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Chapter 40 Orthodoxy and Apostasy

The lizard looked at the opposite door in confusion, its purple-red nobuko stretching and contracting a few times.

It noticed that someone was observing it behind the door, but it didn't care. It was the same way in the past few days.

The lizard opened the door with its claws and tiptoed into the old man's apartment.

Its goal is to kidnap the old man who lives here, throw him to the seaside, and push him into the sea whenever he is about to swim to the shore until he drowns.

Thinking of the old man's expression when he died, the lizard's tail waggled with excitement.

Tang Ping hurriedly opened the door. The evil spirit had entered the room. The old man sleeping opposite could be killed by the lizard at any time.

But the claw bird held the door and said: "Don't worry, there are at least twenty minutes left. Let's talk about tens of thousands of dollars first?"

Tang Ping understood clearly. It seemed that the prop in the door could hold off the evil spirit for at least twenty minutes.

"Well, I have some questions to ask you. What's going on in Shangshan? What kind of organization is the Liaoyuan Society? Are there any humans who are born with abilities? What's going on with amnesia..."

"Stop, stop, come one by one."

The claw bird was confused by Tang Ping's series of questions, and then looked at Tang Ping unexpectedly.

"At least this time your questions are more advanced than last time."

"First of all, Shangshan is a large abnormal area in the province. There are many high-level animal demons in it. Remember not to enter Shangshan rashly. The hyenas there can easily bite your shit bag."

Tang Ping thought of the monster's violent appearance and believed deeply in what the clawed bird said.

"As for the Liaoyuan Society..." Claw Bird looked serious, with a hint of nervousness: "They are downright dangerous elements. People who encounter the Liaoyuan Society should not hesitate to report to us directly. Where did you see them?"

Tang Ping shook his head: "I've never seen it, I've just heard of the name."

This is the truth, but some details are hidden.

The claw bird breathed a sigh of relief: "I was shocked. I thought the lunatics from the Liaoyuan Society were coming. You are lucky that you have never seen anyone from the Liaoyuan Society... It's not just the Liaoyuan Society. You must be extremely vigilant against any counter-believers."

, these guys are dangerous and weird, their minds are all crazy, and there is nothing truthful, good or beautiful about them."

Tang Ping asked curiously: "Speaking of it, what exactly is a counter-religion? What is the difference between it and orthodox religion? Do one believe in evil gods and the other believe in orthodox gods?"

"There is no righteous God. All those who believe in God are heretics!"

"What about Orthodoxy?"

The clawed bird had a sarcastic expression on his face: "Orthodox religion is made up by our predecessors. The gods and doctrines of the Three Orthodox Church are all fake. If their gods had even the slightest efficaciousness, they would have been bloodletted one by one by various countries. They allowed and even encouraged the Three Orthodox Church.

Preaching is just to squeeze the living space of counter-religions and prevent people from believing in counter-religions.”

Tang Ping opened his mouth and was speechless. He did not expect that the religion in the New World would be like this.

"So besides the Liaoyuan Society, what are the more dangerous counter-religions?"

Claw Bird thought for a while: "Void Traveler Company, Doomsday Engineering Group, and the Liaoyuan Society are the three strongest rebels at present. They have influence all over the world, with countless strong men and strange and terrifying abilities. Don't try to provoke them. Other small rebels

There is so much to teach that I can’t finish it all in one moment.”

Tang Ping asked: "Hey, that doesn't sound like the name of a sect."

Claw Bird sneered: "Those who dare to carry out activities under the banner of sects have basically been wiped out. Whenever they try to preach, they will be reported by the masses."

Tang Ping nodded silently, alert in his heart.

There is no doubt that I have been involved with the Liaoyuan Society. I don’t know how many troubles they will cause in the future. How about trying to find their stronghold and report it to the Civil Affairs Bureau?

The clawed bird couldn't hold it any longer, so he went to relieve himself and drank another bottle of water when he came back.

"Next, let's talk about people who are born with abilities. Such people definitely exist. We generally call them abnormalities. Abnormalities are unreasonable and have no rules. It is useless to say more.

As for the amnesia you mentioned...it does have something to do with us.

Ordinary people are mentally and emotionally unstable, and letting them know about the existence of evil spirits can easily cause their minds to collapse and turn into new evil spirits.

And the medicine that can stabilize the mood is quite expensive. Except for our employees at the Civil Affairs Bureau, it is impossible to give it to everyone who sees the evil spirit, so they need to be treated with amnesia."

Tang Ping nodded slightly, it seemed that the amnesia was indeed man-made.

As for the rich not suffering from amnesia, there may be two reasons. Firstly, the rich have the financial resources to bear the cost of medicines. Secondly, the rich generally have more social resources. Once amnesia suddenly occurs, it may cause a certain degree of amnesia.


Tang Ping checked the time: "The next is the last question of the day. I need to know what was previously imprisoned in the villa where we met."

Although according to Wu Ying, she accidentally entered the villa and was sealed by the Civil Affairs Bureau, Tang Ping would not listen to her one-sided words and had to understand everything before he could help her fulfill her last wish.

"Oh, what's being held there is a transparent demon. It escaped and I've been having a headache. Have you seen it?"

Tang Ping nodded: "Yes, I killed it."

"That's great." Claw Bird laughed: "Speaking of which, that girl was also a poor person. She committed suicide more than a year ago due to work matters and turned into a transparent monster after her death. When we

I really couldn't find where she was hiding, so I could only confirm that she was in the villa, so I had to seal the entire villa..."


Tang Ping's pupils trembled: "You said it was a girl, and she was sealed a year ago?"

The claw bird looked at Tang Ping strangely: "That's right, she... seems to be called Li Aiyuan, and she called herself Wuying after becoming a demon."

Tang Ping took a step back, sat on a chair and fell into deep thought, with some cold sweat breaking out on his back.

Wu Ying's statement was completely different from that of the clawed bird. If she hadn't been more cautious, she might have taken Wu Ying back to her home unprepared.

"Is she deliberately deceiving and looking for an opportunity to murder me?"

"No, it's not like that...she did help me a lot, and there were no unusual cases around her during the few days she stayed in the safe house..."

Tang Ping took a deep breath.

What exactly is going on with Wu Ying? Let's wait until tomorrow and see for ourselves.

The clock points to twelve o'clock, it is now nine o'clock in the evening, and the twenty minutes promised before have arrived.

Tang Ping and Claw Qin left the room and opened the door opposite.

As the clawed bird walked, he said: "Yesterday we received a report that a lizard would appear at the door of this old man's house every night. At first, it was only the size of a gecko, wandering around the door for several times. By yesterday, it was more than one meter tall.

The attempt to break in failed... so I guessed that it would come again tonight, so I borrowed a prop from the bureau."


The door was pushed open, and a faint scent of sandalwood floated in the classical-style room. Even the curtains were printed with swastika symbols.

Under the large Zen calligraphy, a lizard with a human face is drinking tea.

This chapter has been completed!
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