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Chapter 23: Family Inheritance

A water pipe was connected to the corner of the wall, and a pool half as tall as a person was built. The pipe was equipped with a faucet. When the faucet was turned on, clean tap water would flow out. However, the faucet had become loose for many years and could not be closed tightly. There were always drops of water flowing out, and each drop hit the ground.

Hard pool bottom.

Before deciding to stay in the warehouse temporarily, Zhou Song did not expect that the most unbearable thing for him would be the leaking water pipe. He hated the orderly, slow, and crisp crackling sound of water droplets falling into the pool, so he deliberately pushed the bed to

He was far away from the pool and covered his head with his coat, but the sound still penetrated his ears all the time. This sound would be infinitely amplified in his mind, causing him indescribable annoyance and uneasiness.

He stayed up almost all night, and it was not until dawn that he remembered to put his clothes on the bottom of the pool so that the water would not make a sound when it dripped. This method worked, and he managed to fall asleep just before dawn, but soon fell asleep again.

I was woken up by the sound of the rolling shutter door being lifted up.

The morning light was bright outside the door, and Qin Xiao walked in carrying large and small bags: "Wake up, get up and have breakfast."

Zhou Song was standing by the pool washing up and saw water droplets flowing out of the faucet. For some reason, he felt a splitting headache, dizziness and nausea. He supported the cement platform by the pool with both hands, closed his eyes and waited for a few minutes before suppressing it.

He felt the strange feeling in his body. He turned on the faucet and washed his face. His hands were almost as cold as water. After washing his face, he found a fragment of mirror attached to the load-bearing pillar in front of him, which was covered with dust. He wiped the dust away with his hands.

He saw his face through the dripping water stains; his hair was messy, his face was pale, and there were not obvious dark circles on his lower eyelids.

Qin Xiao pulled out a small, low square table and wiped it while saying that he couldn't go back to his home now. The police might be watching his house. In the early hours of this morning, he went to a trusted friend to get some cash and also got a car.

Car, it’s best to leave Yucheng as early as possible in these two days...

Qin Xiao kept talking, and Zhou Song listened absently while looking at the mirror. He only noticed that his hair was getting longer, and long hair seemed to be a very conspicuous feature of his appearance. If Han Feilu was searching for him, he would be looking for his hair.

Young man with medium-length curly hair.

"Can you cut hair?" Zhou Song suddenly asked.

Qin Xiao was placing breakfast on the clean table: "A haircut?"

Zhou Song left the pool and walked towards him: "Can you cut hair?"

Qin Xiao came closer and looked at his hair carefully: "I skipped school in junior high school and worked as an apprentice in a barber shop for a few months, but the haircuts I cut were all on dummies, and I never practiced on real ones."

Zhou Song didn't say much, he took out a pair of scissors from his bag and stuffed it into Qin Xiao's hand.

Qin Xiao was stunned for a moment while holding the scissors: "You really want me to cut it for you?"

Zhou Song had already sat down on the chair, facing outside the door, looking at the orange sunlight shining into the courtyard: "Cut it as you like."

Qin Xiao found a plastic bag, tore it open and put it around Zhou Song's neck to use as an apron. He nervously walked around him twice, then stood behind him, holding a comb in his left hand and scissors in the right, and exhaled.

In one breath: "I'm starting."

Zhou Song could hear the unique sound of scissors cutting off hair, like fine sand stirred up by the breeze. He had no complex feelings about his hair, but when the hair was cut off one by one, he felt sad and sad.

It is clear that cutting hair at this time means completely splitting into two parts with the past self, but instead of actively bidding farewell to oneself, one passively draws a clear line. He is no longer the Zhou Song he is familiar with, and he is no longer the person he knows.

In people's eyes, Zhou Song is like Han Feilu.

Qin Xiao cut his hair very carefully. Although his level was limited, the finished product was good. He had a refreshing short haircut and a few fluffy bangs on his forehead. He turned on the selfie function of his mobile phone and used it as a mirror for Zhou Song, and said with a smile:

"Fortunately, you have a strong foundation, otherwise it would definitely hit my hand."

He was not ugly with short hair, and even looked more handsome than with long hair. However, Zhou Song only glanced at him and looked away, disgusted with his face for no reason. He washed his face again, and then simply ate

After ordering some breakfast bought by Qin Xiao, he and Qin Xiao left the warehouse and got into a black Volkswagen parked in the alley.

