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Chapter 36 You are still too young

Zhang Shenyan went away for a while, then came back and sat down again, and new tea was served.

That idiot of his is fine.

Pens, inks, paper and inkstones are spread out.

"Life is like a clay basin, only when it breaks the vacuum can we see it."

Li Zicheng was speaking while swiping ink, but he did not write the actual records of Chongzhen——

"In March of Zhonghe Guimao Spring, the flowers outside Luoyang City are like snow..."

"Qin Fu Yin" was written when Huang Chao conquered Chang'an. This longest narrative poem in the Tang Dynasty, "Mulan Ci" and "The Peacock Flying Southeast" are also known as the "Three Wonders of Yuefu".

Due to various reasons, Wei Zhuang denounced "Qin Fu Yin" in his later years, wrote "Family Precepts" to ban the poem, and withdrew copies from various places. As a result, all generations of disciples knew his name but never saw his poems.

It will not see the light of day again until the foreign devils plunder the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang.

"'Qin Women's Song'? Is it really the original work?" Zhang Shenyan burst into tears with excitement.

Li Zicheng put down his writing brush, "At least I can't make it up at the level of a late student."

Old man Zhang wiped his tears and said: "Young people are terrible! How do you know that you can't fake? Starting from Pucheng, Shaanxi, I have heard about your poems and books. You must be talented!"

"Ah?" Li Zicheng was shocked.

Old man Zhang smiled proudly, "Unexpected? How many short-haired men are there in the world who are not monks? This short-haired man is from Shaanxi, talented, and a highly disciplined rebel leader. I can't find the second one.


Li Zicheng took three breaths, "This is a bit bad..."

"Are you panicking? Are you afraid of being shot first?" Old man Zhang said with a joking look on his face.

"Ah?" Li Zicheng was shocked again.

"Haha! A strict father produces filial sons, but a loving mother often loses her sons. A gun will kill the first bird, and a sword will chop down the local snake. The wind will blow the egg shells, and the wealth will be gone, and people will be happy..."

The language comes from Datong Ling's "New Edition Zeng Guangxian Wen".

The Han brothers in Jiangzhou did not pay Li Zicheng any copyright fees after publishing it, even though Shameless Short Hair also copied it.

Li Zicheng stabilized his mind, took a sip of tea, and said calmly: "Some birds come to the world only to do things based on the truth, not to hide from guns."

Zhang Shenyan pointed to the writing on the table where the ink was still wet, "What is truth? When the inner treasury is burned to ashes, and the bones of the ministers are trampled on in the streets?"

"Being an enemy to the people of the world is the truth!"


"Uh...slip of the tongue, I said the wrong thing."

Zhang Shenyan touched his beard and sighed: "I really didn't expect you to find me in my house. The three major disciplines and eight points of attention of the revolutionary army cannot even be achieved by one-tenth of the officers and soldiers of the past dynasties."

A few months ago, when the army came to suppress bandits, Niu Shiwei's troops passed through Runcheng, Shishan and other places. Due to the lack of military discipline, the soldiers looted everywhere. The local villagers suspected that the soldiers were thieves and threw bricks and rocks to intercept them. The officers and soldiers were afraid and did not dare to fight.

The landlords and wealthy people are submissive to the "Japanese" and attack the "8th Route" with heavy blows. They also attack the "national army" with heavy blows!

Zhang Shenyan took out a crumpled Revolutionary Army note and shook it, "What do you mean by the program and route written on it?"

Li Zicheng suppressed his excitement and explained it in detail.

Zhang Shenyan shook his head after hearing this, "You are still too young after all, your thinking is too simple, and you don't understand the current situation. The emperor wants to rule the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, not with the common people."

Li Zicheng did not argue, but first held up his hands and said: "Congratulations to the old man for winning half of the questions in the Chongzhen Seventh Year Palace Examination." Those who rule the world together are scholar-bureaucrats. Today's scholars have improper practices, and they are quick to see what is wrong. I want honest scholars to practice and restore their ways. Why?

Is it possible with skill?'"

"..." Zhang Shenyan was stunned.

Li Zicheng added: "The Taizu of our country once said, 'On the shores of the land, there are none other than the king's ministers. The sergeants and officials in the world are not used by the king, but are those who teach from outside. It is not wrong to kill them without losing their families!


