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Chapter 2.05 Accumulating Capital and Developing Energy

 In 2437 AD, the new regime in the south has now established a firm foothold here.

The main natural obstacles have been cleared during the Weikeng exploration phase, and now a new round of development is underway after a smooth handover process.

Militarily, in order to open up the communication lines between the core area of ​​the Pearl River Delta and surrounding city-states, the unified army conducted many military exercises.

The round-headed "Ares Tank" has a bucket installed in the front to bulldoze dead branches and vines blocking the road.

This diesel convoy followed the railway line base built in the old civilization era and the original national highway, all the way to the city walls of each city-state, and then conducted a military exercise mission code-named "Liberation".

The rifled gun on the tank turret began to adjust the shooting dimensions. The muzzle changed from the angle facing the city wall when it first arrived. It turned to a 90-degree angle aimed at the hillside exercise area on the side, accurately hitting the representatives of the autonomous region (inside the city-state).

The nobles) are temporarily predetermined (required to mark) targets. It fully restores the actual combat elements.

Jinhua Daily: On April 13, the unified army successfully completed its military exercise mission, demonstrating to the people of various autonomous cities in Guangdong the determination of our people's army to defend national property. Representatives of various autonomous city-states firmly supported the new

Government leaders have joined the Pearl River Delta economic integration initiative.

In human terms: those tanks completed the alliance under the city and signed an economic agreement and an agreement on the free circulation of population with Yuanhua Port.

Wei Keng repeatedly reported to the organization that Guangdong has a population of 500,000 and the regional situation is complex.

Therefore, organizational backbones such as Sun Xiangyang, who are still relatively vague about administrative work, can only follow Wei Keng's "ppt plan" when planning their work.

Wei Keng's cultural level is higher than that of the crew members from the Plane of Death, which is a less obvious, but more effective advantage.

The Chinese people's tradition of respecting scholars has been engraved in their cultural genes. When bandits become big, they know how to kidnap a scholar to serve as their military advisor.

Therefore, Wei Keng does not need to grab any decision-making power now, nor does he need to occupy many seats. The suggestions he puts forward can always be carried out smoothly by relying on the archives he has summarized.

After June, along with the small workshops of each city-state, the economic system of the small city-state was hacked open by strong armor and sharp cannons.

The Pearl River Delta Economic Circle on the old ruins began its first take-off after the arrival of cargo ships. Thirteen excavators bulldozed some of the ruins, and the building materials produced by the lime kilns formed a circle of walls here.

Then the construction of buildings was summarized internally, green belts were reserved, and facility spaces for possible future road expansion were reserved. This layout was the layout of the factory compound.

As the population flow gathers towards the Pearl River Delta, various factories and buildings must be constructed in advance. Wei Keng, based on the population migration information in each city and food price fluctuations, completed the modeling of the out-of-town population gathering towards the Guangzhou Economic Zone.

, and the new government plans production and construction according to the modeling trends.

As for the economy, while ensuring the food and clothing of the people, the Pearl River Delta economy has begun export-oriented economic production and gathered capital!

It's the 27th century, and the sociological education Wei Keng received naturally does not mythologize capitalism, but "capital" exists objectively "before civilization has entered the spiritual and material riches."

Gathering "capital" is not about finance. Capital is credibility in social material exchanges.

Because society cannot be made up of a group of selfless people, let alone those who sit in high management positions.

After experiencing the turbulent era of the 21st century, and hearing all kinds of words that are selfless but shameless in reality, such as "working overtime is to train you" and "forcing you to be laid off is to provide talents for society".

Wei Keng is extremely averse to selfless dedication. All his labor must be given a reputation value by a reputable person. The real thing that is most suitable for society is money! It is capital.

In a society with a constant population and productivity, the credibility that the entire society needs to operate is actually also constant. Certain systems in the society sometimes create fictitious reputations to concentrate some of the society's wealth and invest it in high-tech industries to gamble on the future.

This reputation manipulation method is a financial method.

Of course, virtuality is virtuality after all. If the financial method is not to bet on future industries, but to build a blood bubble that can make blood suckers full in this era, then financial bubbles will eventually accumulate.

After each bubble bursts, a large amount of capital will evaporate, but as long as society continues to function, the credibility of capital will still exist.

Now in the plane of Pandora, where is the capital of this world gathered?—In the upper levels of various city-states!

They concentrated all the one-dollar steel coins and fifty-cent copper coins that were widely circulated before the Great Depression into their own hands.

After Wei Keng arrived, the new economies in the Pearl River region relied on production advantages through non-war means to continuously earn back these copper plates and steel in business. This is to gather capital.

