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Chapter 321 Roll Call Tactics!

"nice shot!"

"He's so handsome!"

"This extraordinary performance almost ended Kobe's ankle!"

"Kobe and Garnett didn't even block Chen Yan on this ball!"

"The viewing quality depends on Chen Yan!"

"The only person who can play in the Western Conference Finals so entertainingly is Chen Yan!"

"Kobe Bryant in Peter Pan's days can do the same, but now he simplifies the complex and pays more attention to efficiency!"

Domestic fans in front of the TV were discussing one after another!

After entering the Western Conference Finals, Chen Yan's domestic attention has increased to a new level. Many fans are family units, with a family of three or even four eating breakfast to watch Chen Yan's game.

The ratings of g2 have dropped a bit compared to g1. The main reason is that g2 is held on weekdays, and many students and office workers cannot turn on the TV to watch the live broadcast.

However, this does not consume the enthusiasm of the fans at all. Many office workers watch text live broadcasts on their mobile phones while working. In this era, it is not possible to watch NBA live broadcasts on mobile phones, so text live broadcasts have become a choice for many fans.

The student party used the 10 minutes between classes to sneak into the small shop to have a look at Chen Yan.

There are also some enlightened teachers who directly open the sports channel in class. Chen Yan's 33 seconds and 13 minutes is very popular. Teachers believe that this spirit of not giving up is worth learning by children.

On the court, Chen Yan actively retreated to the defensive half.

Chen Yan scored 10 of the team's first 12 points. He is a natural scorer. Watching his personal score increase makes him feel great!

On the one hand, this is due to his fiery touch, and on the other hand, it is also inseparable from the coach's tactical arrangements.

Before the game, D'Antoni repeatedly emphasized that he did not want Chen Yan to organize or rebound. As long as he focused on one thing, he would take action decisively!

Chen Yan took this into consideration and turned off his passing button as soon as he came on the field.

It's rare for a first-year rookie to have unlimited shooting rights, especially on a championship contending team like the Suns.

This is the trust given by the coaching staff and teammates, and the way Chen Yan repays it is to put the damn ball into the basket!

Lakers offensive possession.

Kobe continued to play Chen Yan in singles.

This time Kobe didn't use his feet to shake Chen Yan away, but he used his rich experience to get a foul on Chen Yan before taking action.

Chen Yan decisively held down Kobe's hands before he took action, almost dragging him down!

Fouls must be committed violently or not. If a soft foul is scored by the opponent and the opponent scores 21, it will be the worst loss.

Kobe stumbled forward two steps and then stabilized his center of gravity. Other players would have complained long ago, but Kobe looked nonchalant and even patted Chen Yan's butt to express encouragement.

Kobe likes this feeling of confrontation!

The one-on-one drama between the two did not last for too many rounds. They are both the top scorers of their respective teams, and their respective coaches will not allow them to face off for a long time. This would consume too much energy.

The Lakers played a triangle offense, and Fisher and James Posey hit outside shots one after another.

This is one of the characteristics of the triangle offense. Through the attraction of superstars and team cooperation, role players can get good shooting space. This is why many role players played at the high level of their careers during Phil Jackson's coaching, but quickly declined after leaving.


The Suns did not play conservatively because they were ahead at the start. The Suns' players took shots when they needed to and fast breaks when they needed to. Compared with G1, they had a lot less mental baggage.

This is the credit of head coach D'Antoni.

A good coach is not only a tactical master, but also a spiritual mentor for the players.

Mustache knew that if he wanted to defeat players of the Lakers' caliber, he could only rely on ferocious offense to suppress the opponent and force the Lakers to defend heavily, thereby achieving the goal of encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao.

Stoudemire began to show his strength in the second half of the first quarter. He swept away the haze of the previous game and continued to hit the inside to cause damage!

Stoudemire obviously felt that the defensive pressure he suffered was less than in G1. Chen Yan's hot performance at the beginning helped him absorb a lot of defensive pressure.

This is why Chen Yan, only when he opens up his teammates can he perform better.

The two sides competed round by round on the field.

Although the sun always maintains a lead, this advantage is very weak.

After the first quarter, the score was 29 to 27.

The Suns temporarily lead by 2 points.

Chen Yan's statistics in the first quarter were 15 points, 1 assist and 1 rebound. Just as D'Antoni arranged before the game, he focused all his energy on finishing.

Kobe scored 12 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists. The performance of the two in the first quarter can be said to be evenly matched.

At the beginning of the second quarter, both Kobe and Chen Yan were on the bench.

The playing time of the two is almost synchronized.

There was no winner in the battle between the second lineups of both sides. The Lakers' bench played very well as a team, and the Suns did not suffer the same situation as in the last game.

With 7 minutes and 39 seconds left in the second quarter, the main players of both sides reappeared.

The Lakers used the pick-and-roll of the ace duo of Garnett and Kobe to chase points.

The Suns' shooting percentage dropped compared to the first quarter, and the score was quickly overtaken.

D'Antoni immediately called a timeout. The game against the Lakers was a tug-of-war, for which he had long been mentally prepared.

After the timeout, D'Antoni once again adjusted the Suns' offensive tactics.

At this stage when the shooting percentage is declining, he is not prepared to let the players blindly take shots to regain the touch. This is likely to be seized by the Lakers to open up the score.

D'Antoni's tactic when returning from timeout is very simple, that is, give the ball to Chen Yan for singles.

When in doubt, turn to Chen Yan. D'Antoni has relied on this mantra to win many games this season.

Chen Yan serves from the sideline.

Nash caught the ball and held the ball at the top of the key.

Chen Yan entered the court after serving. He did not directly hand over to Nash, but worked with him in a pick-and-roll.

After the demolition, Chen Yan pulled one step outside the three-point line.

Nash quickly moved and the Lakers were forced to switch defense!

Fisher strode forward and stood in front of Chen Yan.

How professional Fisher's defensive actions are now, how embarrassing he will be in the next second.

Chen Yan barely made any unnecessary moves and took the [Lightning First Step], leaving Fisher behind with one step!

During this period, Fisher maintained his strength very well. James might not even be able to move, but he had completely lost his speed on the court, so he was most afraid of speedy guards.

Therefore, it was no accident that Chen Yan forced the Lakers to switch defenses by using a pick-and-roll. He deliberately named "Old Fish" Fisher!

This is also a tactic the Suns have been practicing during the past two days of training.

Chen Yan's breakthrough directly ripped open the Lakers' defense.

Near the free throw line, Chen Yan strode inward!

Garnett and Kwame Brown both stepped up.

Just when Chen Yan was considering whether to attack with force, the figure of Xiao Si following up appeared in front of Chen Yan.

Without hesitation, Chen Yan directly sent an alley-oop!

D'Antoni asked Chen Yan to resolutely be a terminator, which does not mean that he cannot pass the ball. When seeing his teammates in an absolutely open position, Chen Yan will still choose to share the ball.

By the time Kwame Brown and Garnett reacted, Stoudemire had already taken off.


Stoudemire once again performed his repertoire and defeated Huashan!

The Sun takes the lead again!

This chapter has been completed!
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