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99 Don't be a coward!

The ice-blue liquid in the water tank seemed to give people a bone-chilling feeling, but Zhang Guangmu inside it only felt very warm.

The gentle female voice that sounded in my ears just now did not come from any human being, but a set program.

The only problem is...

Bright red liquid gradually flowed from the tubes connected to the limbs and spine.

These liquids had strong irritating ingredients, which made Zhang Guangmu feel as if he was pouring pepper water into his body.


Zhang Guangmu gritted his teeth and said nothing.

According to his original temperament, he must have wanted to just say, "Oh shit, it hurts."

The world background of this movie can be seen through temporarily implanted false memories...

It's really a bit too heavy.

So Zhang Guangmu chose another way to express his emotions.

This is the professional ethics of professional subconscious actors!


Zhang Guangmu felt that every muscle fiber and nerve in his body was struggling to squeeze the strange bright red liquid out of his body.


Severe pain came from his limbs, like a file slowly pulling at the nerve endings, constantly eroding Zhang Guangmu's sanity.

The muscles in the quadriceps of the thighs, calves, and arms felt like they were receiving electric shocks. They were constantly contracting and relaxing, completely disobedient, as if they each had their own thoughts.

Even though he has been battling genetic diseases for many years, he still feels uncomfortable.

Zhang Guangmu wanted to hold his breath at first, but he soon discovered that he seemed to be able to breathe freely in the ice blue liquid.

The composition of these liquids is unknown. After being inhaled into the trachea and lungs, they will not suffocate people, but can provide the body with the oxygen needed for normal work.

Zhang Guangmu quickly adapted to the new environment and quickly reviewed the contents of "Armor Age: Cold Light" in his mind.

An imaginary different world, Blue Star.

The invasion of monsters, the struggle of Blue Star humans, the birth of life alloy cold light, the casting of stacked armor, the protagonist Ye Jie...

Combined with the false memories implanted in his mind, Zhang Guangmu quickly found a sense of substitution.

The role he plays is that of a member of the Reserve Armored Division.

So far, I have passed almost all the tests in the training camp.

Zhang Guangmu was about to observe his surroundings, but found that another person in his mind seemed to suddenly start talking.

[If you want to become a qualified armored division, you must pass this last hurdle...]

【I will successfully fuse "cold light"! 】

[Only after passing this level can I truly obtain a set of armor that truly suits me and become a hero on the battlefield!]

[There is a cliff behind, there is no way to retreat! 】

[I, Zhang Guangmu, must become an ace armorer, and then...]

【Kill all those monsters!】

One thing is that Zhang Guangmu feels that among the script prompts he has encountered so far, this is the one that best suits his own ideas.


Even without the reminder from the field control team, Zhang Guangmu would definitely persist until the end.

After all, as long as he gives up here, he will be completely defeated at the starting line in this movie, completely wasting a good starting point.

Zhang Guangmu doesn’t want to keep playing the game till the end!

This year’s Seven Stars also pay attention to their cards!

If you can soar to the sky from the beginning, who wants to be stuck there all the time?

come on!

persist in!

It's just pain, just bear with it...

Even if you can’t get used to it! You still have to carry it!

Just get through it and that’s it!

Zhang Guangmu feels that in terms of endurance, he is no worse than anyone else.

The dull screams coming from the icy blue liquid kept coming and going, making people feel chilly in their hearts.

"Ahhh! It hurts so much!"

"I give up! I no longer want to be an armored division!"

"Help! I feel like I'm going to die!"

Zhang Guangmu looked around and found that there were many coffin-like sinks in the pure white room, and screams and cries of pain were constantly coming from them.

Some of the faces may not be noticed by the audience, but Zhang Guangmu is extremely familiar.

Some of these reserve armored divisions who chose to give up immediately were obviously the group of teenagers who participated in the water prison trial in "Flaming Wolf Castle".

To be honest, Zhang Guangmu wanted to laugh a little when he saw these people.

Fortunately he has received professional training.

[Acting Skill 3] Ability to keep him calm at all times, even if he is laughing so hard in his heart, he still has that cold and ruthless look on his face.

The faces of other young people at the scene were quite unfamiliar.

Zhang Guangmu noticed that once this group of people made a sound and chose to give up, they would be immediately rescued from the "coffin" and put on a stretcher.

One, two, three...

Five, ten, twenty...

Some people keep giving up.

Zhang Guangmu made some calculations and found that only about one-tenth of the candidates could pass the test, which was much less than what the director wrote in the script.

I don’t know how long it took, but the limbs that seemed to have thoughts of their own gradually stopped twitching.

But this is not the end.

The molten substance, which looks like hot magma, is gradually poured into the spinal cord along the catheter.

More severe pain suddenly struck!


Zhang Guangmu soaked in the nutrient solution, exhaled a string of bubbles, and used the speeches of the audience to distract his attention. At the same time, with the help of [Acting 3], he barely maintained a superficial calm.

The pain is comparable to the pain experienced when a genetic disease occurs.

But it's still bearable.

Most of the little white dumplings floating in the air were lingering around Zhang Guangmu, chattering.

"Armor? Is it a science fiction genre? I don't like this subject very much. I just came here for the Seven Stars."

"I don't care. The main reason is that I've watched too many movies without extraordinary powers recently, and I'm a little tired of the aesthetic. It's not bad to use armor films as a substitute."

"Come on Mu Zai! You are the best!"