Zhang Shenyan couldn't directly refute Zhu Yuanzhang, so he just said: "Why don't you think about the meaning of 'Is it the king's minister who leads the land'? Do you have it now?"

The old man stood up and left his seat, taking two steps with his hands behind his back.

"Before the Tang Dynasty, most places were controlled by aristocratic families; after the Song Dynasty, they were dominated by local tyrants and gentry, who can also be called 'country sages'. Why? Do you think the emperor can really keep his word?

Young man, you have to understand that if you want peace in the world, both top-down imperial power and bottom-up gentry power are indispensable."

Zhao Nanxing, the former Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, said, "The power of the township officials is greater than that of keeping orders. They run wild and do whatever they want. No one dares to do anything to anyone."

For example, Wang Yingxiong, the current minister of the Ministry of Rites, and his younger brother Wang Yingxi did whatever he wanted in his hometown of Ba County. The villagers accused him of 480 crimes and embezzled more than 1.7 million taels.

There are also great scholars Zhou Yanru in Yixing, Wen Tiren in Wucheng, imperial censor Wucheng Tang Shiji, and Hanlin Chen Yutai in Yixing. Their families and children are all famous for their violence and lawlessness in their hometown. In 116, Zhou Yanru was ordered to commit suicide by Chongzhen; in 10 years, Wen Tiren died of illness; 9

In the 19th year of the Tang Dynasty, Shiji was convicted and guarded the border, and later surrendered to the Qing Dynasty; in the 6th year of the Tang Dynasty, Chen Yutai was dismissed from his post and did not surrender to the Qing Dynasty.

This shows how powerful the Jin gentry was.

Even if I am honest and upright, it is inevitable that my disciples, disciples and wealthy slaves will take advantage of their power and do evil.

Qian Shisheng, a good friend of Zhao Nanxing, who is currently the right minister of the Nanjing Ministry of Rites and acting as minister, said: "When scholar-bureaucrats live in the countryside, it is better to close the door and ignore things. If you want to do good things, you will do something wrong. You are not selfish, but because of others.

An Neng foresaw everything and succeeded in enlightening him!" 2 He was born as a champion, became an official and returned to his hometown to raise troops to fight against the Qing Dynasty. After the defeat, he cut off his hair and became a tutuo.

Others were using their momentum to blackmail the villagers, but the Jin gentry themselves didn't even know it.

Zhang Shenyan sighed repeatedly when he said this.

Zhu Yuanzhang said in the "Treasure Instructions of Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty": "In the Yuan Dynasty, the monarchs and ministers indulged in leisurely pleasures and followed them until they fell. Their failure was in verticality, and the Yuan Dynasty was not lenient."

In the end, Ming Dynasty also followed the old path of "lost in verticality".

Looking at the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, except for the early Ming Dynasty, the entire Yuan and Ming dynasties were simply a paradise for the gentry, landlords and bureaucrats. They had no bottom line and no moral integrity, and everyone was having a carnival feast.

When Chongzhen came to power, he would do whatever the Confucian officials said, and he was called the "Holy Lord and Mingjun" by the sages of Donglin. Later, the emperor found out that these guys were very good at fooling people, so he went on a killing spree.

It's a pity that there is no way to save it!

Perhaps it cannot be said that hundreds of thousands of Tatars conquered hundreds of millions of people in the Ming Dynasty. It should be said that the bureaucrats and gentry in the late Ming Dynasty recruited the Tatars into the gang. Because if Chongzhen is allowed to mess around anymore, it will really be hard to live in office. Li Zicheng broke Beijing

If we don’t want to partner with them in the future, we will bring in external managers.

The bureaucrats and gentry believed that they could live a prosperous life even if they surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, and even fantasized about living a good life like the Yuan Dynasty.

"In the Great Yuan Dynasty, there were ten levels of people: one official, two officials, three monks, four doctors, five doctors, six craftsmen, seven craftsmen, eight prostitutes, nine Confucians, and ten beggars; those below prostitutes and above beggars are today's Confucians."

They seem to have no status, but it does not affect the stinky old nine who live a very prosperous life in Dayuan. Because at that time the place was almost autonomous by the gentry, and they were the real local emperors.

The bureaucrats and gentry of the Ming Dynasty had great ideas, and then the Qing Dynasty came.

