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Chapter 66 Mastering

"Sir, please take a look! This is the terrain around the Xiangjun River and the distribution of the bandit army that was discovered last night!" A man in light armor with a tough appearance came up to report, holding the file in both hands.

"open to take a look!"

The man called a companion over and opened the file. Chizhan Sagai looked at it with his hands behind his back, and saw pictures and text, which were very detailed. It seemed that no less effort had been put into the interrogation last night.

"How do we get there?" He stretched out his hand and pointed: "From the east side of Bianwudian, go directly along the main road?"

"I heard that Guo Ning is familiar with military affairs. The camp and surrounding farms are heavily guarded. There are many checkpoints and it is not easy to go deep. We can go from here... first to the northeast to Wuguandian, then turn to the west and pass through this

The reed swamps in the area.”

"It looks like it has to be seventy or eighty miles? Is this road too long?" Chizhan Sagai frowned.

The road chief is still next. The key is, within the scope of Jinshan Province, Wanyan Zuocheng's subordinates still act timidly. What does it look like?

Chizhan Sagai was Wanyan Gang's confidant. The knights who came to Anzhou were also the elites who had fought against the Pingxia Iron Harriers in Guanlong. Although they were not many in number, they rode tall horses across the plains, even if

The thieves were rampant, but he didn't feel the need to worry too much.

"That disciple Shanhang is most likely going to feed the Jun River camp. There are countless urban foxes and rats in Wocheng County who are colluding with the thieves. If we delay on the road again... wouldn't it be for nothing?

What chance do they have of colluding?"

He emphasized his tone: "Ask again if there is another way. The key is to be quick!"

The lightly armored man responded quickly, turned around and ran back to the front yard.

The stocky knight who helped open the file earlier laughed and said: "After all, that group of people is just a defeated army. At most, they have some courage, but they may not be able to compare with the imperial masters. Gan Laowu is too cautious."

Chizhan Sagai shook his head: "Marshal Hu Shahu was a little vague when he talked about the battle with Yang An'er that day. Only today did we know that someone actually intervened in the battle. Although Hu Shahu has an arrogant personality, he is a well-deserved warrior, and his private soldiers are extremely elite.

.This Guo Ning was able to take advantage of Hu Shahu, he is by no means an easy person! Hu Xin, you must urge the soldiers to make all preparations and not be negligent."

Hu Xin, a short and stocky knight, said quickly: "What the master said is absolutely true! I will not dare to ignore it!"

After a pause, he continued: "However, I always feel that it is too ridiculous for a group of defeated soldiers to create such a big situation out of thin air. Is it possible... This person has long been friends with the Tu Dan family, and it is simply Tu Dan Yi who came to the rescue in advance.

Put it in Anzhou to prepare a secret to cause trouble for Lord Zuo Cheng?"

Chizhan Sagai's eyes flashed: "That makes sense!"

Being reminded by his subordinates, he suddenly thought of a new angle. He couldn't help swinging his robe sleeves and pacing back and forth under the eaves. After walking around for two times, he stood still, pointed at Hu Xin, and said: "That's right.


The competition in the court was much more complicated and bloody than the conflict of forces in the Guanlong area. Even though the Jin Dynasty was facing the Mongolian offensive and was already overwhelmed, countless people still climbed up one after another. When they arrived

If this step is successful, it will leave a name in history, and the scenery will be infinite. If it fails, the body will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed, and it will be infamous for thousands of years. It can be said that every step is bloody and shocking.

Wanyan Zuocheng relied on his management in the court over the past decades with one hand and the hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in Jinshan with the other. He certainly had the upper hand. But with Tu Shanyi's qualifications, reputation, and family power, how could he not have a backup plan?


Master Zuo Cheng has been deducing the hidden methods of the Tu Shan family before, but he has never been able to find any clues...perhaps, this Guo Ning is one of them?

Nine times out of ten this is the case.

Tu Danyi is a person who pays attention to reputation, so much so that he is restrained in doing things in Zhongdu City, and some people even think that he is pedantic. But this old man is in a high position, and there are always many things that are inconvenient to do... Maybe it is left to Guo Ning!

His own family was in charge of the overall situation for You Cheng, and he put on a sanctimonious appearance. His younger brother knew the affairs of Daxing Mansion and flattered the emperor as a close minister; his nephew was the governor in Anzhou and acted as a cover. And in Lianlian Lake in the north of Anzhou

In the middle of the lake, there was an ambush of soldiers like wolves and tigers.

This army was suddenly launched at the beginning of the year, and even Hu Shahu suffered a loss!

What a good plan, what a good plan!

It's a pity that I, Chizhan Sakai, exposed it!

Chizhan Sagai almost laughed out loud. He strode to the table, holding a piece of pancake in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Within the Jinshan Province, not to mention a soldier, even a caterpillar, a caterpillar."

Just an ant, we have to keep a close eye on Master Zuo Cheng! This time, if we find out the details of the rebels, everyone will have made a great contribution! Wanyan Zuo Cheng and I will definitely be generous with the reward!"

