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Chapter 65 Chizhan (Part 2)

In late March, the nights are getting shorter and the days are getting longer.

Just after the rooster crow, the sky in the east showed the color of fish belly.

The person responsible for guarding the north gate wall of Wocheng County is Zhang Jiao under the jurisdiction of the Anzhou Army.

Originally, he, the military commander, should live in the military camp in the south of the city. However, as the Anzhou Volunteers on the other side of the Xiangjun River gradually established themselves, Shan Hang, the governor, was in Anzhou, but he was uneasy and kept coming from time to time.

He urged Zhang Jiao to be careful about city defense, but Zhang Jiao was forced to go to the city in person every time he was on duty.

However, after all, before the time of fighting, the surrounding areas were peaceful. After arriving at the city, he just curled up his felt robe and dozed off.

At this time, he woke up from his sleep, gathered up his felt robe, and planned to doze off for a while.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of intensive iron hoofs stamping on the ground.

Zhang Jiao was one of the Xi troops under Xiao Haohu that day. He had experienced two disastrous defeats at Yehuling and Huihe Fort. The sound of such a large group of cavalry galloping left him with unforgettable fear. In an instant, he felt chills all over his body.

, shivered violently, and fell down from the top of the steps.

His shoulder blades hit the edge of the bricks, and he felt a sharp pain, but he did not dare to make a sound. He only curled up and waited for the rain of arrows that would fall from the sky at any time.

After waiting for a long time, the arrow rain did not come, but someone from the city shouted impatiently: "Open the door! Open the door!"

Zhang Jiao cautiously looked out and saw a group of cavalry reining in their horses outside the door. The officer leading the group held a torch, illuminating the face of the person behind him: "Cui Xiannu Cui Daguan from the Governor's Mansion is back! Open the door quickly!


Cui Xiannu's face was illuminated in the red firelight.

Zhang Jiao is familiar with this official Cui. This steward of the governor is a giant in the county. His status is much higher than that of Zhang Jiao, the empty-headed military commander who was recruited halfway. When it comes to the relationship with

The kindness of the governor is even better a hundred times.

There are rules for city defense, not to mention that there were some weird things in the city yesterday. If someone else came here, the city gate must not be opened. But when Cui Daguan comes, it is like the governor coming in person, so what is the hindrance?

Zhang Jiao quickly woke up the other soldiers and went down to the city to open the door.

As soon as the two city gates were opened, hundreds of knights filed in through the door openings. Zhang Jiao felt that all of these knights had fierce eyes and very strange faces, so he couldn't help but rub his eyes. Then he saw Cui Daguan again.

He was feeling unwell and was swaying on his horse, relying on the support of another knight beside him.

His heart skipped a beat and he quickly bowed his head.

He was staring at the broken bricks and moss in front of his feet when he rode up to the front.

The knight's voice was calm, floating down from above: "Did you know that a noble person came to Wo City yesterday?"

Zhang Jiao sighed. How could he not know? Yesterday, the group of nobles came in through the north gate. That group of people rode strong horses, wore silk and satin, and carried gold swords with jade belts...

...claimed to be the big boss from Zhongdu, all of them were imposing.

They were here at that time, asking how to get to the Governor's Mansion. Zhang Jiao answered a little late, and was whipped across the face. There is still a whip mark on his face extending from the left corner of his forehead, which is exactly the same as in his early years.

The scars left behind are intertwined.

"I know."

"Where will those people stay after entering the city?"

Zhang Jiao naturally knew it, but he suddenly remembered something.

Zhang Jiao had heard this man's voice before!

This person... This person is Guo Ning! It was Guo Ning who killed Xiao Haohu, the leader of the Xi Army, in front of hundreds of people at the beginning of the year!

Why is he here suddenly? What is he going to do?

Zhang Jiao's thoughts were racing, and beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead: "This..."

But Guo Ning waited patiently, and the iron hooves as big as a bowl of green horse under his crotch were slowly pedaling in front of Zhang Jiao, refusing to leave.

Zhang Jiao's mind was still clear, and he quickly answered loudly: "They are in the stove shop in the west of the city! They occupy Yuan Lu's big house, which is right next to the governor's office, only one street away!"

"The stove shop? I recognize it." Another familiar voice sounded: "Then don't bother Zhang Junha to lead the way for us! Haha! You are so restless!"

The speaker was Wang Shixian.

Recently, because of the two taxes and material and money matters, Wang Shixian often came to Wocheng County. He and the Zhang Jiao brothers had many contacts and privately distributed a lot of money to the soldiers in Wocheng County.

As a military commander, Zhang Jiao naturally had more to take. So he dug out two bricks in the corner of the house and dug a small hole underneath to bury some gold and silver given to him by Wang Shixian.

Hearing him speak, Zhang Jiao relaxed a little. He couldn't help but raise his voice: "Guo Langjun! Brother Shixian! Those people from Zhongdu were still looking for guides in the city yesterday, and they also asked about Xiangjunhe camp.

Location... If you don’t come, I’m afraid they will find the Xijunhe camp today!”

