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Chapter 685 Complete the adjustment!

The Standing Committee of the District Committee, Chen Jing presided over the study of several personnel adjustment issues in various towns and villages in the district.

The atmosphere at the venue was a little dull.

No matter what level of party committee you are, personnel issues are definitely very sensitive. People within the system are constantly arguing and trying to find a good position for themselves.

And various factions and factions fight, whether they are fighting over directions or due to personal grudges.

If you want to take the initiative in the game, you must have someone available and someone you can rely on behind.

Therefore, if there is no action on personnel issues, it is impossible for any faction to do anything. Because of this, personnel issues are very sensitive. Sometimes conflicts intensify just because there are too many differences between the parties involved in this area of ​​work!

But today, at the meeting venue of the Linjiao District Committee Standing Committee, the meeting progressed relatively smoothly.

In order to adjust the township team, Chen Jing first interviewed the main cadres of each township. During the interview, he basically clarified the next step for the district committee to adjust the township cadres.

When he arrived, everyone below was frightened.

Cadres who had previously had an estranged relationship with Chen Jing and had little contact with Chen Jing began to make amends.

And it’s not just that. People who run for official positions and protect official positions began to dig holes in the mountains to find ways to find connections. Some go to the district to find connections, some go to the city to find connections, and give gifts. The purpose is just one, just hope that in the future

In the new round of cadre adjustment, at least you are not unlucky, and if you are better, it is best to be promoted.

Chen Jing used this trick to make almost everyone in the neighboring political circles use their best efforts, which invisibly weakened Li Guowei's authority.

Before that, there were many towns and villages down there where it was impossible for a needle to penetrate or water to pour into.

Now that Chen Jing had played such a trick, the people below could no longer keep their composure, and started to cross the sea one after another to show off their magical powers.

On this basis, Chen Jing met with Li Guowei and Jiang Wei in a small area.

Chen Jing undoubtedly had the advantage in such a meeting.

Because the problem of Mid-Levels Palace has not been resolved, Li Guowei still has a big burden in his heart.

After Chen Jing ordered the closure of the Banshan Haoting project, he then abandoned it.

The people below came to report to him, but he ignored them. Some government departments wanted to find out what the secretary was saying, but Chen Jing said nothing.

He said nothing. No one dared to let the project start.

Even Wenhai Real Estate wanted to find Chen Jing for public relations, but they didn't know where to make a breakthrough.

As for Yanjing Group, the construction company of the project, its bosses Liu Sheng and Chen Jing seem to be at odds with each other. The guy never forgets to attack Chen Jing wherever he goes. It is absolutely impossible for him to use him as a breakthrough point to shake hands with Chen Jing and make peace.

Therefore, solving the problem of the Mid-Levels Palace has become a long-standing problem.

If this problem is not solved, Li Guowei will lack confidence when facing Chen Jing.

Chen Jing, on the other hand, did not rush to kill Li Guowei. When discussing personnel rights, he grasped the right balance very well, allowing Li Guowei to see hope, and at the same time, he received a lot of benefits.

In this way, after several rounds of meetings, the adjustment plan has basically come out.

A plan was produced at the meeting. The plan was brought to the Standing Committee for discussion, although many members of the Standing Committee had other opinions on such a plan.

But this plan was approved by the main leaders of the district. Do other people dare to express their different opinions easily?

Even if some members of the Standing Committee express different opinions, they do so in an extremely tactful manner and do not dare to express them too openly. Under such circumstances, it is quite easy for Chen Jing to implement his will.

In this way, Chen Jing completed the adjustment of all major township cadres.

Chen Jing's adjustment method is relatively simple. It is mainly a swap method, which is used for individual promotion, and then the additional cadres are promoted from below.

Except for one person who was removed from his post due to age, none of the other top leaders in the townships were removed!

However, after such adjustments, the leaders of the party and government in each township have changed, and the entire political structure of the neighboring corners has also quietly changed.

When Chen Jing announced the final adjustment results, many people stared at Li Guowei.

Li Guowei had a wry smile on his face, a little helpless!

It's not that Li Guowei is not smart, but his opponent is too cunning.

Li Guowei is now resigned to Chen Jing's deceitful ways. Li Guowei now realizes that Chen Jing's greatest strength lies in his insight into people's hearts and his sense of proportion.

His attacks usually do not kill people at once, but press forward step by step, cutting the flesh with a blunt knife.

By the time the opponent feels pain, he has already lost the initiative.

When Chen Jing came to the next door, he was completely empty-handed at first. At that time, Li Guowei didn't take him seriously at all.

But now, Chen Jing is moving forward step by step, and his influence has gradually penetrated into all levels of neighboring society.

Chen Jing just started to come here by visiting the CPPCC. The tactics used by veteran cadres are no longer commonly used, and what he said is becoming more and more effective in the current neighborhood.