Copper plates and steel coins, the Death Plane can provide coin-making facilities to print in large quantities, but that will only destroy the circulation of steel coins and copper coins in the south, causing both parties to perish together, and will not be able to gather capital.

The essence of capital is reputation, which is a scalar quantity that can be temporarily exchanged for human resources and material wealth at all levels in the operation of society. This is not simply created by a mint machine, but is established in the process of social operation.

A group must let the world know that they have the ability to increase social wealth and provide security! In this way, the currency supported by the group is a credibility scalar.

This can be seen as "establishing trust in a tree". Although the process is quite complicated, it must prove both production capabilities and military capabilities. However, with the development of modern civilization to this day, when it comes to governance, it should be larger and more sophisticated than in the era of Shang Yang.

In fact, if he wants to quickly gather capital, Wei Keng seems to have another option, which is to directly use military means to plunder! Directly destroy the credibility of the upper echelons of nearby old city-states.


Not to mention whether Wei Keng, a guy who is afraid of death and pain, is willing to sacrifice for this plan. This method is too limited. Even if it can quickly gather the credibility of Guangdong, it will destroy the credibility of the unified army outside.

A force that concentrates wealth through robbery will be questioned in every possible way outside the area it can rob!

In addition to Guangdong, there are other city-states throughout the East Asian continent! There are still exchanges between these city-states. The military increase of the unified expedition army will definitely threaten these city-states with force. After all, the name is "unification expedition" and

It's not local separatism.

Military power may cause huge economic losses to a region during operations, but it must not bomb the other side into abject poverty "in the name of plundering wealth."

At least you can't do this on the surface, and you can't allow the army to do this in an organized manner.

Otherwise, your army is definitely not a team that comes to "establish order", but a beast army that comes to knock bones and suck marrow. No matter how much real money you plunder, it will only serve as capital (reputation) to stabilize the occupied area internally, but externally?

Unless you give up the occupation, external forces will never feel confident trading with you.

If things can obviously be obtained through economic means, don't follow Mao Zimang's example! Moreover, after Wei Keng's detailed investigation, the wealth structure of human city-states at this time is very deformed. Economic effects are better.

The economic model of these city-states in Guangdong is that capital is concentrated at the top on a large scale and no longer feeds back to the lower levels through large-scale projects.

These city-states now have an addictive demand for two categories of goods - luxury goods and arms.

Luxury goods and arms respectively correspond to: the hedonism of the upper class and the need to maintain the stability of their own rule.

This is the case in the Qing Dynasty, where Fushou Yao and Krupp Cannon were purchased.

In order to help the surrounding human forces deal with the threat of the genetic community, the new government of Zhujiang will sell some guns and ammunition. But now, the main products sold at the 'New Canton Fair' are still some high-end consumer goods.

What is a high-end consumer product in contemporary times? - Instant noodle seasoning packets!

To this end, a MSG factory was established. When sodium chloride and sodium glutamate can be used to supplement sodium ions at the same time, the capital owned by the upper class can purchase a hundred times the salt they need. But since they don’t need it, they don’t

So much steel will flow out. So the MSG that is now ten times the price of salt was tailor-made for them by Wei Keng.

In Guangdong, there are trade routes that transport salt to inland city-states, so this consumer market is very huge.

Today, city-states where steel and iron are constantly flowing out do not have the ability of a planned economy to allocate production materials for all classes. Due to the lack of an important medium for social and economic activities, the credibility of the capital will be reduced after the capital flows out.

On August 17, at the door of the supply club.

"Buy, buy, buy!" At the commodity supply point, merchants holding order forms even stampede in order to purchase enough goods, so that the supply company had to deploy police officers to maintain order in the afternoon. These are currently used by ordinary people.

What you get in exchange for cheap MSG, fresh-scented bath soap, and a coat made of cotton inside and leather outside when you arrive at the city-state seems to be a piece of currency before the Great Disruption. But in fact, it is the blood of the social order in each city-state.

At present, workers under the new government are scrimping and living frugally, working overtime to produce materials. The steel in exchange for themselves and the factory is not just metal sheets, but also the steel that can be quickly gathered in the local areas when the unified army enters various regions in the future.

Guarantee of strategic resources.

In the process of capital gathering, there seemed to be a magic power, and Wei Keng found that he was also infected by the magic power. Wei Keng found that he was also working all night long, and it was also a job with high mental consumption.

Wei Keng: "So, what exactly am I trying to do?"

Mr. Wei, who is about to return to the Chinese plane and become a top celebrity, realizes that he should not leave for a while, but should do more.

In October of Pandora 135, with the guidance of technical experts from the Death Plane, Wei Keng started a new energy revolution in the Pandora Plane.