"Oh? Guo Ning laughed twice, and his tone suddenly turned cold.

Since Guo Ning gathered the crowd, he has not even raised a decent banner, and his influence is only limited to the farms near Anzhou, Baojia, and will never reach out to the city. From Guo Ning's point of view, he does not want to cause trouble over nothing, and seizes the time to rectify the situation.

Arms preparations to prepare for the coming collapse.

However, the strength of 2,500 elite soldiers cannot be hidden for a long time. Perhaps on the day when the Jinshan Province was established, leaders of defeated troops like him had already become the target of the Jin Dynasty. Either as traitors or as traitors.

As a pawn on the sword, the court would only choose these two paths, and it has always only given these two paths.

Guo Ning turned to his companions and said contemptuously: "It's not enough to show off your prestige in Wocheng County. You want to show off your teeth in front of us?"

Monk Luo next to him sneered: "Then you really can't blame us!"

The cavalry filed into the city, crossed two cross alleys to the south, and then turned to the west.

Zhang Jiao continued to stare at the bricks and moss in front of him, until a soldier asked him: "Zhang Junxia, ​​why are you shaking?"

Zhang Jiao raised his head suddenly and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the cavalry had rounded the corner.

The soldier was close to Zhang Jiao and had a sharp mind. He said in a low voice: "I think the situation is a bit weird. Let's go back to camp and pack our things! We can't stay in Wocheng County anymore!"

Just as Zhang Jiao was waiting to answer, Wang Shixian rode his horse back and said meaningfully: "Old Zhang, and the rest of you, concentrate on watching the city gate. Don't worry too much, don't ask too many questions, there will be benefits afterwards! Otherwise..."

"Yes, yes..." Zhang Jiao and his companions nodded.

At the same time, Chizhansa stood in front of the steps.

I don’t know where the owner of this house has gone. There are a few servants staying behind, but they don’t take good care of them, so there is a lot of dust in the house. Chizhan Sagai didn’t care about this when he was running around Guanlong in the early years, but he has enjoyed quite a lot of wealth in recent years.

I suffered a sudden attack, so I couldn't sleep well, and my face looked a little ugly when I woke up.

It was just dawning, but dozens of knights in the mansion were already adjusting their robes, armor, weapons and horses. Some people also set up a large table in front of the hall, and placed pancakes, wine and meat on the table.

Chizhansa smoothed his beard and beard and stepped out slowly. His actions were gentle and graceful, but when the knights saw his figure, they all saluted solemnly and did not dare to slack off.

Everyone knew that Chizhan Sagai was Lord Zuo Cheng's confidant. He had great authority and a bad temper. He would not hesitate to kill someone when he got angry.

Just before they came to Wocheng County, there was a young general under the command of Gao Qi in Jinshan who acted wildly and rudely. As a result, Chizhansa changed his face with a smile and casually drew a knife and stabbed him to death... This

The thing happened right in front of Wanyan Zuocheng's eyes, and Wanyan Zuocheng didn't even look surprised!

Chizhansa stood still and glanced at the crowd. He found that everyone had cheered up. He was very satisfied, so he said in a deep voice: "Get ready as soon as possible. Polish the swords and guns, and feed the horses."


When he was in Zhongdu City, he inquired about Tu Shanhang's character. So when he came to Wocheng County yesterday, he and his subordinates thought that they could seduce this young man to death with verbal intimidation and manipulation.

With a few sore feet, Master Zuo Cheng can severely suppress Shan Yi, the disciple of Shangshu You Cheng, in the court.

It was not difficult and everyone was very relaxed.

Unexpectedly, when the front foot entered the city, the back foot heard that the soles of Tu Shanhang's feet were greased.

After all, this person's identity was very high, so everyone rushed into the Governor's Mansion, captured his female family members, and tortured him. After he came out angrily, he inquired about it, and heard that Guo Ning, the leader of the defeated army, was actually with the traitor Yang An'er.

Fighting side by side, they also raided Hu Shahu's headquarters and killed Hu Shahu's important generals.

And this man was Tu Shanhang's backbone. Now he not only gathered thousands of troops, occupying the largest territory in the five military prefectures of Xiong, An, Bao, Sui, and Ansu, he also set up his own protective armor, which was like a separatist regime!

How could such a person exist within the territory of Zhongdu Road, at the foot of the Emperor, within the jurisdiction of Jinshan Province? In this situation, where should the imperial court be placed? Where should Wanyan Zuocheng be placed?

Absolutely intolerable!

At that moment, Chizhan Sagai made up his mind. He got up early this morning and led his troops to the Xijunhe camp to investigate. It would be best to rely on fast horses to come and go like the wind, catch a few alive, and then return to Jinshan Mountain immediately.


Tu Shanhang colluded with the rebels and conspired against the rebels. This was a major case! This was enough for Wanyan Zuocheng to send out a large army to Anzhou, and then clean up all of Anzhou! In the face of the real results of the battle, the old fox Tu Shanyi

Even if I have a mouth all over my body, I still can’t explain it!


This chapter has been completed!
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