He is coming, he is coming, he is coming with a butcher knife...

The Qing Dynasty robbed their money and food, slept with their women, and then massacred the whole city. Those who disobeyed were killed, even if they wrote wrong words, there were also cases of crying in temples and memorials, and the gentry lay on the ground like dogs.

Sing conquest.

Sometimes it's useless to kneel down and lick.

For example, I won’t mention Qian Qianyi’s disciple Xie Sanbin, who had his best friend Liu Rushi snatched away by his teacher. Not only did he serve as a guide for the Qing Dynasty, he also reported several major anti-Qing conspiracies.

As a result, because Xie Sanbin had money, he was arrested as an accomplice against the Qing Dynasty, and was drained out before being released. In the end, his money was gone, his reputation was ruined, and his grandsons no longer recognized him. 5 Xie Sanbin was patrolling the Shandong Jianjun Army

The former supervisor Ping Kong was virtuous and meritorious. His son was pursued by Li Zicheng in the capital.

The gentry and landlords believed that their masters were saints and their ministers were virtuous, and their dream of working for another master was gone forever.

Therefore, representatives of those people, such as Shui Tailiang and Wu Meicun, spent the first half of their lives scolding the Ming Dynasty, and in the second half of their lives they were ashamed, and secretly opposed the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty. They felt that they would not be able to face their ancestors after they died, and they cried and howled,

I miss the greatness of Ming Dynasty all day long.

Li Zicheng asked: "Old sir, do you have a fish and meat village? Have you paid all the taxes?"

Zhang Shenyan flicked his sleeves and glared angrily, "What nonsense!"

He calmed down and calmed down, and then said: "Since I am destined to you, I am here to show you a few secrets that are not taught to you.

If you want to achieve great things, you have to distinguish who is the enemy and who is the friend. You have to make fewer enemies and make more friends. As for right and wrong, that is another matter. Otherwise, why would the Donglin Party be so powerful?"

To put it bluntly, politics is actually very simple. You are an escort, and everyone around you is a chick.

What is the relationship between Piao Ke and Chicken? It is purely a relationship of interests. Therefore, the cousin is ruthless and the actor is meaningless.

As long as you can satisfy the interests and needs of some people, and at the same time be ruthless and unjust to anyone, but have to pretend to be affectionate and righteous when the situation arises, you will have the qualifications to be a high-level political guru.

Of course, this is for the vast majority of outsiders. There are also some stubborn and pedantic people——

Zhu Yuanzhang was despised by the great Confucian scholars at that time in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. For example, Yang Weizhen, Tao Zongyi and other Jiangnan celebrities all refused to be recruited by Zhu Yuanzhang and refused to serve in the Ming Dynasty. Instead, they respected the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty as Zhengshuo.

Some people do not use the Ming Dynasty title, and even always regard the Ming Dynasty monarchs and ministers as thieves. Even some scholar-bureaucrats who served as Ming Dynasty officials still sympathized with the Yuan Dynasty in private, such as Liu Bowen, etc.; some people inadvertently revealed their dissatisfaction with the Yuan Dynasty.

Regret and contempt for the Ming Dynasty, such as Ye Ziqi and others.

There is no need to worry about this kind of rotten Confucianism.

This is true even if Zhu Yuanzhang has the right to "expel the barbarians and restore China", let alone "rogue bandits" like Li Zicheng. Just unite the majority.

The words made Li Zicheng nod frequently, and he listened humbly.

Old man Zhang continued: "You are probably familiar with history books. There was such a dialogue between monarch and ministers in the Song Dynasty. Let's talk about the important ones."

"'Anshi said: If the legal instruments are there, then the wealth will be sufficient and China will be strong. This is not the case now, and it cannot be said that the legal instruments are there.

Yan Bo said: You must have people implement it.’”

Old man Zhang stared at Shorthair, "Do you understand the key point?"

Li Zicheng nodded, "To govern the country is to govern the officials! That's why we have to mobilize the masses, otherwise the bureaucrats and gentry will always ride on the heads of the people! Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce..."

Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, scholars are the first among the four peoples. Because only scholars can represent ideals, take the lead in it, promote it, and stick to it without losing it. This kind of scholar is the first-class.

"After cultivating the body, the family will be in order; if the family is in order, the country will be governed; if the country is governed, the world will be peaceful."

