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【184】Three Items Great Perfection

early morning.

Xiaohua sat at the table and looked at the two crying women. She didn't really want to persuade them, nor did she scold them.

Her secretary came back from breakfast in the No. 1 cafeteria.

A cowhide bag of hot milk, and fried rice cakes wrapped in leaves and filled with silky syrup.

There are not many ingredients used in the sugar filling, but the taste is therefore precious.

It is balanced and does not produce sugar. Everything depends on the Lord’s blessing on creation.

There are 18 canteens in the main city, and Canteen No. 1 only serves sweets, and they need to be paid for with contribution points.

Most families would definitely be reluctant to eat it.

At least there is a Temple Mount monk sitting in charge.

Therefore, classes must be formed.

But the monks of the Temple Mount attach the greatest importance to balance. Those who can work harder will get more...

Want to eat fried rice cakes?

Why don't you crack the whip and let the little ones at home practice the secrets of the law assiduously?

When the clerk came in and saw the situation, he smiled and said, "Today, the cafeteria said there was a lot of sugar, and it tasted really good."

Unexpectedly, the two women cried louder——


"Jijun loves fried rice cakes the most!"

"My successor."

Xiaohua finally couldn't bear it any longer, "Jijun, Jijun, Jijun! If he commits a crime himself, he must bear the punishment!"

"Yesterday, monks from the Supreme Elder's Hall and the Temple Mount gathered together. How dare he talk nonsense in front of our Lord?"

"My Lord has given us enlightenment, and in the Kingdom of God everyone should have a desire to learn. He was stupid enough to declare his stupidity loudly. Our Lord only allowed him to go to the Great Salt Lake to be punished, and he did not sentence him for his rebellious heart.

, do you know how much grace this is?”

The eldest mother wiped away her tears and said, "But, my Lord said that he will not be allowed to return until the salt road is built!"

"My Lord didn't say that." Xiaohua saw that their expressions softened a little, and she quickly changed from scolding to persuading, "My Lord said that it might be a lesson for him to think about it all the way."

"It was the Wu Tangtang who changed his face and became so angry that he said that he could not return until the salt road was built."

"The successor should be tempered. If you continue to escape like this, it will be difficult to become a talent!"

"I have reached the Great Perfection of the Law. Brother Niushi's breakthrough is just in these few days. Even if Jijun is not on par with me, he still needs to know what to be proud of and what to be ashamed of!"

The eldest mother and the second mother looked at each other, their tears solidifying, "The cow shit is about to break through? But can it end the imprisonment?"

Yawen library

The younger son is gone.

The eldest son is back.

Thinking about it this way, it seems good?

Seeing their thoughts turning around, Xiaohua finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled expectantly, "As long as you successfully break through, you will be considered to have passed the test of crime and punishment. After yesterday's meeting, Wu has inquired about Brother Niushi's legal realm, and the test should be coming soon.


After that, she added, "You don't need to worry about the matter of succeeding the army. Our true God has her own will!"

July 1st.

It has been three days since Zhou Jijun set out on his journey.

Take the new road built from the main city to No. 6 city, the total distance is 170 kilometers.

I went through various mental changes along the way.

From the initial fear;

The joy when I learned that I would be riding horses for nearly 20 days;

At the end of the first day, the severe pain in his lower limbs caused by the friction of the saddle finally made him miserable and gave up.

But I still have a stubborn streak in my heart.

Until today, before setting off from Big City No. 6, he still thought someone would come to save him. But after walking a few kilometers, his face was filled with tears, but he still swallowed the tears silently.

at the same time.

Outside the prison under the Temple Mount, there were already overcrowded people.

Xiaohua's realm test was an accident. No one expected that she could break through the Law of Perfection in just one year.

Three days ago, when Zhou Ruonan gave a speech in the palace, he happened to mention that cow shit was about to break through, attracting everyone's attention.

As a result, today's assessment attracted more attention than last time.

A small window outside the prison opened, revealing Niu Shi and Zhou Weiguo who had received the answer sheet.

The onlookers are all invigilators.

Although they tried to keep quiet, due to the large number of people, there was still a faint commotion, which distracted the two of them.

"The chief answer sheet has been announced on the Temple Mount."

"The full score for Chinese language rules is 100, and the rest of the rules are all above 90. The obtained rules are perfect, and it can be said that you can do it with ease."

"My teacher Zhou Liangchen is not bad either. He is the first person in the Kingdom of God to be taught the law, and he personally taught it to my Lord and the witches. Who among the people present has not listened to his teachings?"

There are many disciples of bull shit. In the 13th year of Balance, all the earliest batch of law monks were taught by him. Now the monks on Temple Mount are all his disciples and grandchildren.

Not to mention...

"My master's bullshit has extra points for military law!"

"I will go on an expedition in the 5th year of equilibrium. I will conquer the land with my division. I will achieve merit and glory. I will receive an extra 40 points for the total score. This move of our division will definitely succeed!"

The speaker is a jumping fish.

The teacher will break through the laws of perfection, how can he not come and wait for the good news?

"That's what Zhou Weiguo can't say."

