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Chapter 62 Jinshan (Part 2)

"You are the governor alone. Enough preparation has been made. Please speak directly."

"The imperial court has issued an order to establish the Jinshan Province. With Jinshan as its base, the province governs Dexing Prefecture and Xuande, Chang, Huan, Fu, Hong, Wei, Zhuo, Yi, Ding, Xiong, Sui, Bao,

An, Ansu and other fourteen prefectures are combined with the Northwest Recruitment Division." Tu Shanhang said in a deep voice.

what is this?

I thought he would bring up some imminent disaster, but I never thought that when it comes to the imperial court? Everyone has nothing to do with the imperial court for a long time. What does the imperial court do and what does it have to do with us?

Monk Luo's face was blank, and when he looked at Wang Shixian, he sneered.

Guo Ning lightly buttoned the armrest of the seat and pondered for a moment: "Dexing Prefecture and Xuande, Chang, Huan, Fu, Hong, and Wei prefectures have long been slaughtered by the Mongols. It is difficult to list them among them at this time.

To increase momentum, it only increases laughter. In fact, this appointment is based on the previous example of Taiyuan, the province of Taiyuan, which was left behind in Xijing and transferred to the former enemy generals to control the affairs in the west and north of Zhongdu Road to fight against Mongolia."

"That's right."

"Then, the key lies in this former enemy general from Jinshan Province? Who takes on this important task?"

"The person in charge of the province is Shangshu Zuocheng Wanyan Gang."

Guo Ning said: "Wanyan Zuocheng was a famous general in the dynasty. At the beginning of the year, he commanded 100,000 troops and stationed them in Jinshan. He was relied upon by the court as a pillar. I think this appointment is a matter of course."

"Listen to me... Just five days ago, Wanyan Gang recommended a deputy to the Taoist family, and he will jointly command the 200,000 troops within the Jinshan Province. This deputy is your veteran



"The new right deputy marshal, Hu Shahu."

Monk Luo and Wang Shixian shouted together: "This thief is so lucky!"

Guo Ning couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Over the years, the Jin Dynasty has been plagued by internal and external troubles, and its military is particularly stretched. Although it clearly has a hinterland, thousands of miles of territory in the Central Plains, and millions of troops, it has been repeatedly defeated by the brutal Mongols; it fell into the eyes of ordinary soldiers.

, the primary reason is improper employment.

Since ancient times, has it ever been seen that a defeated general like Hu Shahu, who was criticized by thousands of people, can become the right deputy marshal once he is reinstated? Could it be that this guy has wings on his butt, so that he can soar like this?

What this man did on the front line of Jiehao was really hated by countless defeated soldiers. Therefore, at the foot of Fanyang City, Guo Ning chose to use him to establish his power, defeating thousands of his private soldiers, and in one fell swoop shocked the people south of Zhongdu Road.

, multiple military states in northern Hebei.

The four military flags that Hu Shahu discarded in this defeat were also used by Guo Ning as a gift for his cooperation with Tu Shanhang. According to Guo Ning's suggestion, Tu Shanhang had already quickly transported them to Zhongdu so that his uncle could

Shan Yi, the disciple of Shangshu Youcheng, had an additional weapon to criticize Hu Shahu and suppress the generals.

Who would have thought that this victory would be in vain? Who would have thought that just two months after this blow, Hu Shahu would rise to the top and become one of the few important generals in the DPRK.


With this man's violent and violent temper, he would kill people to vent his anger without any scruples. If he were in charge of the power of Jinshan Province, he would be able to mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under his command, and under the banner of unifying the states to fight the Mongols... gather...

How can the defeated soldiers near Anzhou still survive?

Then there will be heads rolling in and rivers of blood flowing, that is almost bound to happen!

Wang Shixian couldn't help but ask: "Wanyan Gang recommended Hu Shahu to the Taoists, and the Taoists agreed? No one in the court stood up to stop it? This is too ridiculous! This person has been full of misdeeds earlier, this time

Before he was reinstated, he sent troops to Zhuozhou without permission and was defeated by the traitor Yang An'er. It was a humiliation..."

"You don't know something." Tu Shanhang sighed and said: "Firstly, Hu Shahu bribed the Taoist eunuch Jinxing with a lot of money, so that they praised him. Secondly, the one who recommended him was, after all, Shangshu Zuocheng Wanyan Gang! Completed

Yan Gang said that Hu Shahu knew that he had only a few soldiers, but he still bravely took the lead and did his best for the court to drive away the rebels. This action showed his loyalty to the court and Taoism, and the so-called failure was simply because the number of his soldiers was too small.

, it’s just not enough to display the majesty of a general!”

At this moment, Monk Luo and Wang Shixian thought at the same time: We can't stay in Anzhou any longer! Even if we are not ready yet, we have to leave first and leave as soon as possible! If we stay here, we will be in vain with the court and that unreasonable lunatic Hu Shahu.

