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Eight hundred and six chapters General Fang

Chapter 806 General Fang

Among the seven military regions of the Republic of China, the Guangdong Military Region ranks among them.

The main value of the existence of the Guangdong Military Region is to ensure the security of the South China Sea and protect the southern gate of the Republic. The military region is equipped with two main army groups of the Republic, and also includes a military division and a military division in the coastal military region, with a total strength of more than 200,000.

Among the seven military regions, the Guangdong Military Region is not ranked high, but the troops stationed in the military region are almost all elites of the Republican Army.

Among the seven military regions, the Guangdong Military Region participated in the Great War after the founding of the People's Republic of China. This is also an important reason why the Guangdong Military Region can stand among the seven military regions.

General Fang went to Yuezhou to recuperate.

It caused quite a stir in both the military and civilian circles.

When the old general's plane arrived, Xiao Political Commissar of the Guangdong Military Region went to pick it up in person. On the government side, Zhou Zibing, the governor of Lingnan Province, also visited the airport in person.

Both the military and civilian parties selected a convalescent place for General Fang.

Finally, the old general expressed his intention to go to Hongye Villa, and the senior officials of the Guangdong Military Region immediately burst into laughter. When Political Commissar Xiao returned, it was said that he was hosting a banquet for guests to celebrate this "victory."

Hongye Villa is an old villa in the military region. It used to be the residence of General Xu Huben, the first commander of the Guangdong Military Region.

Later, General Xu passed away, and the military region renovated the villa specifically to receive senior generals of the Republic of China. The General Hospital of the Guangdong Military Region and the Sanatorium for Senior Cadres of the Guangdong Military Region are both near Hongye Villa, so some old generals like to live in Hongye Villa.


Of course, General Fang's choice of Hongye Villa is still a bit surprising.

Because the Yunshan Villa chosen by the government of Lingnan Province for General Fang also has a great origin.

Throughout his entire life as a veteran general, the person he most admired was Secretary Ma Biaobing, one of the founding fathers of the Republic.

There has been a superior-subordinate relationship between Mr. Ma and Mr. Fang for more than 20 years.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Ma became a political cadre without being awarded a military rank. He successively served as deputy prime minister of the State Council, vice president of the country and other important national leadership positions.

After the Cultural Revolution broke out, he was sent to Guangdong because he was implicated.

He was living in Yunshan Villa at that time.

Later, when the Cultural Revolution ended and the Republic began to bring order out of chaos, the central government asked Mr. Ma to return to Beijing and take up a post.

At that time, Mr. Ma proposed to the central government to stay in Guangdong, and after the Cultural Revolution, he served as the first provincial party committee secretary of Lingnan Province.

The reform and opening up of Lingnan Province was first proposed and implemented by Mr. Ma. Therefore, Mr. Ma was destined to be as shining in the annals of history as his name.

Mr. Ma retired in 1988 and lived in Yunshan Villa, Guangdong until his death.

When Ma Lao passed away, General Fang was extremely sad. He had always advised Ma Lao to return to Beijing to recuperate, but every time Ma Lao said that Lingnan needed him more, he stayed in Lingnan, and finally died in Lingnan and was buried in Lingnan.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mr. Ma dedicated his last decades to the cause of the Republic's reform and opening up, and he also gave Lingnan the greatest support with practical actions.

Before Ma Lao passed away, General Fang Lao was still in office. He liked to come to Lingnan at that time.

Drinking and talking with the old leaders, listening to the old leaders' opinions and suggestions, and accepting Lingnan's new ideas are all things that General Fang likes very much.

But since Ma Lao passed away, he has never been to Lingnan again.

I don’t know how many people tried to persuade the old general to let him recuperate in Lingnan during the winter, but he refused all of them.

But this time he took the initiative to ask to go to Lingnan to take a look, which was naturally beyond everyone's expectations.

And when everyone thought he was going to live in Yunshan Villa, he chose to live in Hongye Villa, which attracted great attention from all parties.

Naturally, Chen Jing didn't know that there were so many disputes over the old general's residence.

The news he received was that the old general lived in Yunshan Villa.

But when he arrived at Yunshan Villa, he was told that the old man was not recuperating here, but was staying at Hongye Villa.

The two villas are located one in the north and the other in the south. Chen Jing has to pass through the entire city of Guangdong from north to south.

So by the time he arrived at Hongye Villa, he had already missed the time he had agreed on in advance.

Fortunately, the old general Cheng Cheng was no longer busy these days. He was led into the villa area by the orderly without much effort.

Hongye Villa is located in Hongye Mountain.

Hongye Mountain is located in southern Guangdong. The mountain is not high, but the rolling Hongye Mountain is a natural barrier in southern Guangdong.

From a military perspective, Hongye Mountain is a battleground for military strategists.

During the war years, Hongye Mountain was extremely well-defended. The entire mountain was covered with reinforced concrete fortifications. Even now, when driving from the foot of the mountain all the way up, you can see many fortification systems built during the war.

The entire Hongye Mountain is a military restricted area.

Sentries began to appear near Hongye Villa. Chen Jing rarely had contact with the army before.

