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Volume 1 The Forest Knight Chapter 87 Designing to Eliminate Murat (3)

"Okay, it's too late tonight, so you can stay here first. We have more empty rooms here. Bran and Broda, please arrange rooms for them." Balian ordered them.

After the explanation, Bellion said to Jennifer: "Sister Jennifer, you will stay here today. Tomorrow, Broda will take the people on the carriage and go to your home with you, pack your things, and live with us.

After a few days, when I've finished my work here, we'll go back to Fort Nolandenburg."

Jennifer said to Balian gratefully: "Thank you, Sir Balian, the God of Fire will bless you."

"Hey, you're so polite. Oh, by the way, sister Jennifer, you go to see the room with Bran and Broda first. I want to give Huck a few words alone. He is now my attendant. I have to go first.

Tell him some of my rules." Balian smiled and said to Huck's mother.

"Oh, Huck is following you, and you will be in charge of everything. If you need to be beaten or scolded, you can do it as you see fit." Jennifer's words were similar to those of many parents she met when Balian was in school in her previous life.

After his mother left, only Balian and Huck were left. Huck let out a sigh of relief. He sat there, grabbed the glass of honey water that his mother had not finished drinking just now, and drank a lot of it.

Drink it all.

After drinking, he wiped his mouth with his dirty sleeve and said to Balian with a playful smile: "Hey, sir, do you want to teach me the rules, or do you want to send my mother away so that you can arrange things for me?"

Balian kicked him lightly and said with a smile: "Well, boy, since you have already guessed it, why don't you guess again what I want you to do."

Huck's eyes rolled a few times, and a smile appeared on his lips, "Is it still a matter of trial by combat? The losing side doesn't want to let it go."

Balian looked at him in surprise and had to admit that this little guy was indeed very smart. His cleverness was several levels higher than Bran and Tur.

Once he heard that Huck had guessed it, Balian nodded, told Huck the whole story in detail, and elaborated on his plan.

After hearing this, Huck imitated Balian and nodded in agreement, saying, "Sir, this Sister Murat is really hateful. If we don't get rid of her, she will only bring countless troubles to you and Miss Jesses.

Your plan is also perfect, and I don’t have any objections. As long as Miss Jesses is willing to cooperate, I will just put the things in place according to your request."

"Well, without further ado, you can do this tomorrow. There is a very powerful person behind Sister Murat. I can't afford to offend her. I have to do it quickly." Balian said with emotion.

"No problem, sir, the day after tomorrow, Sister Murat will be sent to the stake." Huckyun said calmly.

The matter of burning a person to death was so nonchalant in Huck's mouth that Balian was a little confused about the young man. He tentatively asked: "Huck, have you ever killed anyone?"

Huck, who was pouring water for himself, was so frightened when he heard this that he almost dropped the pottery kettle in his hand. He looked at Balian with wide eyes, "Master, I have never killed anyone, I just saw them."

It’s just a lot of people who died tragically.”

As he said this, he was very thirsty and drank another glass of water. He added: "Those of us who live in the slums have never seen any kind of dead people since we were young, including those who died of freezing, starvation, illness, and so on.

Those who were beaten to death, those who were burned to death...

My master told me that people living at the bottom seem to be cursed. It seems that they can only live such a life in this life, and the same is true for their children, who have almost no hope of rising."

After saying this, Huck looked at Balian and plucked up the courage to say: "My master said that the world should not be like this. No one should be born as a poor man. This is not a curse at all, it is that

Helping the rich and powerful make mistakes.”

When Balian heard Huck's words, his whole body felt as if he had been shocked by electricity. He couldn't believe that such words were said by a powerful thief.

Balian is now basically convinced that Huck's teacher must be the same as him, a person who has traveled from modern society. If he is still alive, Balian must meet him and join forces with him.


Seeing that Balian was stunned on the spot after hearing what he said, Huck was a little scared. He thought he had said something wrong, so he whispered: "Master, are you okay?"

Only then did Balian regain his composure and smiled, "It's okay. Can you tell me more? What other words did your master say? I want to hear it."

Huck spread his hands and said helplessly: "Master actually didn't say much to me, but occasionally when he drank too much, he would pull me and say some confused words."

"Hi!" Balian sighed, "In this case, when we leave, you must tell your neighbors and people in the tavern that your master is back and knows where you have been."

Huck nodded, "No problem, sir, I will leave a good message for Master, so that when he comes back, he will know where to find me."

"Okay, you can go back and rest early. It's up to you what happens tomorrow." Balian patted Huck on the shoulder and said.

"Don't worry, sir, you called me the master thief. How could a master thief miss? Just don't worry, just wait until the time comes to watch the burning." Huck's chest made a thumping sound, and he assured Balian.

Early in the morning the day after tomorrow, outside the dining room of Earl Gerry's mansion, a maid who was bringing puff pastry beef pie to the restaurant suddenly screamed. She threw the plate in her hand to the ground in panic and shouted for help.

At this time, Earl Gerry's family of three, who were eating in the restaurant, heard the noise and immediately became alert. At this time, Sir Sandiman and four guards who were outside the door immediately rushed into the restaurant. After seeing that their master and his family were safe and sound,


Sir Sandiman left three guards to guard Earl Gerry's family in the restaurant, and then he went out with one guard to see what was going on.

