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Volume 1 The Forest Knight Chapter 86 Designing to Eliminate Murat (2)

"If you don't get rid of her, you won't be free either. Who knows what bad ideas she might come up with to blackmail you and harm the people around you?" Balian responded.

Jesse nodded and said angrily: "I also want to kill her. This old woman is so annoying."

After the two reached an agreement and agreed on the time and method to get rid of Sister Murat, the dance ended. As usual, everyone had to exchange partners.

In the second dance and the third dance, Balian danced with a baron's wife and a wealthy merchant's daughter who was about to be married.

Both of these people are trying to attract the attention of Balian. The baroness wants to choose a satisfactory husband for her little daughter.

After seeing Balian's wonderful performance in the tournament and today, the wealthy merchant's daughter has become Balian's little fan girl. When dancing eagerly, she always deliberately sticks to Balian from time to time.

The behavior of this wealthy merchant's daughter was noticed by Miss Jesse and she hated her in her heart. During the fourth and fifth dances, Miss Jesse danced with Balian twice.

Because at the end of the dance, there is no need to exchange partners. Everyone can keep dancing with the partner they think they are more compatible with. This is also a little trick of the dance, a social platform for young men and women.

However, at this time, Balian was not as happy as when he first danced with Jesse, because a jealous woman was really scary. Balian was deliberately stepped on several times, and all he stepped on were his toes.

, he grimaced in pain.

Fortunately, during the last dance, Janis finally gave him a good look, and at the end of the dance, he gave Balian a gentle hug as a reward.

After the banquet was over and on the way back to his residence, Balian recalled the details of dancing with Jesse and couldn't help but sigh, women are really both loved and feared.

After Balian returned to his residence, the moon was already in the sky. As soon as Balian entered the door, he saw Broda, the deputy captain of his guard, coming over. He pouted into the hall and said, "Sir, you are finally back.

There is a mother and son waiting for you inside, they must see you."

Balian was confused, so he quickly walked in and saw that the mother and son were none other than the master thief Huck and his mother.

As soon as Harker saw Balian, he happily shouted: "Sir Balian, you are finally back."

When Huck's mother saw Balian returning, this thin woman who looked to be in her early thirties quickly knelt down and saluted Balian.

Balion stepped forward, stretched out his hand to help her get up, then asked her to sit down, and asked Bran to bring a glass of honey water.

Balian smiled and said to Huck's mother: "I am a few years older than Huck, but younger than you, so I dare to call you sister.

Sister, why did you bring Huck to my place today? Huck said you are not feeling very well. Why are you still waiting here for so long? Leave a message to the guards and I will go find you, or you can come back tomorrow.

That’ll be fine.”

Huck's mother was flattered to be called "sister" by a knight she regarded as noble, and Balian's words were very polite, completely unlike the domineering nobles she had seen before.

"Oh, dear Sir Balian, I am just a city poor, you can just call me Jennifer." Huck's mother said nervously.

She took a deep breath, calmed down her nervousness, and said to Balian: "Sir Balian, I brought little Huck here this time because I want to return the money you gave me."

As she spoke, Jennifer took out a money bag and placed it in front of Balian, while Huck looked at his mother's actions and lowered his head without speaking.

Bellion looked at the money bag, and then said with a smile: "Sister Jennifer, this is the money that little Huck deserves, why did you give it back to me? I gave him this money to ask him to do things for me.

, I can’t let people work for nothing.”

With that said, Balian pushed the money bag in front of Jennifer, and then glanced at Huck. Huck also looked at him at this time. Balian blinked, and Huck immediately understood what Balian meant.

"Yes, mother, I told you that Lord Balian wanted me to do something for him because of my cleverness. Do you believe it now?" Huck complained dissatisfied.

Jennifer looked at Huck with confusion, and then at Balian. Balian's eyes were firm, which made her doubts less.

After Jennifer took a sip of the honey water, she still asked in confusion: "Sir Balian, what do you want to arrange for my son? Ten silver coins are a huge sum of money for poor people like us.


"Sister Jennifer, don't worry, I won't let him do dangerous things. I am attracted by his cleverness. I am pursuing a beautiful lady recently and need a clever young man to help me deliver things frequently.

" Balian explained.

"It doesn't cost ten dinars, my Lord Balian." Although Jennifer believed in Balian, she still found it a bit strange.

Bellion pretended to think for a while, and then said to Jennifer: "Actually, I shouldn't tell you the truth. After all, I promised Huck, but you are her mother. I believe you should have no problem knowing the truth."

Upon hearing that Balian was about to tell the truth, Jennifer sat there, motionless, waiting for Balian to speak, while Huck had a look of disappointment on his face.

Balian glanced at Huck, a little kid, and said slowly: "I am the champion of trial by combat, also known as the person blessed by the God of Fire. Huck told you."

Jennifer nodded, "Yes, the child told me."