But this time, he finally realized what it meant to be heavily guarded, and Chen Jing could feel it.

The old general has settled in Hongye Villa. The villa area must have strengthened its realm. Such battles are rare in peaceful times. This also shows from the side that the Guangdong Military Region attaches great importance to the arrival of the old general.

However, once entering the Hongye Villa, the outside world seemed to be shut out by a big door.

This villa occupies a huge area with endless views.

Red Leaf Villa, as the name suggests, the biggest highlight of this villa area is the red maple.

The outside of the villa area is surrounded by red maples, and inside the villa area, there are even more ancient trees.

The tall red maples are as beautiful as the colorful clouds. There is a long corridor with red maples standing on both sides, making the scenery here picturesque.

It is extremely difficult to find such a paradise in a big city like Guangdong. Hongye Villa is well-deserved!

When Chen Jing met General Fang, General Fang was recuperating.

He had just arrived in Lingnan and was not used to the climate. In addition, because of the large number of people who had come recently, he was a little tired. He had occasionally felt cold in the past two days.

When Chen Jing walked in, he saw him lying on the bed taking an intravenous drip.

It was almost a year since he had seen the old general. Chen Jing clearly felt that the old man's body seemed to be weaker and the wrinkles on his face were thicker.

The old man didn't seem to notice Chen Jing entering the door.

There was a book on his bedside, and he picked it up and was about to read it.

Chen Jing shouted: "Grandpa!"

The old man suddenly raised his head, stared at Chen Jing for a long time, and suddenly smiled, as innocently as a child.

"I was supposed to wait for you to eat, but you are late! The meal period is over, and you will be hungry!"

Chen Jing hurriedly explained to him the reason for being late, and then said: "Grandpa, I'm not hungry. I'm full from breakfast!"

The old man pointed to the sofa, and the orderly quickly brought Chen Jing a cup of tea.

Chen Jing did not sit on the sofa, but found a chair to sit close to the hospital bed. He was about to speak.

The old man said first: "I'm fine, I just have a cold, which makes a lot of people nervous!"

He paused, shook his head and said: "To be too old to die is to be a thief. I feel very strongly about this now. When my brain gets hot, it disrupts the work and life of many people. Even you came here from Haishan.

Look at me, this bad old man, hey!"

Perhaps because there was no one else around, the old general spoke very relaxedly, without any of the sternness or majesty he had before.

Chen Jing even felt that the old man next to him was just an ordinary old man, an old man who suddenly came to visit him when he was sick, and he wanted to talk to him.

The old man stretched out his hand, and Chen Jing subconsciously reached out to shake his hand. His hand was a little cold because he was too thin, and the old man's hand was hard.

Chen Jing squeezed it, and the old general smiled and said: "Pinch for what? Go back ten years and you wouldn't have the guts to shake hands with me! I can crush your little bones!"

Chen Jing smiled awkwardly and let go of his hand.

The old man shook his head and said: "Time is not forgiving, and I can't accept old age now!" He changed the subject and said to Chen Jing: "Xiao Jing, I heard that you are doing a good job in Lingnan. This is very good. I am very happy! There is nothing to rely on.

If you have a relationship, you can find a way by yourself, and facts have proven that it works."

"In the past, we came from the old society, from the old to the new, destroying the old and building the new. How could we have the conditions we have now? There is no way to rely on it!"

Chen Jingdao: "Grandpa, I haven't done a good enough job, especially in handling certain relationships. My relationship with local comrades is somewhat tense..."

The old man stretched out his hand and waved it, suddenly smiled and said:

"I can't help you with this. I'm worse than you. When the army passed through the gathering areas of ethnic minorities, the central government asked me to talk about policies and not to destroy ethnic unity. At that time, I was really scared of being shot coldly by those idiots.

,Fuck policy, my machine gun is policy.

Later, I was pushed to the death over this matter, and in the future, I would stay away from anything related to policy."

He smacked his lips and said: "I know how to carry a gun and lead troops in war, but I don't know how to do anything else. I won't fight anymore. I have been idle for decades and I am already very old. Haha!"

When he said the last part, he suddenly laughed, as if he was laughing at himself, but he laughed so proudly.

Chen Jing laughed unnaturally.

He suddenly felt that today's meeting was so warm. The old man had a heroic character and spoke directly and straightforwardly. He talked about the events of the past as if telling a story, which made people feel particularly cordial.

"It's okay for people to have weaknesses and shortcomings. The key is to have strengths!" The old man said again. He looked at Chen Jing with unfathomable eyes. "You have strengths and characteristics. Being able to work without arms and doing practical things is your advantage.


"There are some controversies, some comments, and even some rumors and slanders, let him go! Where do you have so many scruples in doing things, this scruple and that scruple, you can't do anything well, you can't let it go, this is


Wang Ruge of the Jiang Dynasty is a mediocre person. This kid is not a top student of Huangpu Military Academy.

He led a central yāng army and I had a duli division. I beat him and fled all over the world. It was like driving a herd of pigs. Even if it is a herd of pigs, there are tens of thousands of pigs, and I will not be so timid.

…” (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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