To put it simply, scholars are like three representatives and five representatives. Scholars should take the world as their own responsibility. But how many people can do it now?

"When asked about his teachers, he said Confucius and Mencius; when asked about his books, he said "jingchuan"; when asked about the way he learned, he said benevolence, righteousness, morality, loyalty, filial piety, honesty and surrender; when asked about his ambition, he said "you think it is for profit."

Floods and droughts are frequent but you don’t know how to feel sorry for them; wounds and wounds are lingering around but you don’t know how to be humble; you sit on the ground and eat food but don’t know how to be ashamed; you bear the expectations of your innocent parents but don’t know how to understand... You are like a thief in the world.”

Li Zicheng spoke eloquently, and finally said angrily: "...Old man, you think I have to imprison such dirty people? Do I still have to look at their faces? Shouldn't I knock them to the ground? I still have to

Step on them ten thousand more times!"

Zhang Shenyan curled his lips, "This can be described as wildly fanciful..."

Looking for an official position is as humble as a rat, and getting an official position is as fierce as a tiger.

There are two mouths in the official character. If you feed the top one, you can eat the bottom one. If you want to snatch food from the top mouth and feed it to the bottom mouth, you are just dreaming.

The governor has been shouting for thousands of years, but who has ever cured him?

Power is the best medicine. People are ready to go, but if you shout to stop, who wouldn't be impatient?

When you open your mouth, you express feelings for your family and country, and what others have lost is real money.

Relying on personal morality? How many people are Hai Rui?

Relying on harsh punishments and laws? Even Zhu Yuanzhang "peeled off the skin and made grass", and corrupt officials still follow one after another. People die for money and birds die for food.

The common people have no rights, and they don’t know how to use them. Do you dare to hand them over? You can look down on the old gentry, and you can cultivate talents yourself. Then what? The result is that a new generation of gentry will come out and reincarnation will happen.

No matter which dynasty or generation you belong to, the gentry will always be your master!

Zhang Shenyan made a long speech. Li Zicheng was like a primary school student listening to his teacher's instructions, scratching his head and saying nothing.

Even the Manchus, after entering the customs and redistributing interests, quickly joined forces with the gentry. After all, the Eight Banners only had a few soldiers, so what should they do if they did not win over the gentry?

Could Qianlong not know the significance of his father's reforms? But if he continued to mess around, the officials and gentry might have to change managers again. He could only secretly create some "literary prison" and kill those people.

Arrogance. (Just one of the reasons.) 1 Yongzheng "I have read the books published by people in this dynasty, and whenever I encounter the words Hu, Lu, Yi, Di, etc., they are always left blank, or the shape and pronunciation are changed... It is difficult to understand. I guess the meaning is:

This is a taboo taboo in this dynasty, and it is avoided to show that it is respectful and prudent. I don't know that this is contrary to the rules and righteousness, and it is extremely disrespectful. If you later write words and publish books, if you still follow the previous path, leave these words blank and replace them,

Punish according to the law of disrespect."

It's very difficult to deal with the gentry! Li Zicheng can't think of any good solution for the time being.

Zhu Yuanzhang once mobilized the masses.

"The Great Edict" says: From now on, if the chief minister, prefecture, prefecture, and county officials, unemployed officials, and those treacherous and cunning people in urban and rural areas dare to manipulate lawsuits, instigate crimes, frame others, collude with the government, and harm the state,

, allowing the local virtuous, upright and heroic people to arrest these people and kidnap them to the capital. If anyone dares to intercept them on the way, their heads will be displayed to the public!

It seems that Zhu Yuanzhang made the people stand up?

How can it be.

Zhu Yuanzhang had great achievements, but his political achievements were just that.

He only regards his Zhu family as human beings. As for the existence outside, it is nothing more than the difference between pigs and dogs and cattle and sheep. "Daitian herders"! What they herd are pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep.

Therefore, if his own dog bites his own sheep, Zhu Yuanzhang can still beat the dog with two sticks to vent his anger on the sheep.

Zhu Baba's most fundamental position and starting point is to protect his family and the world, and everything else is incidental.

Otherwise, why didn't he skin his bastard sons? If he really loved the people and was kind, why would he get a lot of low-level status? Why did he collect heavy taxes in a discriminatory manner with the people in the area where he was once a hostile force? Lao Zhu has done so many dirty things.

