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Chapter 338 Dispute

Karma was dumbfounded again!

Pantheon's unwilling roar distracted her, and Karma almost failed to dodge Diana's attack.

She flew awkwardly for a distance, and finally avoided the attack in time.

But after Yuehua Sword Qi failed, Karma was too late to save Panson!

She could only stare with eyes filled with astonishment as she watched Pan Sen's figure disappear into the clouds.

At this moment, even Karma, who has thousands of years of education, almost cursed!

Karma quickly recovered from another sword attack from Diana.

She immediately put Pan Sen's figure out of her mind.

Karma felt that she was too tired, and she decided not to pay attention to anyone and anything except Foego and herself!

As a result, the cold-faced Karma immediately continued to fly some distance away to avoid the attack.

Then she increased her flight altitude.

After giving himself more time to dodge, Karma changed his attack target!

She pressed her hand down, causing invisible telekinesis to instantly fall on the flying battleship!


A huge muffled collision sound appeared!

The top of the battleship's shield was squeezed and deformed. At the same time, the battleship sank suddenly and kept falling toward the clouds below!

All the heroes on the ship were unbalanced, and Gwen and Graves even screamed at the same time!

Diana, who was about to continue firing sword energy, discovered this situation.

She glared at Karma angrily, then quickly jumped off the platform and chased the falling battleship.

High in the sky, Karma snorted coldly.

She waved her hand and ordered the ghosts to quickly return to the realm of death.

Karma then controlled the death cloud to break away from the platform on the top of the mountain, causing the cloud to fly away directly sideways.

At the same time, Karma quickly flew into the clouds.

When Diana and the flying battleship returned to the mountaintop platform, the cloud of death had already moved hundreds of meters away.

"Take me to chase!"

Diana immediately asked everyone for help: "I will never allow her to run away!"

"Calm down Ms. Diana!"

Senna immediately stopped: "None of us can fly! It's useless to catch up with battleships. Our strength can't be used on battleships! And battleships will become our weakness! Once that guy attacks the battleship, it will be easier for everyone.

There is a danger of shipwreck and loss of lives!”

These words made Diana gradually calm down.

The frequency of the rise and fall of her chest decreased. After Diana was silent for a short moment, she sighed unwillingly.

Then she turned her gaze away from the dark clouds in the distance.

Turning to look at Senna, Diana asked: "Do you know where her next destination is?!"


Senna answered very quickly, and there was even a bit of confusing excitement in her tone.

Diana didn't notice Senna's tone.

She immediately asked: "Where is it?!"

"Twin Cities!"

Senna replied: "Today, there is only one possessed spirit body left in the world that Foyego has not yet obtained! The possessed spirit body is in the Twin Cities! So that woman's next target must be the Twin Cities!"

"Where?" Diana then asked: "I mean in which direction are the Twin Cities? Tell me how to get there!"

"Lady Diana!"

Senna was slightly excited: "Are you planning to leave Mount Targon? Doesn't it mean that a protoss like you can't leave?!"

"But now there is a reason for me to leave!"

Diana looked back at the death cloud that was flying farther: "These invaders have defiled the sacred mountain! I must eliminate them. Before that, I can move freely outside the scope of the sacred mountain!"

"I don't think it's the right decision."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from below the battleship.

Everyone immediately walked to the side of the ship and looked down.

As the clouds surged, a golden figure walked out.

Leona, the goddess of dawn, holding a sword and shield, came to the top platform.

Stopping on the platform, Leona looked up at Diana on the boat and said, "The invaders have left. The Holy Mountain is intact. There is no need to pursue them anymore."

"That's just your opinion."

Diana looked down at Leona, and her tone was cold: "The Holy Mountain is only physically intact, but its reputation has been tainted by those dirty undead! They caused massacres on the Holy Mountain!"

"that's not important."

Leona emphasized: "Don't forget, our duty is only to protect the physical safety of the sacred mountain. We don't need to care about the prestige of the sacred mountain."


Diana shouted: "You are still so stubborn! You are so cowardly!"

With a 'pop' sound, Diana slapped the side of the ship into cracks.

She leaned forward slightly, glared at Diana and shouted: "Are you just turning a blind eye to the casualties?! How many people died at the foot of the mountain?! How many sacrifices have been made in the sect?! Don't you care at all about these?


"That is their mission." Leona responded calmly: "Whether it is the Rakkor people or the believers in your sect and mine, everyone's mission is to protect the Holy Mountain."

"Now they are benevolent, and they die with honor in order to protect the sacred mountain..."

Speaking of this, Leona couldn't help but feel a hint of lament in her tone: "Their souls will ascend to the Kingdom of God. They no longer have to face the harsh environment here, and they no longer have to struggle to survive. Their souls will be in the Kingdom of God."

Live peacefully in the country for the rest of your life.”

"Deceiving yourself!!"

Diana shouted: "You and I have both received knowledge inheritance! You and I both know the truth! Who do you think that rhetoric can deceive?!"

Leona shook her head slightly: "But that is the mission and belief of our Rakor tribe that has lasted for thousands of years."

She sighed softly again, and then continued to persuade her with a sincere expression.

"Diana, leaving the Holy Mountain is not an appropriate decision."

She said: "I know you want to avenge the victims, but if you go to the outside world, you will attract more disturbers to the sacred mountain, which will destroy the tranquility here, so let today's matter pass."

Leona looked up at the sky: "You know, what a mission we guardians carry. Compared to those undead, we have more important responsibilities."

Diana was silent.

But she didn't remain silent for long.

After a while, Diana calmed down and said softly: "They are just void creatures. Without people like us interfering thousands of years ago, didn't the Shurima Empire also defeat the void invasion?"

"So my decision won't change!"

She pointed the moon blade in her hand at Leona: "And you and I are enemies. Just like we have always been unable to accept each other's teachings, this time, I still maintain completely opposite views with you!"


Leona was very helpless. She patiently persuaded: "This is the first time for the Moon God to select an envoy, so there are inevitably some omissions. The knowledge infusion you received is not complete. You don't know..."

She wanted to explain the truth about the responsibilities of the protoss, and wanted to tell Leona the truth about how Pantheon had driven the Star-Forging Dragon King in past generations.

But Diana was not in the mood or interest to listen to those long words...

This chapter has been completed!
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