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Chapter 37

Autumn is crisp and the sun is shining brightly.

Li Zicheng woke up and was still very active. He also played a set of Ba Duan Jin in the yard.

Zhang Shenyan secretly frowned, unable to remove the poison? Is this short-haired youngster really a weirdo?

After breakfast, the two of them went to visit each other.

In the ravine to the east of Tuncheng lived the Sun family.

Three brothers from the same family were high officials in the same dynasty.

The eldest, Sun Juxiang, formerly had the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Governor Cangchang, also known as Cangchang Shangshu. 1 Cangchang is an official warehouse, a large bank, a large grain depot, etc. In the Ming Dynasty, the titles of the six ministries and some yamen were separated, for example, the Ministry of Husbandry could

There are two or three ministers, but only one is in charge. Others are similar to their job + rank + honorary title, and enjoy xx-level treatment or xx-level.

In the past, many generations of Liu Bowen's descendants were killed by Lao Sun Zuosen. Then a sudden change occurred. Lao Sun "acted in response to the imperial edict, spoke about twelve issues concerning current affairs, and violated taboos." He was slapped in the face.

In July last year, Sun Juxiang and Yangcheng fellow Hu Ke kept exchanging letters to Yang Shihua. One time, they were collected by Jin Yiwei, and there was a message in it: "The national affairs are getting worse day by day, and the evil atmosphere is getting worse." 2 Yang Shihua surrendered first.

Later they surrendered to the Tartars

Emperor Chongzhen was furious when he heard this, and immediately arrested Lao Sun and sent him to prison to send him to guard the border.

The second son, Sun Kexiang, was the censor of Qianzuodu and died just now.

Sun Dingxiang, the third eldest, was the former right deputy censor of the capital procuratorate, governor of Huguang, and admiral of military affairs. He was impeached by the eunuchs during the Tianqi period and was dismissed from office and returned to his hometown. In the first year of Chongzhen, he was appointed as the right minister of the household department.

Sun Dingxiang knew that the court was dangerous, so why should he be an official? It would be more comfortable to study at home, raise flowers and build a garden.

The fourth son, Sun Lixiang, runs a private school in the village, so I won’t talk about him anymore.

There are many wealthy businessmen here, and quite a few high-ranking officials. Maybe they complement each other.

Accompanied by Zhang Shenyan, Li Zicheng successfully entered the Sun family gate.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then talked about the current political situation of the government, and by the way they talked about Sun Juxiang.

Li Zicheng reminded the third grandson in a roundabout way that the eldest grandson only had two years left to live and should he find a way to "bring him back".

How dare Prime Minister Sun Ding speak nonsense? What if the Jin Yiwei came?

Fortunately, Zhang Shenyan was there to help and vouch for Li Zicheng.

"Brother Shuxiang, don't look at this young man with short hair. He is knowledgeable in hundreds of schools of thought and can be called a genius! It is rare to see him in five hundred years."

"Oh?" Sun Dingxiang was greatly surprised. He knew Zhang Shenyan's character well and would never flatter him randomly.

He had just finished reading "Mengxi Bi Tan", so he casually said: "Short-haired, let me ask you, 'The moon waxes and wanes', why does it have 'wades'?"

Li Zicheng smiled, "Old sir, can we talk about a more advanced topic? For example, the fourth and fifth grade of elementary school?"


Although Sun Dingxiang didn't know what the fourth and fifth grades of elementary school were, he also knew that Shorthair looked down upon the superficiality of his problems.

"Hey! You short-haired guy!" The old man tilted his neck, "You can wait until you answer."

"Haha." Zhang Shenyan looked at the two of them with interest.

Li Zicheng said: "Zhang Heng of the Eastern Han Dynasty said, 'The moonlight is born when the sun shines, and the soul is born when the sun shines. When the sun shines, the light is full, and when the sun shines, the light is exhausted.'"

Sun Dingxiang asked, "Then you also think that the moon itself does not shine? Zhang Heng also said that a lunar eclipse will occur when the moon is blocked by 'dark void'. Do you think so?"

This old man was quite eager to learn, so Li Zicheng did not hesitate to teach him.

"'Dark Void', Liu Zhi of the Western Jin Dynasty explained it. "Those who talk about "Dark Void" think that the sunlight cannot reach the shadow of the earth, so it is called "Dark Void". When a few lights are illuminated, the light body is smaller than what is covered.

