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Chapter 965 961 [SSS-level Emperor]

Spain, in financial distress, tried its best to suppress the Sicilian revolution.

Then there was no money at all, and the army could not be dispatched. They could only use naval ships to blockade the main port of Naples for a long time, trying to force Naples to dissolve the republic.

Spain even sent diplomats to negotiate, and as long as the revolutionaries dissolved the republic, Naples would be allowed to retain its parliament. However, the parliament must govern together with the governor.

The King of Spain is still the King of Naples.

Some big nobles began to waver, but big businessmen firmly resisted, and serious cracks appeared in the new republic.

Spain had not yet raised enough military spending to send out a large army, so two farcical acts were staged at the same time.

First, the Spanish navy, which was responsible for blockading the port, directly engaged in smuggling, colluded with Genoese merchants, and secretly traded with Naples, completely ignoring the king's blockade policy.

There is no way, Naples is the granary of Italy. If the port is blocked for a long time, there will be famine in Genoa, Venice and other countries, and then multiple countries will join forces to resist.


Second, it was discovered that Spain was unable to suppress it, and civil war began to break out in the new republic. Ren 5]

The first consul and the first speaker were all murdered by the big nobles. The big nobles began to purge the parliament, which aroused fierce resistance from businessmen, craftsmen, scholars, and small nobles.

The civil war lasted for one year, and agricultural production suffered serious damage. Ren 6]

The reduction in grain production in Naples directly triggered riots by citizens in Genoa and Venice. 1

The third act of burlesque begins.

Genoa and Venetian merchants paid for and joined forces with Naples merchants to recruit mercenaries to fight against the great nobles. The great nobles' army was defeated miserably, and the great merchants sought to seize their property.

The small nobles divided their lands. From then on, the Congress of the Republic of Naples was controlled by big businessmen and small and medium-sized nobles.

The revolution seemed to have succeeded and the republic stood. Ren 6

The revolution seems to have failed, and the citizens and peasant classes are still under heavy oppression.[9]

When revolution was brewing again in Naples, Parliament finally made a compromise to reduce the burden on the citizens. However, the peasants were ignored, and they couldn't cause trouble anyway.

Ren 8

Regardless of success or failure, the existence of the Republic of Naples inspired revolutionaries in other countries.

There were even uprisings in Paris.5 91

The incentive was that Louis XIV built the Palace of Versailles, which increased the burden on the French people. The revolutionaries once surrounded the Louvre, but were easily defeated by the palace guards. Louis IV was so angry that he

Revolutionaries were arrested nationwide - once caught, they were exiled to overseas colonies without trial, which quickly increased the population of Quebec. Ren 8

The revolutionary trend spread from Italy to France, and from France to Spain. It caused a great disturbance and spread widely, but all were suppressed without exception. Ren 1]

Only the Republic of Naples still exists for special reasons, but the fruits of the revolution were also stolen by big businessmen and small and medium-sized nobles.[2]

After making a fuss, it seems to be of no use.

The most obvious result is that those two books were banned throughout Europe, even in Naples. They also incited the Pope of Rome to take action, saying that these two books were blasphemous to God.

Anyone who prints, disseminates or keeps it privately will be burned to death. Ren 6

No one dares to discuss related ideas in public anymore, but they continue to spread in private.2 2]…

In particular, the nobles held salons without any scruples. While praising the Chinese emperor, the nobles used "Datong Collection" as a topic of conversation, which seemed to demonstrate their knowledge.

And fashionable. Then, France and Spain got married, and Louis XIV married a Spanish princess.

After the marriage, the two countries each withdrew their border troops to reduce military expenditures on both sides. At the same time, the two countries joined forces to suppress the revolution and extradite revolutionaries who fled to each other's territory.

Charles II expressed anger,

It was agreed that Britain and France would cooperate against Spain, but Louis IV seriously betrayed the Anglo-French alliance.


Faced with the accusation, Louis XIV did not give any response. He only asked the British diplomats who came to negotiate to bring back a newly compiled "Biography of the Great Emperor of China".

Charles II got the book and laughed after reading it: "Louis is a smart man."

In the new French edition, the title of the book has been cancelled. "The King of Kings" has been deleted. All background content about China's politics and society has been deleted. Zhao Han once again became the Song Empire.

Descendants of the royal family, and a large number of palace content introductions. Ren 3]

Most of the contents of the court were heard by the French envoys, and they wildly exaggerated the wealth of the Chinese royal family. They described the Chinese emperor's many wives in a lot of words, which was not European.

A continental monarch can only have one husband and one wife. Ren 1

As for the process of Zhao Han's uprising, it completely became a "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" style novel.1

That is to say, Zhao Han acquired a certain scholar (strategist) today, and a certain knight (fierce general) tomorrow. Scholars are full of wits, and knights are good at single combat. Zhao Han even

He went into battle in person and defeated the Tatar barbarians (Manchu Qing Dynasty) with a charge.


Since the original version cannot be banned, use the new version instead!

