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Chapter 320 A heads-up game with Kobe?

Fans also vaguely feel that Chen Yan's dynamic talent seems to be more exaggerated than before!

Kobe ran towards the offensive half expressionlessly.

After halftime, Kobe first blew into his right hand, then stretched out his hands to make tactical gestures.

"Start the singles, everyone, pay attention, Kobe will play singles next!"

As soon as Kobe finished making the gesture, Chen Yan's shout came from not far away.

Kobe gave Chen Yan a confused look, and Chen Yan shouted directly to him: "I know what that gesture means. I have studied you for a long time and I have seen through you!"

Kobe was a little dumbfounded. This was the first time he encountered such an opponent.

But Chen Yan was right, what Kobe just made was indeed a gesture to start a singles game.

This gesture is not difficult for Chen Yan to remember, after all, he has watched Lakers videos countless times in the past few days.

Two seconds later, the expression on Kobe's face returned to seriousness.

At the top of the arc, Kobe received a pass from Fisher.

Raja Bell stared at Kobe with all his attention, he knew that Kobe would definitely play singles this round!

Kobe drops the ball and starts!


The moment Laga Bell moved sideways, he felt like he had hit a wall!

Laga Bale's face was filled with questions.

Don’t talk about martial ethics?

What about the promised pick-and-roll?

Did Kobe also play this dirty trick?

Actually it is not.

Kobe really wanted to play alone.

It's just that the person he wants to play singles against is not Laga Bale.

In the picture, I saw James Posey making a pick-and-roll, the Suns switched defenses, and Chen Yan appeared in front of Kobe!

Seeing Chen Yan, the ferocity in Kobe's eyes escalated again!

That's right.

What he wants to fight is the man in front of him wearing the Suns No. 0 jersey!

Kobe has always been extremely competitive. Chen Yan's pull-bar dunk in the last round made Kobe somewhat embarrassed. He had to find his place.

"Hit him!"

"Kobe, teach that rookie a lesson!"

"Let him see what singles means!"

"Kick his ass!"

The fans at Staples Center were very excited. Fans here have never been used to Chen Yan's arrogant and domineering appearance on the court!

Kobe switched his ball handler from one hip to his left hand.

Chen Yan didn't dare to stick too close or let go too much. He knew how rich Kobe's arsenal was.

Kobe can use almost all the moves of outside players. He can jump directly, perform pull-ups, and cross-step shots. He can use left and right shaking and various fake movements to deceive the defensive player's center of gravity, so as to break through for a layup or dunk.

Kobe also has many methods when encountering a back-up defense. He can stop suddenly and lean back, he can use the air to pull the stick to dodge, or he can draw a foul...

But this time Kobe used another trick in his arsenal besides shooting and breakthroughs, the post-up singles!



At a 45-degree angle from the free throw line, Kobe began to turn his back on Chen Yan.

Kobe is one of the few people who can back up from a long distance.

First, because his shooting range is far enough and he can complete a turn-over jump shot from any angle.

Second, Kobe is very skilled in controlling the ball with both his left and right hands. During the back-up process, he can turn left or right, or even step back. This will have an effect, that is, the opponent will not dare to stand firm.

Therefore, you can see that Kobe often beats players who are larger than himself, such as James.

After two strong hits, Kobe suddenly half-turned backwards and feinted, then held the ball forward and performed a step-and-step motion.

This is a good habit of Kobe Bryant's jump step. He likes to land with both feet at the same time. Even if the defensive player catches up with him, he can still move back, and his left and right feet can continue to move for the pivot foot.

Chen Yan was very focused and kept up with Kobe!

However, in the next moment, Kobe suddenly turned around.

Authentic mamba dance moves!

Chen Yan's center of gravity has been shifted away, and he can only watch helplessly as Kobe takes a mid-range shot.


7 to 2.

Kobe Bryant scored the first point for the Lakers!

"The defense was good and the shots were beautiful!" Yu Jia shouted in the CCTV5 studio.

"This is experience. After all, Kobe is a veteran who has been in this league for 12 years. However, it is not easy for Chen Yan to keep up with Kobe's first step after his feint. If it were an ordinary player, Kobe would have been shaken away at the first move.

!" Zhang Lili boasted from the side.

He is a fan of Chen Yan and a fan of Kobe Bryant, and his palms and backs are full of flesh, so of course the two of them played together.

Sun attack round.

Chen Yan ran across half court without the ball, and the defensive player in front of him became Kobe.

Nash dribbled the ball across half court and handed it to Chen Yan.

Chen Yan is in good form tonight. Nash, who has been his partner for one season, is very aware of Chen Yan's explosive scoring power. When a player like him is in good form, he should be allowed to take more shots.

Chen Yan was not polite either. After catching the ball, he immediately made a gesture and prepared to play singles!

Kobe Bryant signaled James Posey to change defense. He not only wanted to play Chen Yan alone, but also defended him alone!

Kobe's purpose is to completely crush Chen Yan's self-confidence!