Then it is greater than the essence. Today, if the distance of a thousand miles is covered by the earth, the shadow of darkness will be more than half. The star will die and the moon will be destroyed. It is not just the intersection. From this, the yin cannot be illuminated, and it can be seen close to it.

That’s it..

Ma Duanlin, who lived in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, said it more clearly, "The moon has no light at first, but it is bright when it receives the sun. When it is facing the sun at night, a circle of light is full. Or the moon moves slowly and slowly, and the place where the sun does not shine is the food." On the day of the first lunar month, the sun and the moon are in the same palace, just like the moon is above the sun, covering the sun and passing by, the sunlight is blocked, so it is a solar eclipse.

To put it bluntly, the moon is originally lightless and receives light from the sun, so the half facing the sun is bright and the half facing away from the sun is dark. On the third and fourth day of the lunar month, the moon is tilted towards the sun, so what the human eye sees is exactly Three parts are bright and seven parts are dark, just like a tooth. In fact, there is no difference between the moon and the moon. It is just half bright and half dark, and the waxing and waning are all scenes seen by human eyes and have nothing to do with the moon."

Even Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty knew this principle: "On the day of the month, if the light of the day is not lit by the sun, it is also regarded as an eclipse. The light of the sun and the moon has not begun to lose light, and people expect it. The ancients used calendars to make decisions in advance. The constant of real numbers.”

But he also said, "However, the sun is yang, and humans and kings are like elephants, which are covered by yin, so we must take precautions."

Emperors of the past dynasties often issued edicts because of solar eclipses and the like. They knew it was a natural phenomenon, but they still engaged in superstitious activities. It was not because of ignorance, but probably because "the ancient teachings should not be neglected."

Also, is it superstition that the emperor sacrifices mountains and rivers to worship gods? "Huainanzi" has long said that it is for gratitude. Mountains and rivers block the moist air, so that rain can form, and only with rain can there be a good harvest of food.

It is only the common people who are ignorant.

The capital of Zu Chong knew the cause of the solar eclipse. However, in the country of Zin 1,400 years later, the people still beat gongs and fired cannons to angrily drive away the "Tengu" in order to "rescue" the sun from the "Tengu"'s mouth. They are not making a fool of themselves. Play, I really thought there was a dog licker. 1 I forgot whether it was Nanjing or where, but a celebrity even complained about it in the newspaper.

For another example, Kangxi, who was on a tour in the south, asked Li Guangdi which star is Canopus on the observatory. Li Guangdi replied: "According to the book, if you see Canopus, the world will be at peace."

Kangxi boasted: "What's the connection? It's all nonsense! Canopus is in the south, so it can't be seen in Beijing. It can be seen here. If you come to Fujian and Guangzhou, you can even see the South Pole Star. How can you say that Canopus is not in the sky that day? Seeing peace?"

The superior is not ignorant. Another example is Phosphorus Fire.

Lu You knows clearly, "When I was more than ten years old, I saw a lot of will-o'-the-wisps in the countryside. Fires often appeared in the branches of wheat fields and rice ears. They were bright green in color and disappeared. This is because the war had not been going on for a long time. Do you believe the saying that human blood is phosphorus? It’s an illusion. Now I will never see him again, and those who see him will always think it’s strange.”

Although phosphorus fire is not made from human blood, people at least know that it has nothing to do with demons and ghosts.

As for the legend of "suddenly losing one's soul" after seeing a will-o'-the-wisp, it may be due to fright, or it may be due to poisoning caused by inhaling phosphine, phosphorus pentoxide, etc. The ancients could not study it.

However, ordinary people still think that it is a will-o'-the-wisp set by ghosts, and their ignorant ideas have lasted for thousands of years.

Water another one.

Dong Zhongshu of the Western Han Dynasty said: The thin air above is rain, and the thin air below is fog. The wind is the puff, the cloud is the gas, the thunder is the sound of striking each other, and the lightning is the light of striking each other.

It has nothing to do with the God of Thunder and the Mother of Lightning. Why go to the temple to ask the Dragon King for rain? Just step aside.

After Li Zicheng finished explaining about the moon, Sun Ding stroked his eyebrows and praised: "The younger generation is quite knowledgeable."

Zhang Shenyan raised his eyebrows and said, "What? Is what I said true?"

