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Chapter 61 Jinshan (1)

Monk Luo looks carefree, but he is actually very particular about his work.

Since he discovered that the captured people had different identities, he did not bring them into the main camp, but placed them in a newly built remote village south of the camp, deep in Wudian.

There have been several rains since the beginning of spring, and the size of Bianwudian has expanded a lot compared to the beginning of the year. The woodland on the edge of the pond has also been swept into the water, connecting it with the original wetlands and swamps.

Because the terrain between the ponds is unpredictable, from the outside, there are almost no roads. However, Guo Ning and others, out of their warrior instincts, had already clearly surveyed the nearby terrain. At that moment, a group of people were riding fast in the dusk.

, sometimes the horse's hooves step across the shallow water, making a soft sound.

The cavalry was running very fast, with Monk Luo leading the way, followed closely by Guo Ning. Occasionally he looked back and saw that the old scholar's riding skills were very ordinary, but he was swaying left and right on the horse and was not far behind.

On the contrary, the medical officer who was temporarily transferred was holding the horse's neck with both hands, looking extremely embarrassed.

After walking around for about half a moment, the vision suddenly opened up. The airtight shrubs and reeds on both sides spread out, revealing the open water in the core area of ​​​​Bian Wuding, as well as a watchtower and three or five shacks next to the water.

In front of the shack, Wang Shixian was pacing back and forth. When he saw Guo Ning and others, he immediately came up to greet them.

"Where are the people?" Guo Ning asked.

"In the main room."

Guo Ning waved his hand, and the medical officer dismounted. Because of the bumps on the road, he vomited twice and quickly ran into the main room. After a while, he ran out again and took out the package he had brought with him.

, took a copper basin and scooped water into the lake, then turned back.

Just as Guo Ning was about to ask Wang Shixian a few questions, the medical officer came out and said, "Mr. Lang, he is already awake."

So fast?

The village doctor in this rural area is actually very effective?

Guo Ningkuo stepped inside. The medical officer ducked away with a smile on his face, and he saw a middle-aged man who had been poured a large basin of cold water on his head and was wrapped in felt cloth and shivering all over.

This technique is too crude...but I can't blame the medical officer. It's because I didn't tell the person's identity clearly and just wanted to wake him up as soon as possible. Guo Ning coughed twice and rushed forward, looking up and down.

Fortunately, the middle-aged man was lying sideways on the bed. His upper body was soaked in water, but his lower body was fine... The injury he received from the arrow was on his back thigh, which had been properly bandaged with a thick bandage and had not been soaked by the water. Look at the rest of his body.

Although the person's face was pale, he was not afraid. When he first woke up, he was inevitably a little dazed, but he quickly regained his composure and began to scan the people in the room.

Wang Shixian nodded slightly to him, then turned to Guo Ning and nodded.

Zhao Jue took the medical officer out, and stood guard in front of the door with Ni Yi and two others.

"Only the governor?" Guo Ning asked.

"Exactly." Tu Danhang gasped twice: "You are..."

"I am Guo Ning from Changzhou." Guo Ning pulled up a stool and sat in front of Tu Shanhang: "In the past two months, Guo has been favored by Tu Shanhang, but he has not been able to come to thank him. I am really ashamed. Today.

When the provincial governor comes here, he must have some advice, and I am here to listen attentively."

"Are you Guo Ning?"

Just now, Guo Ning was handling official duties in the courtyard, so he was not wearing military uniform. He was only wearing a simple white robe with a round collar and a worn copper nail belt to tie his waist. Because the weather was getting warmer, he rolled up his sleeves to his elbows.

, revealing an arm with strong muscles and multiple sword scars.

Cui Xiannu, Tu Shanhang’s confidant butler, had met Guo Ning. Tu Shanhang asked him several times what Guo Ning looked like. Cui Xiannu described it in detail, but Tu Shanhang always subconsciously believed that the leader of the defeated army must be a strong man.

Rugged appearance.

But I never thought that the young man in front of me with simple clothes and calm attitude was Guo Ning?

Is this person really able to make the right decision on that important matter? And is that important matter really suitable to be told to this person?

For a moment, Tu Shanhang hesitated.

Countless thoughts were running around in his mind, but his physical weakness and exhaustion prevented him from thinking carefully.

Guo Ning did not rush him, and just sat opposite Tu Danhang, without any impatience and without any movement in his expression.

"Guo Langjun, I've been admiring you for a long time, I've been admiring you for a long time!" After a while, Tu Shanhang sighed, and stood up and sat upright while holding on to the bed board.