As soon as Chen Yan hit the ball, Kobe launched a biting defense!

His strategy is to keep forcing Chen Yan to the left!

His purpose is to force Chen Yan to use his weak side to break through or finish.

Kobe's defense is not as direct as other defensive experts. He does not have many steals and blocks, but his strength lies in his continuous pressure on the defensive end!

As we all know, Kobe's physical strength is monster level, and he can do every action without sparing any effort!

At the same time, Kobe does not rely on brute force to defend. His defensive steps are also different for different offensive players. Facing Chen Yan, his movement is almost a small slide without crossing his feet the whole time.

When facing a fast player, if you use a regular cross-foot slide to defend, you will need to take an extra step to stop when your opponent makes an emergency stop, which makes it easy for the defender to find space to break through.

If you want to follow your opponent steadily without being swayed by a step, the best way is to slide sideways without crossing your feet.



Chen Yan continuously searched for a breakthrough route, but Kobe's sudden increase in defensive intensity made Chen Yan lose his rhythm.


Kobe broke through and stretched out his right hand to poke the ball out!

Fortunately, Chen Yan reacted quickly, first leaning against Kobe with his body, and then taking a step back to regain control of the basketball.

After regaining control of the ball, there were only 6 seconds left in the round.




At this time, Kobe suddenly started counting down loudly, which put enough pressure on Chen Yan!

This is also a type of psychological warfare!

As Kobe Bryant's countdown sounded, Chen Yan's three-point line bounced up in one step.

[God-level dry pull]!

Kobe leaps forward!

The basketball passed through Kobe's fingertips!


Chen Yan ignored Kobe's defense and hit a hard top shot!

This shot was so unreasonable that even Kobe shook his head when he saw it.

"I shoot more accurately when the countdown is on!"

Chen Yan did not forget to give Kobe a last-ditch shot and yelled at Kobe when he returned to the defensive half.

"Good luck, but I won't have that kind of luck next time!" Kobe replied.

During the duel between the two of them, even the words were not idle.

Lakers offensive possession.

You still have to look at Kobe.

At the bottom line, Kobe once again formed a one-on-one situation with Chen Yan.

Chen Yan's prediction in this round was very accurate, and it can be said that he pressed Kobe to an angle where there was almost no room for a shot.

However, after several consecutive feints, Kobe forced the hand out!

Chen Yan's defense was in place, but the ball still hit the net.


10 to 4.

This shot has the same effect as Chen Yan's attack in the last round.

It looks like they are all blind shots, but fans who are familiar with Chen Yan and Kobe know that they have the ability to score this kind of unreasonable offense!

Sun attack.

Lakers fans started shouting 'Defense'!

It’s Chen Yan and Kobe Bryant one-on-one again!

"It's another confrontation between two people. The game seems to have become a one-on-one game between the two!"

"Oh, these two seem to be competing against each other, so the competition will be great!"

Not only the fans, but also the two commentators were very excited.

This kind of star showdown is the favorite scene for fans to watch.

After Chen Yan adapted to Kobe Bryant's sudden increase in defensive intensity, he would not be in the same dilemma as in the last round.

Kobe still used the same routine, trying to force Chen Yan to the weak side.

However, Chen Yan did not give in this round, and his continuous large crossovers suddenly allowed him to dodge out of space!

Chen Yan accelerated his breakthrough with his right hand, and Kobe didn't lose his position and followed up with a sliding step.

At the moment when Kobe Bryant was watching, Chen Yan suddenly dropped from his hips and changed direction!

Taking advantage of the secondary acceleration after the change, Chen Yan found a breakthrough space!

Chen Yan is like ae86 passing through Qiu Mingshan, overtaking Kobe like a ghost!

When Kobe regains his focus, all he can do is breathe Chen Yan's exhaust.

After reaching the free throw line, Garnett's defense followed him closely!

As a historical power forward, one of Garnett's greatest characteristics is his defensive coverage.

Chen Yan didn't care so much, he just stepped back and faced Garnett and was about to take action.


Full of rhythm, the basketball hits the basket and into the net!

Chen Yan couldn't guard Kobe, and Kobe couldn't restrain Chen Yan. From the observation of these two rounds, the two were basically in a state of mutual destruction.

It's just that the two offensive methods are completely different. Kobe is minimalist and pursues technical simplification, but his control over offensive intentions and the psychology of his opponents is far superior to others. He likes to hit simple jumpers from tricky angles!

Chen Yan is extremely talented. He likes to use his ball control and explosive physical talent to create offensive opportunities.

Seeing Chen Yan's fiery state, D'Antoni on the sidelines also applauded.

The defeat in g1 caused Xiaowu to make tactical adjustments in g2. Before the game, the task he assigned Chen Yan tonight was very pure, which was to abandon all distracting thoughts and take action resolutely, and be the team's terminator!

So far, Chen Yan has done a great job!

[The author has something to say]

I finally stopped having diarrhea and vomiting, come back and update now~

This chapter has been completed!
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