"He is the one who bestowed the name on our Lord, but he has not shown much talent in the practice of law!"

When the discussion started, dozens of people were immediately outraged——

"How can I, our teacher, Weiguo, allow you to judge me?"

"Do you want to fight with me?"

"My master, Wei Guo, has followed and served my Lord since before the Kingdom of God was established. He has been favored and looked upon by my Lord, and given his name!"

"Moreover, he is protected by the sacred weapon of light and shadow, and plays movies for the 10 cities of the Kingdom of God. If you don't take his credit for granted, how can you make such a scornful comment?"

Everyone looked at each other and finally stopped speaking.

And inside the courtyard.

Zhou Weiguo heard everything clearly and was so angry that he stopped writing.

Niu Shi smiled bitterly, "Don't get angry and concentrate on answering the questions. You are not like me, conquering various places to convince those law monks; and this time is your chance to prove you."

There is not much etiquette about respect and inferiority in Balance nowadays.

They also follow the old tribal traditions and everything is based on strength.

The name of cow shit is well known by almost all departments.

The son of the clan leader and one of the leaders of the conquering cavalry regiment.

Along the way, he taught countless tribesmen and enlightened them.

Whether it's the secrets of the law or the combat skills and force, they are enough to convince everyone.

Another example is Xiaohua. Although she is young, she has risen step by step since she returned to the Kingdom of God. She serves as a translator for various ministries, walks in the palace of the Supreme Elder, and sometimes makes amazing remarks.

At first, there were often provocations, but due to the secrets of the Law of Bi, she was never invincible, so everyone recognized her status.

And then to the end.

The feat of breaking through the Great Consummation of the Law in one year completely shocked the Kingdom of God.

He was given a name by our Lord, had his own surname, and became the chief and the youngest Supreme Elder of the Temple Mount.

Today, he has become one of the most important people in power in God's kingdom.

Who wouldn't call her "chief" when they saw her?

Even the elders in the Supreme Elder Hall were all respectful.

And Zhou Weiguo.

Except for the blessing of the holy weapon of light and shadow, I have made no achievements. Even if I follow my Lord, I am more like a little transparent, silently filming.

Only a few people know that most of the movies seen in various cities were produced by him.

Knowing that he was being looked down upon, Zhou Weiguo gritted his teeth and said, "From today on, I am the third great perfection of the law in the Kingdom of God!"

"Moreover, we must use the power of the laws of art to shock them into speechlessness!"

Upon hearing this, Niu Shi smiled and gave him an encouraging look.

Before, he and Xiaohua had no need to worry.

Who would have thought that Zhou Weiguo would really find a new way and delve into the rules of art.

I have already admired his painting skills, they are indeed vivid and impressive.

It's late afternoon.

The assessment lasted a whole day.

Just before the sunset was about to set, the two of them stopped writing almost at the same time.

Someone saw it from the small window and shouted: "The answer is over! They have finished the answer! They are checking themselves!"

It was at this time.

A majestic voice came from behind the crowd, "The witch has arrived, everyone needs to retreat!"

Xiaohua and the temple guards came surrounding the snow girl.

Before he could get close, everyone immediately moved out of the way and knelt down to worship him.

The Snow Goddess came to the courtyard gate with a pale expression, but did not enter.

Instead, he took out two pieces of paper and handed them to Xiaohua, "This is the correct answer to the assessment paper. Post it on the wall..."

"My Lord has decreed that for the sake of fairness and openness, the answers of the two people will be compared by everyone to determine the final score."

"The five major laws of Chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, each with a perfect score of 100!"

"Law of the Earth, full score 60."

"There are also military rules, and the art rules are 40 extra points!"

"600 is a perfect score."

"In order to standardize the 'Great Perfection Assessment' in the future, we will divide it into three grades starting from today."

"If you score more than 500 points in the Dzogchen assessment, you will be a first-grade Dzogchen. You will be rewarded by our Lord and given an important appointment."

"For example, Li Huai'en has a total score of 467 in the Five Laws, and a perfect score in the Law of the Earth... And because she has mastered the 'Positioning Method', she got an additional 20 points in the Military Law, with a total score of 547, which is a first-grade Dzogchen!"

"Li Huaien is the first Great Perfection in the Kingdom of God, so he has been given the surname and the appointment of chief and supreme elder. Can you believe it?"

The snow girl glanced at everyone.

The kneeling crowd looked at the chief who followed the witch, not to mention that she inherited 70% of the majesty of the witch.

It was 547, a terrifying cultivation level that was only 53 points short of a perfect score, which made everyone shudder.

The title of chief is well deserved!

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

People praise, which is also the highest form of recognition for the people of the Kingdom of God.

At the same time, they made some calculations in their minds.

Extra points for military laws and art laws are difficult to obtain.

The former requires "cavalry experience", but most monks in the Kingdom of God have no time to care about anything else since they enroll in school, except for those with unusually large physiques, a few of whom were selected to join the new army last time.

Only these people get extra points.

Let’s talk about the laws of art…

Art courses have just started, but it is difficult to find "teachers" in colleges in various cities, let alone understand what the "laws of art" are.