Repeated entanglement will do a lot of harm but no good!

When the two of them were about to speak, Guo Ning coughed and stood up slowly:

"Hu Shahu was reinstated so quickly, which is beyond my expectation. This person probably thinks that we are a group of wild dogs that are eager to get rid of us. Sooner or later, he will use some means. You said, this matter is related to Shan Shan, the governor.

We sacrificed the lives of everyone in the Junhe camp... Although these words are pretentiously shocking, there is some truth in them. But I don't understand..."

Tu Shanhang laughed twice: "Guo Liulang, what don't you understand? Is what I said not clear enough?"

Guo Ning paced back and forth in the room: "What I don't understand is, what does the life and death of our volunteers have to do with you, the governor? As the governor, how can you love me so much, yet you can do it so easily, even at the risk?"

If you are in danger of being mistakenly killed by our side, do you have to rush to the Xijunhe camp to report it?"

There were times when Guo Ning was furious and eager to kill, but there were also times when he was thoughtful and calm in his calculations; while Tu Shanhang was not a professional strategist or debater after all, and there were flaws in his words.

"You Tu Shan, the governor, have a high family status, and you have the Prime Minister of the dynasty as your support. After all, Hu Shahu is just a warrior. No matter how domineering you are, you can still offend your Tu Shan clan? What if you actually did it for Guo Shan?

I don’t believe that a certain class of people would risk their lives to come here.”

Having said this, Guo Ning sneered several times: "Just the governor, what are you afraid of?"

Tu Shanhang hesitated for a moment and remained silent. His face became paler and the sweat on his forehead kept flowing.

At this time, the setting sun disappeared into the dusk, and the afterglow suddenly disappeared, and the light in the room suddenly became dim. Wang Chang walked from near the door to the center of the room, and fumbled to light the candle on the table.

He sat down under the light of the candle and said solemnly: "I know the reason for this."

"Mr. Wang, please speak."

"Since Pingzhang Duji Sizhong and political advisor Wanyan Chengyu were deposed because of the defeat at Yehuling, the government of Dajin was actually controlled by Shangshu Zuocheng Wanyan Gang and Shangshu Youcheng disciple Shan Yi. This

Among them, Wan Yan Gang preferred to be with the Jurchen generals, while Tu Shan Yi was the first batch of strategic scholars in the dynasty in the 13th year of Dading, and he was mostly friends with Han Confucian scholars. These two worked hand in hand, one in martial arts and one in literature.

Maintaining the balance in the court prevented the court from overturning after two disastrous defeats. And Hu Shahu was restrained by Prime Minister Tu Shan and was never allowed to be used."

Having said this, Wang Chang sighed bitterly: "However, it was Wanyan Gang who fully recommended Hu Shahu this time. This shows that Wanyan Gang is no longer willing to join hands with Tu Danyi. With the threat of the Mongols

Growing bigger and bigger, Wanyan Gang is determined to get rid of all constraints and unite the noble ministers and warriors in the court to fight against powerful enemies."

Guo Ning glanced at Wang Chang and chuckled: "The powerful enemy is ahead, and we cannot allow the court to contain each other. Wanyan Gang can't be wrong in doing this. He proposed the establishment of a new Jinshan Province, and also wanted to completely get rid of the court.

The murmurs, unite all military and political powers, and fight the enemy with all their strength."

"Yes, from Wan Yan Gang's point of view, this is a matter of course. However, Tu Dan Yi only entered the court last year as Shangshu Youcheng. To a certain extent, his position as Shangshu Youcheng depends on Wanyan Gang's

Support and tolerance. Now that Wanyan Gang has no intention of continuing to cooperate, Prime Minister Tu Shan’s position is on the verge of collapse..."

When Wang Chang said this, Wang Shixian laughed: "Everyone pushes back against the wall. I understand this truth."

"So, Guo Langjun's previous work with Tudan Governor to defeat Hu Shahu in the name of Anzhou Volunteers may be revealed again. Even Tudan Governor's cooperation with us in Anzhou may become a

Wan Yan Gang, the weapon Hu Shahu used to criticize Prime Minister Shan... After all, there is no right or wrong in this world. Everything depends on the nonsense of the Gong Gong princes in the court. And the disputes among the princes in the court fall to the local level, saying

Maybe, whose head will be sacrificed?"

Wang Chang rolled up his sleeves and leaned forward slightly: "Young Governor, I would like to ask you a question. Please answer me honestly."

Tu Shanhang felt extremely exhausted, and suddenly felt a sense of self-destruction.

He avoided Guo Ning's cold and sharp eyes, looked at Wang Chang's face that looked deep even though he was smiling, and finally lowered his eyelids slightly: "Just ask!"

"As the governor of Tudan, you came here in a panic because someone came from Wocheng County, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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