Sir Sandiman came to the corridor outside the restaurant and saw the shivering maid hiding aside. There was a black snake coiled on the ground. The snake was spitting out snake bites unscrupulously and crawling there slowly.

The approach of Sir Sandiman and the guard made the snake feel the danger. It slithered away, as if heading into the garden, but Sir Sandiman could not let it escape.

I saw him stepping forward quickly with a long sword in his hand, and with a powerful swing, he cut the three-foot-long black snake into two pieces. After the black snake's body was cut off, it was bleeding and twisting on the ground.


Sir Sandiman asked the guard to watch here to prevent the still twisting snake from running to other places, and he took the maid to report to Earl Gerry.

Entering the restaurant, after Sir Sandiman briefly explained the matter, the frightened maid stuttered and recounted the story of how she saw the snake.

After hearing this, Earl Gerry frowned and said to himself: "Hey, it's so strange. We must not have seen snakes in our house for decades. I haven't seen any snakes since I was a child."


At this time, Jesses, who heard his father talking like this, took a bite of the omelette and whispered, "Father, you are not a snake worshiper, are you? When I was a child, I heard you tell me about the snake worshiper.

Story, they were a bunch of pagans who fed people to snakes."

After hearing what Jesses said, Earl Gerry pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be the case, right? The Snake Worship Cult has been extinct for a long time. They only dare to hide in the mountains and survive. How could they be in the city?

Especially if there is trouble in my mansion?"

"That's what I said, why are there people who worship the Snake Cult here?" Jesses responded to his father's rhetorical question.

However, her response made Count Gerry uncontrollably swayed about the Snake Cult. Now he was not sure whether it was really someone from the Snake Cult who did it, especially since Sister Murat had just recently been involved in the heresy case.

Looking at his father who was deep in thought, Janis knew that Balian's plan had initially succeeded, and Count Grie now began to believe that there might be people who worshiped the Snake Cult in the city.

While Count Grie was meditating, a knight from the inner palace walked in in a panic. He said anxiously: "Your Majesty, someone found two small snakes in the stable."

As he spoke, he took out a cloth bag that was stained with blood, but the creatures inside were still twisting. Needless to say, these were the two snakes.

The countess looked at the bag and felt very sick. She retched several times and asked the knight to take the bag out and not take it out in the dining area.

Count Grie angrily slammed his fist on the dining table and roared: "Are you challenging me? You beasts of the Snake Cult!"

The smashing of the table startled Jesses, who was drinking soup, but when she looked at her angry father, she knew that Balian's strategy had begun to work.

Earl Gerry ordered angrily: "Sandiman, you go and mobilize a hundred heavy infantry to guard every place in the house. Not a fly can be let out."

Sir Sandiman took the order and retreated, and then Earl Gerry continued to order the remaining knights in the chamber: "Now you go and gather the other knights in the chamber, in groups of three, and search the entire Earl's Palace for me.


Remember, don't miss any place, search it carefully for me, I want to see who is so bold and dares to cause trouble on my territory."

The inner knight took the order and retreated. He quickly gathered other inner knights and carefully searched the entire Earl's Mansion.

For a moment, there was a lot of noise in the Earl's Mansion, but after everyone learned that it was Earl Gri's order, they became quiet. After all, no one dared to disobey the will of the most powerful person in Yang Weixuo Province.

The knights of the inner palace searched very quickly. They worked in groups of three and cooperated with the guards to search every place and everyone's room carefully, leaving no corner untouched.

When Sir Sandiman's team searched Sister Murat's room, the nun who had drank two glasses of wine last night because she was in a bad mood had just woken up and had not yet gotten up.

She was upset by the heavy knocking on the door. After getting out of bed, she opened the door angrily. When she saw it was Sir Sandiman and the others, she, who was usually arrogant, yelled: "You damn guys,

Who gave you the courage to knock on my door?"

Seeing Sister Murat getting up very angry, Sir Sandiman and the others had no choice but to repeat Count Gerry's order, but Sister Murat didn't accept it at all, she continued to yell angrily: "I don't care who it is!

Even if the monarch himself comes, I won't let him in!"

After saying that, she pushed Sir Sandiman out forcefully and closed the door. After closing the door, she also cursed: "You ungrateful bastards."

Sir Sandiman was frustrated and felt very depressed. In the Earl's Palace, even Earl Grie was very polite to him, a loyal knight who was born in a knight family and had good martial arts skills.

But this Sister Murat has never treated them as nobles, and she yells at them every day. Today, she was treated like this under the orders of Count Gerry. Sir Sandiman and the other two knights of the inner palace,

There was a lot of fire in my heart.

They did not dare to offend Sister Murat directly, but they dared to slander this vicious old woman in front of Count Grie.

So, after Sir Sandiman and others searched other places, they joined other knights in the palace and returned to the restaurant to report to Count Gerry. Everyone found nothing.

As for Sir Sandiman and the others, although they found nothing, there was only one place left that they had not searched, and that was Sister Murat's room.

This chapter has been completed!
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