad... Looking forward to it!"

"I don't know if Mu Zai can resist the backstab from the people around him, so I'm a little worried..."

How could it be impossible to bear it?

Zhang Guangmu almost couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Do your fans have so little confidence in you?

Miao Zhi is ambitious and has clear goals, but he is not good at all and has everything written on his face.

Too easy to see through!

From the very beginning of playing against him, Zhang Guangmu easily discovered that this person's weakness was books.

Last night, with just one glance, Zhang Guangmu understood the murderous intention hidden in Miao Zhi's heart.


It is worth mentioning that among the three people who had murderous intentions towards Zhang Guangmu, Miao Zhi was probably the only one who did not know about Zhenxie Pei.

Now, the other two have died suddenly.

So Zhang Guangmu is actually quite curious...

Why did this man suddenly want to kill himself?

Judging from the information provided by Xiaobai Tuanzi, Miao Zhi indeed did not know about the existence of the [Suppressing Evil Pendant].

That is to say...

This person is not unjust and blinded by greed.

From the current point of view, the only people who discovered the secret of the [Evil-Suppressing Pendant] last night were the dog gambling scholar and the night raider who just received the lunch.

Miao Zhi must die, but...

It's not impossible to just kill Miao Zhi without hesitation, but it's just that it's hard to justify the motive.

Zhang Guangmu always keeps in mind that he is a subconscious actor. No matter what he wears, no matter what movie world he is in, his every word, every move, and every move will be under the gaze of countless audiences!

There is a saying, although Miao Zhi is the most famous ranger in Liufeng County, but...

To be honest, Zhang Guangmu thinks this person is very good.

From fighting with bare hands to fighting with weapons, if the two of them fight ten thousand times, Miao Zhi will die ten thousand times!

Even if he was stabbed in the back by Miao Zhi without any precautions, Zhang Guangmu felt that he would only be slightly injured and would not die suddenly on the spot.

Now, after taking precautions...

Zhang Guangmu could not give Miao Zhi a chance.

He planned to find a reason to kill this man today!

An hour passed and Zhang Guangmu was on the road again.

This time, after the demons were wreaking havoc, the team size not only did not decrease, but actually expanded to three times the original base!

The number of people following Zhang Guangmu reached sixty!

Forty-five of them came because of Zhang Guangmu's "god" status.

Everyone has their own purpose.

Some people want to see their dead relatives again, some people want to learn from their masters and become gods, and some people just want to be safe, even if they are just running errands in front of and behind the horses, it is enough to be alive.


after all……

In this great world, apart from the demon slayers and the capitals guarded by magicians, no matter where you go, you will encounter demon killing incidents one after another.

The common people have no ability to resist at all in front of the demon!

The safety around Zhang Guangmu is actually higher.

Director Xu Qianqiu, who transformed into a golden dumpling in the sky, pondered for a long time and suddenly asked: "I heard that people before the Middle Ages generally had the symptom of [blindfolded eyes], which is night blindness."

"Due to the lack of meat and the simple nutritional structure, people cannot see clearly at night, so they cannot walk at night."

"You said that when I was building the world, I deliberately deleted these settings for the sake of the night plot. Is it self-defeating?"

The little black guys next to me immediately swarmed over, saying all kinds of flattery and flattery one after another without any repetition.

Xu Qianqiu pondered for a moment, then turned around and looked at the silver ball of light beside him: "You are a member of the royal family, so you shouldn't flatter me. Tell me, I want to hear the truth.":.

Li Xiaoxiao, who transformed into a ball of silvery white light, responded lazily: "Actually, these don't matter, they are all harmless."

"Is night blindness worthy of your elite director's attention?"

"Admit it! You don't care about this stuff at all!"

"What you are worried about is not that Zhang Guangmu led people on a night journey and arrived in the capital at the speed of light, ruining your plot point."

"What you really care about is the dog...well, it's the evil-suppressing pendant in Zhang Guangmu's hand!"

Hearing this, Xu Qianqiu sighed and said quietly: "That's true."

"I originally invited Zhang Guangmu to film the drama "The World Knows" because I saw his performance in "Secret Job" and "Armor Age: Cold Light."

"Be knowledgeable, seek knowledge, practice diligently, think philosophically, and have the world in mind."

"Zhang Guangmu, who possesses these qualities, is very suitable to play the leading role in this drama."

"Now, I suddenly realize..."

"I seem to underestimate this person."

Zhang Guangmu is so good at breaking situations!

The superhuman resilience setting of "Endless Food Bag", the fire artifact system of "Flaming Wolf Castle"...

These things have always existed since the world was founded!

Why can Zhang Guangmu find it when others can't catch it?

[Evil-Suppressing Pendant] This item was originally left by Xu Qianqiu to the protagonist of the plot for self-defense.

It has quite a few limitations, so it's pretty good if it can be used to save lives.


If the evil-suppressing pendant falls into Zhang Guangmu's hands, can it still be used as its "life-saving" equipment?

Looking at the increasingly larger team following Zhang Guangmu, Xu Qianqiu vaguely felt that the plot development of "The World Knows" was gradually getting out of his control.

Even though Zhang Guangmu is still rushing to the capital to take the exam, it seems that he is still following the main line, but...

As the protagonist of the plot, Zhang Guangmu, his reputation as a god has gradually spread throughout the Daqian Dynasty.

In any case, "Tian Xia Zhi" is no longer a simple story about changing one's fate through imperial examination.

(There are two more updates at 8pm, please vote for me!) To provide you with the fastest extraordinary update starting from tearing up the script, 144 is worthy of you, Zhang Wei! Free reading.:.

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