Qin Xiao exchanged the second-hand car he bought at half price for this Volkswagen, because this car would not attract the attention of the police for the time being. Zhou Song sat in the passenger seat, put on his coat and hat, and turned up his collar to cover up the car.

to the chin.

Qin Xiao looked at him and smiled: "You look so different now. Even if Han Feilu stands in front of you, he may not be able to recognize you."

Hearing him suddenly mention Han Feilu, Zhou Song couldn't suppress his emotions for a moment: "Why mention him?"

Qin Xiao realized that he had said the wrong thing when he saw his reaction: "I'm sorry, I don't mean anything else. I just want you to relax and not be so nervous."

Zhou Songdao: "Don't mention him in front of me in the future. I have no relationship with him anymore."

Qin Xiao: "I remember."

Qin Xiao gave him a phone card last night. The owner of the card was a friend of Qin Xiao, and Qin Xiao wanted to use it as a backup number. Now Qin Xiao gave him the phone card again to facilitate contact with him. Zhou Song turned on the phone and called

Enter the destination in the map, and then navigate for Qin Xiao: "Turn right at the intersection ahead."

Qin Xiao followed the instructions and turned around the intersection before asking: "Where are we going?"

Zhou Song: "Go find a man named Lin Feng."

Lying on the damp and hard bed in the warehouse last night, he spent the whole night thinking about his next move; he told the truth to Qin Xiao that he indeed had something unfinished and he wanted to find out what happened to him fifteen years ago.

What happened? He went to Shao Dongcheng to find the answer. Shao Dongcheng did give him the answer. Although it was not within his default, it was within his expectation. The known answer was just the tip of the iceberg of the truth. He had forgotten

Not to mention the group photo, the mask, and the fifth woman in the photo. Qin Xiao said that he was avenging Chi Chenguang. Although this sentence was not accurate, it allowed him to get rid of the chaotic thoughts and find a clear goal.

, as long as he has a goal, he will be able to walk more confidently. He needs to avenge Chi Chenguang, not for Chi Chenguang, but for himself. If he loses even this goal, then his life

There will be no value in existence. If that day comes, he will not tolerate himself becoming a walking corpse without any purpose or meaning. Find out the truth and avenge Chi Chenguang - this sentence has become the slogan in his heart

, he read silently in his mind again and again, brainwashing himself and looking for goals for himself.

Last night, Qin Xiao gave him his spare phone card before leaving. He put the phone card into his mobile phone and searched online for information about Chi Chenguang. He wanted to find out the truth, so he could only start from the source, so he saw the information about Chi Chenguang who died in Chi again.

The list of victims in the hands of Chen Guang. He suspected that the two pots of orchids that Chi Chenguang brought home many years ago were gifts from Yao Zichen, and also suspected that Chi Chenguang and Yao Zichen were closely related. The victims who died in the hands of Chi Chenguang were the same as those buried by Yao Zichen.

The victims in the garden shed had one thing in common: almost all of them were fugitive suspects. He immediately thought that there might be a connection between the two victim lists, but many of the bones of the victims in the Yao Zichen case had not yet been identified.

, it is currently impossible to completely compare the two lists.

He was about to change his mind when he suddenly found an unusual person in Chi Chenguang's list of victims. Her name was Ning Yu, a native of Yucheng. She was born in 1972 and was 33 years old when she was killed. She had a doctorate in cytogenetics.

Ning Yu teaches at a first-class university in China. Ning Yu is the most special one among Chi Chenguang’s victims. Except for her, everyone else is an ordinary woman who is unremarkable in all aspects. And she is not only a female doctor of that era, but also a

She was a university teacher, with a bright future and a bright future. However, such a woman committed five murders, fled after being discovered, and was eventually killed by Chi Chenguang's knife.

On March 10, 2005, Ning Yu's home where she lived alone was burglarized. The thief went there for money, but found five glass fish tanks with heads in the basement of Ning Yu's home. The thief immediately called the police, who rushed to the police.

After arriving at the scene, a search was launched for Ning Yu, but Ning Yu seemed to have a premonition of impending disaster and disappeared from the sight of the police. It was not until three months later that Chi Chenguang was arrested and her body was dug out of Chi Chenguang's garden by the police.