Sun Dingxiang continued his examination, "Yang Wanli of the Song Dynasty wrote a poem, 'It is said that the diameter of the moon is a thousand miles round.' Shen Kuo said, 'The shape of the sun and the moon is like a pill. How to know it? It can be verified by the profit and loss of the moon. The moon has no light, like a silver pill, and the sun

The brilliance is the ear of light. "The sun, the moon, and the air are all tangible but without substance." Can you tell me, the moon is a balloon with a diameter of thousands of miles?"

Li Zicheng replied: "The diameter of the moon is about six or seven thousand miles. I can't remember clearly. I need to calculate the exact size. The sun can be regarded as a balloon, but the moon is not. There are mountains and soil on the moon. I will give the old man one next year.

Use a telescope and you will know at a glance.”


Sun Dingxiang glanced at Zhang Shenyan, then turned back, "You're not bluffing this old man, are you? Didn't you read the Tang Dynasty Notes "Youyang Zazu"? Is it possible that there are really 82,000 households on the moon building it? Is it the Guanghan Palace?

Does Chang'e live there?"

Li Zicheng smiled, "This can't be explained in a few words, and it won't be confirmed for a while. If the old gentleman is interested, we can talk about it later."

Prime Minister Sun Ding asked again: "One day in heaven and ten years on earth?"

Li Zicheng scratched his head, "There is some truth in this. If we start from the special theory of relativity, it is even more complicated. It will take three to five years to explain clearly."

"Special theory of relativity? Please explain it clearly to me in three to five sentences."


"This theory of relativity... For example, if an old man plays with a beautiful woman for half an hour, he will feel that only a moment has passed; but if you sit under the scorching sun for a moment, you will feel that more than half an hour has passed. The theory of relativity is divided into general

It’s really hard to talk about it in a narrow sense.”

Sun Dingxiang grinned after hearing this and thought for a moment, "Let me believe you."

He added: "Zhang Heng said, 'The sky is like a chicken's egg. The celestial body is round like a pellet, and the earth is like a chicken's egg, living alone in the sky.' "Huangdi Neijing" also said, 'The earth is under human beings, and it is also in the void. The great atmosphere lifts

Is that true? If so, there are too many unexplainable things.”

The old man stamped his foot, "Aren't the people on the other side facing down? Can the atmosphere hold them up and prevent them from falling?"

Before Li Zicheng could answer, Zhang Shenyan was confused, "Brother, when did you start to learn these things?"

Sun Dingxiang laughed and said: "I stay at home and have nothing to do every day. I am so idle."

Zhang Shenyan turned around and said, "Shorthair, please answer."

Li Zicheng put down his teacup, "This is very complicated..."

Sun Dingxiang puffed his beard and glared, "Don't keep saying that you can't explain clearly in three to five years. After asking for a long time, you haven't explained anything clearly!"

Li Zicheng started scratching his head again, "How should I put it...like a magnet, it can attract iron..."

Zhang Shenyan stamped his foot, "You think this thing can attract people?"

He slapped the table again, "Everything can be sucked?"

Li Zicheng nodded, "That's right. Gravity attracts everything."

Sun Dingxiang began to scratch his head, "If you can speak, just say a few more words. Don't be secretive all the time and you won't understand."

Li Zicheng worried, "It's like a magnet. It can attract iron. You have to use some force to pull the two apart. If the two are close to a certain distance, they will automatically attract; if they are too far apart, they will naturally be ineffective. The same thing

The truth is, although the earth under our feet can absorb all things, as long as you are strong enough and throw a stone into the sky, if it reaches a height of three or four hundred miles, it will be gone forever."


The two old men looked confused.

Li Zicheng said: "This is easy to understand. If you throw a stone into the sky, will it go higher the harder you throw it? Of course manpower is limited. You can see firecrackers and rockets flying ten to twenty feet high. If you use more

Too much gunpowder...it’s too complicated to explain clearly.”

Sun Dingxiang was very dissatisfied, "Just tell me what you can and let me hear it. I want something fresh."

"One day I will write a book of One Hundred Thousand Whys for the old gentleman..."

"Let's talk about it some other time. Now tell me about today."

"..." Li Zicheng took a sip of tea, brewing it, and then looked at the cup and remembered, "Do you know about cupping?"