This information about the energy station was handed to Wei Keng by Luo Hongxing.

When Wei Keng started to be busy, Luo Hongxing sent a communication message to Wei Keng's supervisor: "Xiaolu, it is important to make the best use of the situation!" Bai Linglu said that he was willing to be taught, but God knows how much he can be taught.

Let’s talk about what Wei Keng is busy with now.

For teenagers before China's urbanization, if you stir a pond that has been dug for several years with a long pole, you will always find bubbles in it. This is a common phenomenon.

After the Yuanhua crew arrived, urbanization in Guangdong has increased, and energy consumption has also increased sharply. The method of using charcoal as energy in the past has encountered great challenges today. The storage of charcoal is easily attacked by fungi, and the spores released are

It is easy to cause biological pollution. Therefore, there is an urgent need for energy that is more convenient to store and transport.

Electricity and natural gas were important energy sources for human society at the same time in the main world. One was transmitted through wires and the other was transmitted through pipelines. Natural gas is not available now, but biogas? According to the thriving trend of the biological world today! Not only

There can be, and there can be many.

According to Luo Hongxing's account, after arriving in the Death Plane, he stayed in parts of southern China. There were no coal mines in those rural areas, and the electricity supply was not enough to support large-scale electrical appliances. In order to solve the problem of power generation, he resorted to indigenous methods and began to engage in biogas power generation.

.Actually, it is not a local method. It is because the State Grid is not that developed yet and provides technical assistance to rural areas.

Wei Keng did what he said and dug out the pool directly. It was very deep and large, and the bottom was connected to a heating pipe. When the waste heat residue from the factory was introduced into the pool on the side, the heat could flow through the pipe and be transferred to the reaction pool.

It is used to adjust the reaction temperature, then paste cement on the pool, affix a waterproof layer, and then attach ceramic tiles. The entire pool is fed through a pipeline, and the top cover is connected to a shaft seal stirring rod. The outlet can discharge waste during the production process.


After the construction was completed, the fifteen groups of pools with a side length of eight meters and a depth of 12 meters began to be filled with water and raw materials were added. Almost overnight, the inside was churning like beer. The decomposition speed of straw and other dead branches and leaves was comparable to

It grows white hair faster than strawberries. When stirred evenly with the stirring rod, the biogas in the large pool is like shaken cola. The bubbles flow out of the pipe and enter the combustion chamber to drive the gas turbine and drive the generator set to convert into electric energy.

Electrical wires are conducted to nearby factories.

It's just that in Pandora's field, the energy of life activities can interact across the air.

When the methanogens produce methane after receiving an abundant supply of materials, their remaining life energy radiates to the surrounding vegetation and even insects.

The earliest biogas pool had to be stopped after ten days of generating electricity because an old tree root rose up and cracked the No. 3 pool.

Therefore, when building a biogas power station for the second time, Wei Keng directly piled a layer of kaolin with a thickness of three meters around each pool, and piled it tightly with blue bricks and cement (this is the emperor's tomb technology)

Such a cement pool that can continuously produce gas energy has a radiation energy density no less than that of a nuclear reactor in the civilized era. However, the methanogens do not have complex genes, so the insertion effect on human genes is limited. However, the continuous radiation will still make some sugar

Class, the amount of protein proliferation increases, exceeding the upper limit of human endocrine coordination.

During the period from November 135 to April 136,

Those workers in the non-sanitary control group would develop stomachaches or develop mange on their skin if they continued to work on site for three hours.

Wei Keng and the engineering team came to the conclusion that power control automation must be increased, each inspection should not exceed half an hour, and blood exchanges need to be completed with comrades on duty in other areas every day, or Wei Keng's blood should be directly injected to completely

Enhance your own resistance to life radiation when microorganisms proliferate.

It's just that when arranging work, the organization prefers to mainly arrange for the Weikeng cluster to take on half of the duty, waiting for the next generation of technology updates.

Each tank of the biogas power station can process 100 kilograms of straw-like materials per day, and the daily power generation is about 10,000 kilowatts, which is 10,000 kilowatt hours of electricity. The electricity bill is currently 0.8 cents per unit, which is 80 yuan a day, and

The entire power station requires ten people to maintain operation. One-third of the output can be used as job wages.

As the largest group of workers in biogas power plants, Wei Keng couldn't help but sigh after receiving the wages paid by the organization: "This is really a high-welfare position."

If this position can really provide a stable living condition, then this is a suitable place to lie down. But! Wei Keng waved his fist and encouraged himself: "You have to fight for a better tomorrow!"

This chapter has been completed!
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