This can even be seen from the whereabouts of people entering and leaving the district committee and district government compounds every day.

Many people go downstairs from the district committee's stairs to finish their work at the government side. Naturally, they have to report their work to the district committee on the way. This is exactly the embodiment of Chen Jing's authority!

A research team from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee came to Linjiao. This is a big event for Haishan.

The authority of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee is very resounding in the cities below. The Organization Department plays a considerable role in the selection and appointment of cadres in each city.

In addition, the cadres in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee are generally the cadres that the organization focuses on cultivating. These people are the future of the party's cause, so when they go downstairs, they are majestic and impressive beings.

This time the research team came to the neighboring corner, Chen Jing was mentally prepared. He knew that this should be the arrangement of Secretary Hu of the Provincial Party Committee.

But just because he knows this, it doesn't mean that other leaders of Haishan know this, and because of this incident, Chen Jing once again showed his face in Haishan's political arena.

Neighborhood is very popular now. Neighborhood's economy has not picked up, but the atmosphere has, and the momentum is quite impressive.

Some people are jealous of their neighbors, saying that they engage in eyeball-grabbing economy and exaggeration economy.

Some people say that the neighbors are too whimsical, and building a furniture capital is obviously contrary to the current development of Lingnan!

However, no matter what others say, no matter how jealous everyone is, they have to admit that Chen Jing is indeed very capable and extremely good at dancing.

Not long after he served as Secretary of Linjiao, provincial and municipal leaders frequently visited Linjiao. This time, even the leaders of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee were attracted. Among all the districts and counties in Haishan, no district or county could do this.

a little.

What does it mean when leaders frequently visit and inspect? It shows that leaders attach great importance to that place!

As the top leader of the ruling party, he can often have leaders come over, which also reflects the top leader's ability.

This time, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee mainly inspected and investigated the new methods and measures adopted in the selection and appointment of first-level cadres in Linjiao Township.

After Chen Jing arrived in Linjiao, he used public elections for the appointment of township-level cadres. In addition to public elections, this time Linjiao used procedures such as one-by-one interviews, democratic evaluations, leadership meetings, and pre-appointment announcements to adjust the township team.


Through these procedures, township cadres are appointed to ensure that people are put to the best use and to the best of their abilities!

The research team conducted a comprehensive investigation on Neijiao, and in the end they were very satisfied with the investigation results. Among them, a deputy director of the Cadre Division Three also publicly praised the Neijiao team for their valuable work in the reform and innovation of the cadre system.

Effective efforts!

This visit from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has undoubtedly made the already hot neighborhood even more heated.

The entire neighboring land has become full of vitality due to the implementation of the new development plan.

From the district committee and government downwards, party committees at all levels, and all walks of life, many people have shown a high degree of enthusiasm for the development of Neijiao.

Especially the traditional furniture industry in neighboring areas, stimulated by government incentive policies, they have mushroomed like mushrooms after a rain.

The former large companies are now slowly focusing on building their own brands. The former small and medium-sized enterprises are thinking of ways to become bigger and stronger, and some small workshops are also beginning to expand their production scale.

According to feedback from the industrial and commercial department, there are more than 300 newly registered companies in the furniture industry in Linjiao District within half a month.

In addition, the number of registered self-employed individuals, business departments and studios is also growing very fast.

In addition, large manufacturers at home and abroad have begun to contact the Linjiao investment promotion department. They have also developed a strong interest in the new development of Linjiao. Some companies have even stated that they will send an inspection team to Linjiao for on-site inspection in the near future.

The Linjiao Investment Promotion Department also began to take the initiative under the leadership of the government to publicize the development and future of Linjiao Furniture Industry on a wider scale.

The first industry inspection group organized by the district government has been implemented one by one.

The purpose of this inspection was to understand the development status and future trends of the domestic and global furniture industry, and to use this as an opportunity to promote the Lijiao furniture brand and craftsmanship. Of course, a large number of entrepreneurial representatives participated in the delegation, and more of them hoped that Lijiao would

Furniture companies can have a broader vision and absorb more nutrients from the outside.

This time the inspection team will be led by Deputy District Chief Wen Xianbing and will visit a total of eight cities at home and abroad for a total of fifteen days.

The day before the inspection team left, Chen Jing met with all the members of the inspection team and made an important speech.

In his speech, Chen Jing said that the furniture industry in Linjiao is Linjiao's traditional advantageous industry. However, for a long time, the development of this industry has been decentralized, with each enterprise operating alone and lacking government leadership and guidance.

From now on, the furniture industry in the neighboring corner will move from the stage of guerrillas to the stage of regular army.

At present, it is still very poor for us to go abroad because we do not have a decent furniture brand company. However, Chen Jing believes that after a period of hard work, as long as the government pays attention to it and everyone works together, the furniture industry in the neighboring corner will surely grow into a

A towering tree.

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