{twenty two

While Louis XIV was hunting down revolutionaries, he was also officially promoting "The Biography of the Great Emperor of China". As expected, it had a miraculous effect. People were keen to talk about the hot-blooded new version, while the old version was difficult to read.

Gradually no one paid attention to it. The writer responsible for the revision work was even awarded the title of academician of the French Academy.

{ 11

Other countries followed suit, introduced this new version of the novel, and vigorously promoted it officially. As a result, booksellers in various countries made a fortune.

It didn't take long for Zhao Han to become a legend across Europe, with people talking about his wisdom and bravery. As for his political thoughts, he was forgotten and even gradually cherished.

Doubt the authenticity of "Oriental Testament" ("Datong Collection"), thinking that it was made up by a bunch of chaos. { 41

Subsequently, related fan works became popular, and European writers wrote various stories.

Louis XIV was nicknamed the Sun King because he personally played the role of the sun god Apollo. Now, he has asked people to write the ballet "Emperor of China" and perform it himself.

Playing the role of his pen pal Zhao Han, he always wins overwhelming praise from the audience. Ren 2]

The Great Emperor of China, Zhao Han, is still respected and recited, and his popularity is at an all-time high. However, the Zhao Han in various works has long been completely different from the real Zhao Han.

Louis XIV also asked the envoy who had met Zhao Han to draw the clothes of the Chinese emperor.

This guy asked the tailor to make clothes according to the drawings, and he just wore them when he had nothing to do, and had a great time spying on the Chinese emperor. Ren 8


Get lost! 9]

This trend of spying spread faster than the revolutionary trend. All kinds of Chinese clothing were drawn and given to tailors, and the nobles and wealthy businessmen wore them on the streets.…

Moreover, the costumes are all kinds of weird!

Many of them are based on imagination, and even incorporate Persian and Indian elements. Even the Chinese people would not recognize them as Chinese costumes. 1]

In addition to spying, Louis XIV spent a lot of energy on building the Palace of Versailles.2 2]

He has decided to build a porcelain tower that will be taller than the Glazed Pagoda in Nanjing. The height is achievable, but porcelain cannot be afforded, so he can only paste ceramic tiles on the outer walls of the tower and then paint it with a layer of paint that gives it a porcelain feel.


This was a suggestion given by the architect. Louis XIV was very unhappy, but had no choice but to agree to build an inferior imitation.

Such a magnificent tower, with France's current finances, would probably have to sell twice as many officials, double taxes, and take half a lifetime to build. 7 4

Charles II was much more practical, working hard while enjoying life. Ren 5]

As Britain's finances improved slightly, Charles II became more lively. He personally formulated the rules for horse racing, went hunting in the countryside when he had time, and let chefs try more new dishes.

He also led the nobles to promote drama, and finally won the title of "Happy King".


In view of the achievements of successfully curbing revolutionary ideas, monarchs and nobles of various countries expressed their respect for Louis XIV. The Sun King added a prefix and became "The Supreme Glory of the Sun".

"Yang King".

But in a scholar's study, in a dark and remote corner, in the minds of some revolutionary survivors, "Eastern Testament" still exists. Ren 4

Existence is existence and no one can erase it.


It is just dormant temporarily, like a ghost hiding from the scorching sun. Until one day, when the clouds are overcast, the sky is dark, and the sunlight is blocked, the ghost will come out again and transform.

Show others a new look.{ 46

Later European historians described the revolution this way:

"Although the Eastern Covenant Revolution began in 1661, it had already fermented in the 1950s. The political wisdom from distant countries inspired the thoughts of European revolutionaries.

It eventually led to the revolutionary wave that spread to half of Europe and lasted for four years. It played a decisive role in the formation of modern Europe. The revolutionaries who followed were just

Change the ‘Eastern Covenant’ to avoid the political rigidity during the spread of revolution

"Especially for the unification of Italy, the revolutionaries had no scruples. The revolutionaries from Naples directly took out the dusty "Covenant of the East" and wiped out all the people.

All the nobles and oppressors. Unify Naples, unify the Two Sicilies, unify them all, and even hang the Pope!"{54]

"The legend about the Great Emperor of China is now well-known in Europe. His image is entertaining, dramatic, and game-like. People are keen to talk about the emperor's knightly charge.

Feng, keen on talking about the scholars and generals who assisted the emperor at that time


"My grandson, Little Smith, heard me mention the name of the Great Emperor, and he discussed it with me with great interest. He said that the Great Emperor is an SSS-level monarch, the only SSS in the game.

level, with built-in attribute stability of 3, economic development speed of 50, military development speed of 50, and technological development speed of 100. If you choose to play an Asian country, or choose China or other

His monarch had to assassinate the Great Emperor at an early stage, and the success rate was extremely low. If the assassination failed, he could only load the file. The luckiest player had to load the file repeatedly for two hours, which made me

Laughing and crying

“Until now, Europe has not restored the original appearance of the Great Emperor. But for a hundred years, progressive people in Europe have quietly bathed in the thoughts of the Great Emperor.

Thinking of glory, looking forward to the arrival of the great revolution all the time

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