Perhaps it was the pain in his buttocks that caused him to sweat, or perhaps the water poured on his bun by the medical officer had not drained yet. Tu Shanhang wiped his face vigorously. His face became paler, but his eyes became clearer and clearer.


He took a deep breath and suddenly asked: "Where are my companions?"

Just as Guo Ning was about to answer, Wang Chang took a step forward: "To be honest, Sir, when you came, you did not report your identity, but you also crossed the border and sneaked close to our guard post. We will respond in accordance with military regulations, so... your three

All of my companions have been killed, ahem, please don’t mind me, the governor."

Guo Ning remembered that before he set off, Monk Luo made it clear. Cui Xiannu was still alive and well, and it was he who revealed Tu Shanhang's identity to his soldiers. At this moment, Wang Chang said, Tu Shanhang's

Are you going to die? This old scholar seems to have some scheming intentions?

He briefly glanced at Wang Chang without correcting him.

These words fell into Tu Shanhang's ears, but they were particularly ironic. He snorted heavily and subconsciously wanted to slap the table in anger. Then he thought of the current situation and forced his anger back. Along with it, what he just mentioned

My spirit has also slackened a lot.

The situation in the court has reached this point! The power of the country has reached this point! In fact, the dignified officials of the court are resorting to humble defeat, so what else can they do?

"That's it, that's it!" Tu Shanhang sighed: "Guo Langjun, can you step aside? I'm here in person because I have something urgent to discuss with you."

Guo Ning turned around, looked at Monk Luo, Wang Shixian and the old scholar Wang Chang, and thought to himself: "After a long time of waiting, the highlight is finally here."

He turned back and said solemnly to Tu Shanhang: "Everyone here at this time is my confidant. I also know that when the governor comes here in person, he must talk about important things... There is no need to worry, if you have anything to say, please speak up.


At this time, the sky was getting darker and darker, and the last glimmer of light filtered through the window lattice, past the faces of Guo Ning and Tu Shanhang looking at each other, and cast long and short shadows behind the people sitting or standing in the shack.

Tu Shanhang made a fist with his left hand, pressed the bed board, and pinched the tiger's mouth with his nails to refresh himself.


He said in a deep voice: "Guo Langjun, do you know Li Guang?"

"The flying general of the Han Dynasty."

"Of course. When Li Guang was young, even though Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty was a regular attendant of the martial arts, he was able to break through the passes and fight fierce beasts when traveling. Emperor Wen then said, it's a pity that you were not born at the right time, so you can be as high as your son.

When the emperor was in power, how could it be enough for him to be a marquis of ten thousand households? It can be seen that even a warrior like Li Guang, whose reputation has been passed down through the ages, would not be able to rise up if he could not seize the current situation."

Guo Ning smiled and listened.

Wang Chang interjected from the side: "Why does the governor talk about Li Guang?"

"Since I arrived in Anzhou, I have heard many times about Guo Langjun's bravery. Come to think of it, back then you were unknown in the frontier and only served as a regular soldier. The blame is not on you, but on the current situation. Just like Li Guang was unable to seal,

The responsibility does not lie with Li Guang himself. However, now that the court is using troops, you could have easily established a legacy that will last forever. You should have become a prince of thousands of households respected by everyone, enjoying wealth and glory. However, in the end, you were satisfied with being a person who responded to a hundred responses in the lake and grass.

Isn't it a pity to be content with enjoying the few supplies collected from four villages? Is it what Guo Langjun wants for a brave man like Guo Langjun to succumb to the wilderness? "

Guo Ning remained silent.

Or Wang Chang asked: "What does my husband want to do? What if he doesn't want to?"

Tu Shanhang leaned forward and said, "If Liu Lang is willing to live in this lake and abyss for a long time, please send a guide to guide the way. I will return to Wocheng County immediately. From now on, we will live our own lives as before. I

Become my governor of Anzhou, and Liulang will be at ease. What will happen next, don't think too much, just be happy in front of you."

At first, he was talking about Guo Langjun. After a few words, he started to call Liulang and became closer. There seemed to be some threat in these words? Monk Luo rolled his big eyes and laughed: "Then

It’s okay!”

Tu Shanhang just turned a deaf ear. He stared at Guo Ning so hard that Guo Ning could almost see the dense bloodshot eyes in his eyes: "Ruo Liulang, you don't want to stay in the wilderness for a long time. You want to be in the current situation."

If you can make a difference, then I will be honest with you."

"So what if you are honest with me?"

"I came here this time to tell Liulang a piece of news. This news is not only related to your future and mine, but also related to the lives of all the people in the Xijunhe Camp."

This chapter has been completed!
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