.(I will clean the floor later, don’t scold me)

Although Zhu Yuanzhang reiterated many times: "A single word of the established law cannot be changed" and "those who dare to change the ancestral law in future generations will be regarded as traitors and will not be pardoned."

But in the second month after his death, Emperor Jianwen secretly abolished the "Da Gao" and simply gave up on "mobilizing the masses" and discarded it like a piece of shit.

Zhang Shenyan also said something serious and sincere: "Those who occupy the position of a gentleman and behave like common people will surely suffer disaster."

He let out a long sigh, "It is indeed beautiful to have great unity under heaven, but although it cannot be achieved, I long for it. After all, it is unwise to follow the revolutionary army's program and line, and it is unwise! What's more, it is impossible to achieve!"

Li Zicheng asked: "Old sir, I still want to give it a try. Is there any good way to give it to me?"

Zhang Shenyan smiled and said, "I'm just a dog-headed strategist at best. If I really have the ability to reach heaven and earth, what else do I have to do with you?!

Today, as an elder, I just say this, and you just listen to it, that's all."

Li Zicheng bowed his head to the end and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chief Assistant, for teaching me!"

Zhang Shenyan jumped back in panic, rolled up his sleeves and said, "That's nonsense! Don't drag me into this, you short-haired guy. I'm an old man in his fifties, and I just want to live out my old age in peace."

Li Zicheng bowed again and said, "Huang Zhong followed Liu Bei when he was sixty, Jiang Ziya became prime minister when he was eighty, and Taijun She did not take command until he was a hundred years old. How dare you talk about old age, sir?"

Zhang Shenyan returned to the table and sat down, "There is no need to argue with these words. Even if the world breaks out, I won't be able to follow you out of the mountain. The most I can do is wait for the revolution to be successful! Come, drink tea!"

Li Zicheng was very sad and sat down.

He moistened his throat and put down the tea cup, thought for a while, and asked: "Because you eat the emperor's salary, you are loyal to the emperor? But what is eating, drinking, and eating, which is not supported by the people of the world?"

Old man Zhang said: "Even if Zhuowu (Li Zhi) is resurrected, he will probably not rebel with you. You can think of it as integrity, or something else, whatever you want."

Li Zicheng disagreed, "When Mr. Zhuo Wu was here, the world was relatively wealthy. If he had seen the current situation, he would have jumped into rebellion long ago."

Old Man Zhang gave Shorthair a cold snort, plus a contemptuous smile and contemptuous eyes.

Li Zicheng leaned forward and asked: "Juniors believe that they are talented and the revolution will succeed. But now we are in urgent need of capable people. I wonder if the old man has any good ideas?"

Zhang Shenyan chuckled and said, "When you beat the officers and soldiers to the point of losing their shit, the gentry will naturally flock to you."

Li Zicheng said angrily: "A bunch of bad guys! I'm going to send them to Siberia to grow yam eggs!"

Putting this topic aside, the two chatted for a while.

When leaving, Zhang Shenyan asked: "Are you really invulnerable?"

Li Zicheng smiled, "Of course!"

Zhang Shenyan thought about it for a moment and then asked: "A blind method?"

Li Zicheng smiled, "Of course!"

Zhang Shenyan was angry and was about to explode when Li Zicheng laughed and left.

"Can you really predict what will happen next?" Zhang Shenyan ran two steps quickly, holding on to the door frame and asked.

Li Zicheng looked back and smiled, "Of course!"

"Evil beast!" Old Man Zhang beat his chest and stamped his feet.

Li Zicheng walked a few steps, then suddenly left and returned.

"I want to visit Mr. Sun tomorrow, so let's spend the night here."

"There is another room in the woodshed, can't you live in it?"


Old man Zhang really arranged for Li Zicheng to go to the woodshed.

Another pot of tea with "added ingredients" was given...

Zhang Shenyan returned to the room and became angrier as he thought about it. He slapped the table and shouted, "Go and call the second master!"

After a while, his brother came.

The eldest man was furious and said, "Your grandson is not allowed to call Zhang Taijiao!"

The second master frowned and said, "The child is not even married, so where can the grandson come from?"

The elder slapped the table and said, "I don't care! If you dare to name Zhang Taijiao, I will throw him into a manhole and drown him!"
This chapter has been completed!
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