In the end, some people had no choice but to ask elders and craftsmen from various ministers to come and teach carving, murals and other techniques, but they didn't understand the significance of it.

If you want to get artistic points, at least these generations of law monks are wishful thinking.

Calculate it this way.

Putting aside the 20 points for Military Law, the full score of 60 points for Earth Law is not counted.

The chief's average score on the five principles reached a terrifying 93 points, almost a perfect score.

And it only took her one year. If she was given one more year, wouldn't she be able to break the record she set?

When everyone's hearts were shocked.

The witch's instructions return——

"If you score 450 points, you will be in the second level of Dzogchen. You can join various research groups based on your preference for the rules!"

Everyone was stunned.

Based on this score calculation, even if the Earth Law test is completed with 60 points, the average score of the five major laws must be above 78.

However, it is not absolutely impossible.

At least there were many people there who were thoughtful and making secret calculations.

Another question arises, "Wizard, if you are a second-grade Dzogchen, you are already a member of each research group?"

Hear this.

Not only Yuki-onna and Xiaohua, but also the monks in the field also searched for the source of the sound and looked over.

Countless eyes fell on Tiaoyu.

He is the head of the No. 2 Ayutthaya Printing Research Group, and his status is equally aloof.

As he asked, many people in the room were also curious about this. If he is already a member of the second-level Dzogchen of the research team, will he receive any reward?


Wu's expression became colder and colder, turning into a sneer——

"I hear what you mean, do you want to be satisfied with the status quo, or even just hope for 'second-grade perfection'?"

Xiaohua shook her head slightly at this.

Why are these people becoming more and more like the army?

Can you ask this question?

Tiaoyu was shocked. Faced with the majesty of the witch, he was at a loss to defend himself.

Among the remaining law monks, there were also members of various research groups, and at this time, a lot of people were panicking.

The first level of Dzogchen requires 500 points to achieve.

They have seen the chief's answer sheet. Looking at it, less than one out of ten can understand it.

The practice of the Law of Balance is all based on self-study and requires a lot of talent.

Based on everyone's current state, they only feel that Dzogchen is a mountain that cannot be climbed.

The second grade is already rare, who dares to covet the first grade?

Everyone trembled when they saw the majesty of the witch.

Then listen to her will and come——

"My Lord has said that the sea of ​​laws is vast, like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat!"

"Today I will tell you to wait!"

"Those who are currently members of various research groups and who do not reach the 'Second Stage of Great Perfection' within 5 years will no longer have the qualifications to be members of the research groups."

"The place will be filled by those who come after you."

"If you are like jumping fish, the person who is added as a 'team leader' will no longer hold the position of team leader and will be demoted to a team member if he does not reach the 'First Grade Great Perfection'!"


The whole place was in an uproar and exclaimed.

Only the second grade can participate in the research team? And the research team is already busy, how can it be possible to break through the second grade?

And look at the jumping fish...

If it fails to reach the first level, the position of group leader will be abolished.

There is no way out. He can only save face by breaking through to the first level. Otherwise, changing from team leader to team member will only make the Temple Mount Law monks laugh at him.

If it does not reach the third level...

It would be better to crash into the stone monument under the Temple Mount.

Xiaohua sighed and added: "My Lord has said that if you want to wear balanced armor, you must bear its weight! Now that you have shouldered a heavy responsibility, you must set an example."

"Only when the realm of law is strong can we guide everyone!"

Tiaoyu's face was pale and he was out of his mind. He just murmured, "If you want to wear balanced armor, you must bear its weight..."

Wait until the scene is calm.

The snow girl continued: "To reach the third level of Dzogchen, you need to reach 400 points! This is the basis for retaining your qualifications as monks on Temple Mount!"

"After five years, those who have not reached the third level of Dzogchen will be deprived of their qualifications as Temple Mount monks!"

"And those who have achieved the third level of Dzogchen can obtain the supreme secret of the sea of ​​laws given by our Lord and specialize in the practice of one supreme law!"

[The Temple of the Law of Balance] definitely needs to be upgraded.

I can’t even graduate from high school, so let’s forget about learning college knowledge.

The establishment of the elimination system will give them the motivation to move forward, so as not to think that Dzogchen is the end and therefore slack off.

The team leader is at the first level, the team members are at the second level, the third level... ah, no, the third level cannot be achieved, the only way is to go back to the drawing board and remake it.

All in all, the way to balanced development cannot be separated from the word "volume".

Listen to the will.

Everyone was silent.

They originally came to watch a show, but who knew the clown was actually themselves!

The secret of the law of cow shit is already ahead of everyone, and Zhou Weiguo, who is not favored by them, also has the courage to participate in the assessment.

I would like to ask, is there a fourth person in the Kingdom of God who has such ability?

It was at this time.

The test paper was handed through the small window inside the door.

Xue Nu glanced at it and said: "Li Huaien, you are here to supervise and check the scores, and there must be no mistakes!"

After that, she turned and left.

Everyone quickly praised him.

When the noble figure gradually faded away, someone shouted anxiously: "Quick, look at the test papers of Zhou Liangchen and Zhou Weiguo!"

"I wonder what grade they will be!


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