"Zhang Guangmu's side is not worth paying attention to, is it? After all, this guy is almost a professional at resisting beatings. His pain tolerance is excellent, so he will definitely be able to survive this."

"That's not necessarily the case! Look at the colors on these coffins. Everyone is different. They should have special settings, right?"

"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, the pain index endured by each person should be different."

"Wang Shangqing is so cruel! He keeps staring at Zhang Guangmu!"

"Holy shit? It's true! Has the hatred and obsession of being deprived of the seventh star spot been engraved into your subconscious?"

"I hate you, and I will never forget it even if I change the world! Ah Qing's subconscious plasticity is still so strong!"

"I feel like this drama has been quite interesting from the beginning. I think it would be fun if both of them failed to pass the test."

Listening to the audience's conversation, Zhang Guangmu noticed...

Wang Shangqing was silently paying attention to himself in the "coffin" not far away.

Being able to rely on four movies to compete for the seven stars, almost tying the historical record, Wang Shangqing does have two skills.

At this moment, his delicate face was filled with a ferocious look, as if he was tortured by pain and was about to lose his mind.

But Wang Shangqing was still staring at Zhang Guangmu, the corners of his mouth were even slightly raised, and his eyes were sharp. Anyone who looked at him would know that he was a competitive guy.

"Hey! Zhang Guangmu!"

Wang Shangqing's voice was a little hoarse: "If you really can't hold on anymore, just give up!"

"Stop pretending! I know you're in terrible pain right now!"

"Your rejection reaction is stronger than mine, and you are the highest among this group of people!"

"What are you insisting on? There is no point in insisting!"

"Leave the blending warehouse!"

This is by no means some arrogant admonition.

He really wants Zhang Guangmu to get out of here!

It’s really annoying to see this person!

As he spoke, Wang Shangqing let out a weird laugh like a night owl, and kept talking rubbish, as if he wanted to vent his emotions and divert attention: "Why do you, a weakling like you, have to go to the battlefield?"

"Go and do the logistics honestly!"

"That's really the place for you!"

In fact, at this point, Wang Shangqing had already realized that not only would his words not have the effect he wanted, but they might stimulate Zhang Guangmu's self-esteem, causing him to grit his teeth and persevere.


Wang Shangqing just couldn't help but want to say these words.

Don’t vomit, don’t feel happy!

If you don’t tell me, I feel unhappy inside!

This is knowingly committing a crime.

After all, the pain he is suffering now is second only to Zhang Guangmu among everyone. Being able to keep his thinking clear and organize logically normal words is already quite impressive.

Take a look at other reserve armored divisions of the same period!

Those guys were either in so much pain that they gave up on the spot, or they were in so much pain that they couldn't even make a sound.

You know, the pain endured by that group of people was less than half of that of Wang Shangqing and Zhang Guangmu!


Zhang Guangmu was not surprised at all by Wang Shangqing's speech.

This person has no dealings with him in the real world. When the production team compiled virtual memories and set the background of the character, they also took advantage of the situation and pushed the boat along to make themselves ranked first in the [Armored Division Training Camp].

Pressing down on Wang Shangqing's head.

With Wang Shangqing's arrogance and conceitedness, how could he possibly endure the grievances of the "second child of ten thousand years"?

He wants to defeat Zhang Guangmu!

No matter which field you win, you can do it!

The strong desire and obsession to win allowed Wang Shangqing to overcome the pain, and even...

As long as he thought that Zhang Guangmu was suffering the same pain as himself, he began to gradually enjoy his current situation.

"The boring mentality of winning or losing."

Zhang Guangmu glanced at Wang Shangqing indifferently: "If you want to compete with me, why not go to the battlefield and kill more monsters."

No matter how painful it is, you have to brace yourself!

Just pretend and that’s it!

After hearing this and looking at his calm and calm expression, the slightly ferocious smile on Wang Shangqing's face, who had been tortured to the point of being confused by the severe pain, suddenly disappeared, and he suddenly felt a little upset.


Wang Shangqing slapped the transparent "coffin" and stared at Zhang Guangmu with a fierce expression: "First place, you said so!"

"Don't be a coward!"

"If you become a deserter, I will look down on you for the rest of my life!"

Every time he saw Zhang Guangmu's calm look, he became particularly angry.

Where exactly this anger came from, Wang Shangqing was not particularly clear.

Anyway, he didn't admit that he hated Zhang Guangmu because of his training camp results.

Wang Shangqing only felt that some people were born to be enemies and were born with incompatible natures.

To be honest, the first time he saw Zhang Guangmu, he wanted to strangle this man to death on the spot.

If you can't strangle it to death, you can just cut it to death with a knife!

Or be burned to death!


Hang with a rope!

As long as Zhang Guangmu can die quickly, no matter what the method of death is, whether it is miserable or peaceful, it doesn't matter, Wang Shangqing will feel happy!


Wang Shangqing had to admit that, just as Zhang Guangmu said, this is an era of war, and human beings cannot withstand internal strife.

Every armored division is a precious force for the human camp!

Before the survival of mankind, personal likes and dislikes are not worth mentioning.


Just compete on the battlefield!

Who wins and who loses is determined by the number of monsters killed!

Competing openly and honestly, Wang Shangqing does not think he is worse than anyone else!

Clear and clear!

Wang Shangqing grinned and was about to say something when he suddenly heard a burst of explosions.


"Death! You guys, all die!"

This chapter has been completed!
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