"The tripod hanging around your neck is mine." Bellion pointed to the thing hanging around Jennifer's neck.

"Ah! Huck didn't tell me this. He said he asked for it in Yang Weishuo's church." Jennifer said in a panic, about to reach out and take it off.

Balian quickly reached out to stop him, "Sister Jennifer, please listen to me first. When I was at the tournament, Huck, who was working as a waiter in the tavern, knew me.

When he saw that I won the trial by combat, he asked me to give him the tripod I was wearing, because everyone believed that a person like me who was blessed by the God of Fire would also wear this tripod.

With the blessing of the God of Fire.

He told me about your situation again. I saw that this child loved his mother so much and thought of my mother. I was very moved, so I gave him my tripod and gave him ten dinars.

Let him do things for me."

After hearing what Balian said, tears welled up in Jennifer's eyes. Huck also looked at Balian with a grateful face. At this time, he saw his mother crying and quickly stepped forward to wipe his mother's tears with a handkerchief.

Jennifer hugged Huck and cried, "Good boy, mommy loves you. It's all because of her fault. She failed to take care of you and even made you suffer for taking care of me."

Jennifer and Huck held their mother and son here and cried for a while. Balian, Bran and Broda looked on, feeling sour in their hearts. The deep love between mother and son was really touching.

Especially Bran, who was about the same age as Huck, also thought of his mother and was moved to tears.

Balian was actually thinking of sending someone to find Huck tomorrow, because his plan to get rid of Sister Murat required the help of Huck, the master thief. Unexpectedly, the mother and son came today, which was a waste of time.

own effort.

After mother and son hugged each other and cried for a while, Jennifer directly pulled Huck and knelt in front of Balian, which shocked Balian.

Balian quickly reached out to help them both, but Jennifer was kneeling on the ground unable to get up, and begged Balian with tears in her eyes: "Sir Balian, there is no mother who doesn't want her son to become an outstanding talent.

But I don't have a good background like your mother. I just married an alcoholic and died young, leaving us orphans and widows to suffer in the world.

I beg you to take Huck in. I don't expect him to be your attendant, because our family can't afford to buy armor and horses. He can be your cupbearer or servant.

I don't want to see him working in the pub anymore. I worry every day that he will learn bad things or be bullied, but there is nothing I can do.

Now, he can follow you and do things for you. By following you, a knight who is upright, kind and skilled in martial arts, he will not spend his whole life in a muddle like his alcoholic father."

Jennifer's request made Balian a little confused. Although according to the normal knight rules, he could hire no more than ten squires, but he already has two squires, Tur and Bran, and he has not actually hired any new squires.

It's necessary.

But Balian thought about it and agreed, because Huck is not only a young man who can be a squire, he is also very capable, and he also has a rogue teacher behind him. Taking him in will be very helpful to him.

Putting aside these practical considerations, Balian also likes this smart, filial and good boy from the bottom of his heart, and he will be needed to get rid of Sister Murat next, so why not accept him as his knight?


Anyway, in this era, it is normal for an ordinary knight to have three or five knights as attendants.

When Jennifer saw that Balian agreed to her request and was willing to let Huck be his knight attendant, she was immediately happy. She quickly asked Huck to kowtow to her and changed her name to Balian "Master".

Balian helped Huck up, patted him on the shoulder and said: "From now on, you will be my knight squire. I will give you a formal allegiance ceremony when I return to Nolandenburg."

After saying that, Bellian looked at Jennifer and asked: "Sister Jennifer, Huck has become my attendant and must follow me. You are not in good health. Without Huck's care, what will you do with your life?"

"I'm fine, Sir Balian, as long as Harker is well. Besides, with the blessing of your tripod, I feel much better now and I can take care of myself," Jennifer said.

Bellion smiled. He knew that Jennifer was lying to him. In order to reassure himself and to let his son Huck have no worries, Huck was not stupid. When he heard his mother say this, the expression on his face was...


"Well, sister Jennifer, I need a cook with excellent cooking skills in my official residence in Norlandenburg. Are you willing to go? I heard Huck say that you have been in the tavern, and you are still in the kitchen.

I guess the craftsmanship is very good." Balian planned to take Huck's mother away as well, so that Huck would have no worries.

When Huck heard Balian's suggestion, he became excited. He said happily: "Sir, my mother is very good at cooking. My mother invented the pheasant braised in red wine in the tavern."

"Oh, really? That's great. Sister Jennifer, you must come with us. There is no one in Nolandenburg who is good at cooking. I am worried that my mouth has been spoiled by Yang Weixuo's delicacies.

What should we do when we go back?" Bellion joked, and followed Huck's words and invited Jennifer to Nolandenburg again.

When Jennifer heard what Balian said, she smiled and nodded, agreeing to Balian. After all, she wanted to stay with her son all the time.

This chapter has been completed!
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