Amidst the roar of thanks from everyone, Chizhansa changed his hands and crushed the pancake into pieces: "When we have a thorough understanding of Jinshan Province, the army will immediately surround us and wipe out the rebels in one fell swoop..."

Hu Xin responded: "The entire Jinshan Province is like an iron bucket in the hands of Wanyan Zuocheng!"

Chizhan Sagai laughed and said: "Not only Jinshan, even the capital city cannot escape the control of Wanyan Zuocheng..."

Before he finished speaking, the sound of horse teams galloping outside sounded like thunder, and the sounds of miserable screams came one after another.

Everyone present could clearly hear that those who screamed in agony were the sentries placed outside by Chizhan Sagai and others!

The house where Chizhan Sagai and his party were stationed was close to the Governor's Mansion, so the vigilance was not neglected. Sentries were set up at several key points outside the courtyard, and some people climbed to high places to look over with bows and crossbows.

The reason for this was naturally to prevent Tu Shanhang's men from causing trouble in the governor's mansion. But no one expected that someone would break into the city with a cavalry and go straight to the house. Perhaps they came too fast and too fiercely, and our own outer courtyard was on guard.

The more than ten people who were waiting for him, and the more than ten people who were preparing horse carriages, didn’t even have the slightest chance to fight back!

It was early in the morning, and the morning fog had not yet dissipated. The blood mist had filled the air, and the hall could smell a choking smell!

Hu Xin drew out his sword with his backhand and ordered his subordinates to close the courtyard door. At the same time, he ordered a few men in armor and gathered them back into the main hall.

Another knight who looked like a leader asked loudly: "Du Shiwu! Who is charging outside!"

The one called Du Shiwu was the archer he placed on top of the granary at the back of the house. This guy must have been sleepy and negligent, so he was touched by the enemy... When he goes back, he must skin this guy alive, but

You have to ask him what the current situation is.

The knight shouted twice, and someone from the granary in the backyard replied: "A large group of cavalry is coming! Hundreds of them..."

Before he finished speaking, Du Shiwu screamed miserably and stopped talking. And people in the courtyard clearly heard his heavy body rolling down from the granary, carrying thatch with him along the way, and finally hitting it with a "snap"


This is a tough time! Someone is outflanking me in the backyard!

Hu Xin's expression suddenly changed and he immediately changed his words to Chi Zhansa: "I'm afraid we can't leave. Let's fight for a while. Please change your clothes and pretend..."

Without saying anything, the courtyard door was hit by something unknown, making a loud noise.

The thick door panels crackled and cracked, and the arm-thick door bars were knocked away and smashed into the courtyard. Then the two door panels fell to the ground, stirring up dust all over the sky.

The next moment, several riders rushed in from outside the door.

People in the courtyard had no time to think about it, so they shouted angrily and rushed to meet the enemy.

They are all fierce warriors. In terms of fighting skills, they are by no means inferior to anyone. But after all, they are having breakfast, and many of them still have their armors under the eaves, and some have their usual weapons pulled outside. And those who rushed into the courtyard

On one side, everyone is fully equipped and armed with spears and iron spears, standing high above the ground.

How to defeat this?

Not to mention, there were people climbing up the outer wall of the courtyard and shooting two rows of arrows in succession. The arrows flew across the sky, and more than a dozen people fell down in the courtyard immediately. Others were immediately rushed by cavalry and stabbed with spears and spears.


Back then, Hu Xin was a warrior who cut down trees to clear the way to climb the Western Mountains and defeated the Song army. He had rich combat experience. When he saw a horse coming straight towards him, he kicked a few boxes to block them. At the same time, he dodged to the side and tried to use his short knife.

Slashing from the side. However, the knight on horseback flicked his wrist, and the spear danced around like a poisonous snake, stabbing repeatedly.

Hu blocked it twice with his dagger, but felt that the tiger's mouth was about to open. He had no choice but to throw away the dagger in his hand, reached out to grab the spear shaft that the knight was stabbing at, and tried to drag the knight off his horse.

Unexpectedly, the force of the knight's thrust was too great. Although Hu Xin grabbed the barrel of the gun, he could not stop the momentum of the thrust. The tip of the spear passed through the iron armor on his chest and pierced into his shoulder.

Hu Xin roared wildly and tried his best to hold on to the barrel of the gun to prevent it from piercing his bones and flesh, but the knight with the gun urged his horse to charge and instantly knocked Hu Xin backward.

Hu Xin was still struggling, but the war horse had already caught up with him, and the huge hoof fell on his chest. In just one move, the iron hoof sank four to five inches deep. Hu Xin's sternum was shattered, and blood flowed from his mouth like a waterfall.

It was Zhao Jue, the leader of Guo Ning's bodyguard, who trampled Hu Xin to death with his horse.

He withdrew his spear and looked around, only to see his companions from behind swarming in like wolves and tigers, crushing the enemy's resistance in the blink of an eye. Bright red blood sprayed everywhere; desperate roars filled his ears, becoming more and more murderous.


Zhao Jue's face did not change and he shouted sternly: "Search carefully! As long as Chizhansa changes one person, no one will be left alive!"


This chapter has been completed!
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