Among the five heads that Ning Yu installed in the glass fish tank, three belonged to her students, and the other two were unidentified. The news at the time did not post a shocking photo of the fish tank with human heads, but the writer highlighted the two unidentified heads.

The heads were of a man and a woman, both with faces of Southeast Asian race. A man and a woman from Southeast Asia died in Ning Yu's home, and their heads were cut off and soaked in a fish tank filled with formalin. This piece

The mystery remains unsolved and extremely mysterious. Ignoring Ning Yu's three students for the time being, Zhou Song focused on these two unknown Southeast Asians. He was curious about their identities and where they came from, and thought of Yao Zichen's flower shed.

He decided to start with the unidentified bones in the house, so he decided to start with these two Southeast Asians, so the thief who broke into Ning Yu's home but accidentally made a contribution naturally came into his sight.

The thief who committed the crime was named Lin Feng. He was a habitual criminal with a long history. Because he had reported merit, the police did not hold him civilly responsible for breaking into a house. The good media did not miss any opportunity to catch the eye. Not only did they interview Lin Feng, but they also specialized in him.

Wrote a report. Zhou Song found the report and quickly found suspicious points in it, so Lin Feng became the target of his next move.

But Qin Xiao knew nothing about this. He didn't know why he would risk crossing half the city to find an old thief: "Why are you looking for Lin Feng?"

Zhou Songdao: "I suspect that he deceived the police and the media when he discovered that the head in Ning Yu's home was not an accident but a deliberate act."

Qin Xiao was confused: "This happened more than ten years ago, how do you know?"

Zhou Song: "Back then, Ning Yu lived at No. 12, Lane 3, Xiliuyuan. That area was all self-built houses and had not yet been rebuilt. Lin Feng lived in Lane 12. He and Ning Yu lived in the east and west, and there was not enough straight-line distance between them.

Five kilometers.”

Qin Xiao: "So it's normal for Lin Feng to sneak into Ning Yu's house. This is called the first to come first."

Zhou Song looked at the busy traffic outside the window: "There is another saying that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests. Haven't you heard of it?"

Qin Xiao choked: "You continue."

Zhou Song: "Lin Feng is a habitual thief. I checked his previous criminal records and found that he never commits crimes near his home. This is in line with classic criminal psychology. When criminals choose crime locations, they usually do not choose places that are close to where they stay.

They are worried about attracting police searches. A safe zone will be formed between the crime location they choose and their place of residence, which is also their psychological safety zone. They subconsciously believe that they will be safe if they keep the police out of the safe zone, so

Once they develop a certain fixed pattern of committing crimes, they will never break it easily. But Lin Feng is very strange. He is a habitual thief and has already developed a pattern of committing crimes. Xiliu Garden in the east of the city is his safe zone, where he commits crimes.

They are all located in the west of the city. But he suddenly changed his crime pattern and went to steal Ning Yu's home. If there is nothing weird in it, I will never believe it."

Qin Xiao heard his analysis. Although he didn't quite understand it, he thought it made sense: "Do you suspect that Lin Feng knew that there was something fishy in Ning Yu's family, so he deliberately sneaked in?"

Zhou Song: "He may have discovered the anomaly on his own, or he may have been instigated by others. In short, it was not a coincidence that he discovered that Ning Yu killed someone."

Lin Feng is in his fifties this year. He has not yet married. He still commits petty thefts, eats, drinks, whores, and gambles. He is often a guest at the police station. Qin Xiao found out that he just came out of the detention center last week. These days, he spends his time playing mahjong.

The mahjong parlor is located on the second floor of a cramped, dirty and remote street, above a braised meat shop. Qin Xiao observed the terrain and asked Zhou Song to wait for him in the alley at the back of the street, while he walked through it alone.

The stairs full of urine smell led to the mahjong parlor on the second floor. The whole street was filled with various fly shops. The back doors of restaurants all opened in the alleys. Trash cans stood beside the high walls. Zhou Song chose a slightly cleaner one.

He stood still and looked at his watch to count the time. A quarter of an hour passed before Qin Xiao appeared with his arms around a short and stocky man.

That man was Lin Feng. He was swaying, his face was red, and he was obviously drunk. Qin Xiao held him in his arms and walked up to Zhou Song while talking and laughing. Zhou Song smelled the strong smell of wine, covered his nose and asked, "Has he drunk too much?"