Prime Minister Sun Ding said: "'Put the paper in a jar, light it with fire, and put it on the belly of a strong man, and it will not fall. Cover it with the fire to make it happen.' The Song Dynasty knew this, how could I not know?"

Li Zicheng sighed: "It's a pity that the ancients did not research on inducing oxygen and developed the cupping system instead."

Sun Dingxiang took a few deep breaths and asked, "Is this oxygen?"

Li Zicheng explained: "That's not true. There seems to be nothing in front of you, but air is everywhere, and it can be called air. This air is composed of several kinds of air, and oxygen is just one of them.

When we take in a breath, the oxygen in it is used by us, and the other breath is useless and exhaled. If you don’t believe it, put a big can over your head and seal all the gaps, and people will soon feel suffocated. It’s because the oxygen is used up.”

Sun Dingxiang nodded, "It makes some sense."

Li Zicheng continued: "The same goes for making a fire. If there is no oxygen, the fire will go out; if you fan the wind, the fire will be strong because the oxygen is added. And for iron making, you also need to blow air. Let's talk about cupping, why can it be sucked? What's inside?

Oxygen is consumed, and this involves atmospheric pressure..."

Seeing is believing, hearing is believing. Li Zicheng asked the old man to find cardboard and cups.

Add water to the cup, slightly beyond the mouth of the cup, because there is tension and it will not overflow; cover it with paper again and wait for a while.

If the cup is as small as the thickness of a writing brush, there is actually no need to add paper. In addition to tension, there is no disturbance and positive feedback, and the water will not flow anyway.

Li Zicheng stretched out his hand and said, "Old sir, please pick up the cup and turn it over to take a look."

"Then the water will be spilled?" Sun Dingxiang said as he started to flip the cup carefully, "Hey! It's fun!"

Zhang Shenyan pouted, "Isn't the paper probably absorbed by the water?"

Li Zicheng said: "Then pour out half the glass of water and try again to see if the water can absorb the paper?"

Sun Ding did as he was told and the water was spilled.

Li Zicheng patiently explained the atmospheric pressure.

The two old men clicked their tongues in wonder.

Zhang Shenyan made a paper tube, inhaled and flattened it, "Is this the atmospheric pressure outside? How come the atmospheric pressure is so strong that it doesn't crush the short hair into meat patties?"

Sun Dingxiang said hurriedly: "I can explain this. Everyone has to breathe. There is air in the abdomen, which offsets the atmospheric pressure outside. Is this the reason for the afterlife?"

Zhang Shenyan retorted: "You also have qi in your arms and legs? Do you also have qi in your head?"

Li Zicheng was helpless, "This is about blood pressure again, let's not go too far. In short, in the world of human life, we have already adapted to the atmospheric pressure, otherwise people would be dead."

The commander-in-chief once again gave them some popular science on why "pressing the gourd makes the gourd float".

Zhang Shenyan was surprised and said that since the weight has nothing to do with it, why can't a ship made of iron also float? This is simply nonsense.

Li Zicheng was too lazy to argue. He only said that he would know if he could float it by trying it. The iron sheets should be thinner, or the iron ship should be made larger. He did not mention the calculation method. "You will not learn it in a while."

He also talked about the principle of siphon and connector, which is easy to verify. The ancients had already applied it, but they didn’t know why.

Siphon is called "Zhuzi", "Pianti", "Kewu" or "Guoshanlong" etc.

As for the connecting device, Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, also used it to tease the Tiele tribe who came to perform Hajj. The barbarians were greatly frightened and said one after another: "The emperor gave me this bottle and returned it to the tribe. Wouldn't it be enough for wine?"


After Li Zicheng finished talking about the hemisphere experiment that could not be pulled apart by several horses, Sun Dingxiang was completely convinced.

"Young people are to be feared! Their knowledge is profound and unheard of!"

The three of them chatted some more and mentioned the zodiac signs. Old man Sun said that short-haired men are knowledgeable and talented, and the zodiac sign must be the Aquarius.

Li Zicheng said that my seven meridians have been changed, separated from the way of heaven, and no longer among the five elements.

Zhang Shenyan said that Han Yu was a Mojie, Su Shi was a Mojie, and I was also a Mojie. It can be seen that the three of us have similar literary talents.

Sun Ding rolled his eyes at him.

It wasn't until after lunch that the three of them got down to business.
This chapter has been completed!
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