Qin Xiao: "Although I drank too much, my mind was clearer. I asked him to invite him to dinner, and he came with me."

Lin Feng dragged Qin Xiao to enter the back door of the hotel, but Qin Xiao pushed him to the wall and held him down. Qin Xiao urged: "Ask quickly."

Zhou Song approached him and asked: "Are you Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng was half awake, whimpering, and wanted to fight with Qin Xiao. Qin Xiao grabbed his shoulder and hit him hard against the wall, which made his shoulder and back hurt. He saw that Qin Xiao was not easy to mess with, so he was busy.

Ask Qin Xiao why he is causing trouble for him.

Qin Xiao said: "If I don't want to trouble you, I just want to ask you a few words."

He winked at Zhou Song, and Zhou Song asked again: "Are you Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng nodded: "Yes, yes, my name is Lin Feng, but I also know several people named Lin Feng. Which Lin Feng are you looking for?"

Zhou Song: "Looking for you. In March 2005, you broke into Ning Yu's house to steal, but found several heads in her house, and then called the police. Do you remember this?"

Lin Feng: "Remember, I often brag about this matter."

Zhou Song: "Why did you go to Ning Yu's house?"

Lin Feng: "Ah? I am needed for my job. I wanted to steal something valuable, so I went in."

Qin Xiao: "Fart, according to that psychology, you can't go to Ning Yu's house and steal things. The rabbit won't eat the grass next to the nest!"

Lin Feng: "Little brother, you know our business very well. Are you my colleague?"

Qin Xiao: "Who the hell is your companion? Hurry up and tell me who is instructing you!"

Qin Xiao hit the mark by accident. Zhou Song saw Lin Feng's expression change and his eyes suddenly cleared. He looked at Zhou Song and Qin Xiao again and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhou Song: "We don't want to cause trouble. As long as you tell the truth, we won't look for you again if you leave this alley." As he said that, he took out a wad of money from his pocket, rolled it up and stuffed it into Lin Feng's trouser pocket.

"This is one thousand yuan. If I buy you a few words, you won't suffer any loss."

When Lin Feng saw the money, he showed a greedy look: "It happened more than ten years ago, so I can tell you. But you can't sell me, and don't come after me if you try to trick me."

Zhou Song: "No problem."

Zhou Song patted Qin Xiao's arm, and Qin Xiao immediately let go of Lin Feng. Lin Feng rubbed his chest twice, then took out the roll of banknotes from his pocket, counted them and said, "You are right, thieves also have their ways.

, I really don’t want to be fooled, someone paid me to go into Ning Yu’s house back then.”

Zhou Song: "Who is it? Name it."

Lin Feng: "A man named Yang Lei was just a poor student who had just graduated. Later he became the boss of Bosheng Biotechnology Company."

Zhou Song: "Do you still have contact with him?"

Lin Feng: "Yes, I asked him for hush money several times, and he paid it every time."

Zhou Song: "When was the last time you came to see him?"

Lin Feng: "It was two years ago. I haven't looked for him in the past two years."

After coming out of the alley, the two returned to the car. Qin Xiao asked: "Where are we going now? Looking for this Yang Lei?"

Zhou Song searched for this person's information online and got unexpected news: "He is dead."

Qin Xiao was stunned: "Dead? How did you die?"

Yang Lei had a certain social reputation, and the cause of his death was also disclosed. The cause of death report only contained a few lines, but Zhou Song felt trembling in his heart after reading it: "He...died of illness."

Qin Xiao: "What disease?"

Zhou Song: "Brugada syndrome."

Qin Xiao: "What the hell?"

The report did not explain this disease, but Zhou Song knew very well that it is a family hereditary disease, a terminal disease that is transmitted by genes. People who suffer from this disease will die suddenly in young adulthood, just like in the body.

Curse, there is no cure for the disease. The reason why he understands this disease is because of Ning Xueer. Not long ago, Ning Yu’s daughter Ning Xueer went to the hospital to visit him and had a long conversation with him. In that conversation, Ning Xueer

Xueer told him that she was as unlucky as him. She was born with Brugada syndrome, which is an irreversible curse in her genes.

Zhou Song had never thought deeply about her words, and then he suddenly realized that Ning Xueer's disease was inherited from her family, so the person who grafted this cursed gene into her body might be her mother - Ning Yu.

This chapter has been completed!
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