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Chapter 86

The media here repeatedly asked Nie Chu, but Nie Chu couldn't resist and told him everything. But when he went to take out the embroidered shoes from his pocket to prove his innocence, his face turned pale with fright. However, under the light, it was not obvious and he could not see

Just be clear.

"What's wrong?"


"Nothing? Tell me! What happened? What do you want to prove?"

"Yes, eldest sister, you guessed it right. I lost my embroidered shoes."

"Whose embroidered shoes?"


"Tell the truth! You are a big man, what kind of embroidered shoes do you want?"

"It's the truth, eldest sister, I took the embroidered shoes, not mine. Didn't I just say that? Malanhua didn't give it to me, so I hit her hard. As a result, she kicked me, but instead of kicking me, an embroidered shoe flew out from her foot.

He was caught by me and just as he was about to take matters further, there was the sound of a carriage stopping outside. Someone was probably coming, so he had to stop." Nie Chuyan said.

After hearing what he said, the matchmaker immediately understood and hated him! What a dog! He can't change his habit of eating shit!

"You are such a piece of shit! Why do you stink so much? Don't you even look at it, whose business is this? Fortunately you didn't damage the Malanhua. Otherwise, if the scholar asked me to refund the money, you kid would be dead.

I will definitely let you sink to the bottom of the pond to feed the bastard. You are really a tofu bundled with hemp rope that can’t be lifted, and the mud can’t climb the wall. People’s rabbits don’t eat the grass beside their nests. You’d better make trouble and make me look good, you

Isn’t it okay that if my mother dies, then you will find the younger ones to eat cucumbers? I want to live, but I won’t die. I’ll make you such a bastard so angry!” the matchmaker scolded.

"I'm sorry, sister, it's me who deserves to die. I shouldn't have done such an embarrassing thing. I'm so sorry! I'm so fucking inhuman!" Nie Chu cried, and then slapped himself twice with his bow left and right.

Immediately, there were five-finger handprints left on the cheek, which looked like a real beating!

"Forget it, let's not pursue it, and don't cry! It seems that you are very pitiful. In fact, I can see clearly whether you are really pitiful or pretending to be pitiful. You are young and energetic, and I have a lot of energy. As for me, I am half

Old lady, you are weak-willed, you have to look for flowers and ask willows, and you also need to check the person, right? It’s not that I don’t support it, it’s that you don’t focus on the key points, don’t look at the background, and are not cautious enough. Just learn a certain lesson in this way. Next time

Don't do it again. If you do it again, be careful that your life will be lost, let alone the past. You have to live a good life with me and make sure you have food, drink and shelter. Otherwise, you will have nothing and you will be dealt with in the end.

You have to think carefully about what is worth it and what is not worth it," the matchmaker said.

The matchmaker is really sweet-natured, but actually cruel. For such a person, she wishes he would die, and is worried that if he dies or leaves her, she will have nothing to rely on. She is now an old lady, and it is not easy to find a suitable one.


The two talked for a while, then found some lighter topics to continue talking about and there was nothing left to say.

A few days later, someone came over in a panic and said to the matchmaker: "It's over, the horse and the cow are dead."

"How did you die?"


"What assassination?"

"He was killed with a knife."

"Who killed it?" asked the matchmaker.

"have no idea."

"Okay, thank you for telling me! What's going on? Why is there no movement?" the matchmaker said to herself.

She knew very well that Doctor Ma Niu must have prepared a generous dowry for her daughter. The scholar Sun Shanqian also received a lot of betrothal gifts, and she received a lot of money to thank the matchmaker. She was afraid that if something went wrong, something would happen, and Doctor Ma Niu was assassinated.

And death is not a good thing.

The first impression that popped into her mind was that it was probably Nie Chu. This guy was simply terrible. He was a complete bad guy who would do whatever it took to achieve his goals. He looked wretched and ugly, and he also liked to flirt with women outside.

, she is the scum among scum. Maybe this is a source of trouble that will lead to her and make her dirty.

Sure enough, the former county magistrate of Dengcheng couldn't help but put the matchmaker into a cell and treated her as a death row prisoner. The matchmaker becoming a death row prisoner was the first major event in Dengcheng since the city was founded.

The former county magistrate locked the matchmaker in a prison and shortened the interrogation, but found nothing. Later, the matchmaker was severely tortured. The matchmaker suffered so much that she confessed Nie Chu.

Nie Chu didn't expect to be involved in a lawsuit. He was very surprised. He didn't expect that an embroidered shoe could cause such a big trouble.

I've been thinking about it, but I just can't figure it out.

It was not just Nie Chu who was involved in this case. He thought to himself that even if it was ineffective, he would not kill anyone with a knife! This is really an unjust case through the ages. No matter what, he must clean himself up and ensure his innocence.


He complained to his superiors.

However, there is a process to appeal, and the result may not be immediate, but at least there is hope that the actual problem can be solved.

The appeals above were of no avail. They were far away and could not solve the urgent matter. The former county magistrate also arrested the scholar Sun Shanqian. He never expected that he would have to go to court before he got a bride. What kind of thing is this?


After interrogation, the former county magistrate of Dengcheng did not sentence Nie Chu to death. Instead, he sentenced scholar Sun Shanqian to death. He felt that Sun Shanqian had long coveted Ma Lanhua's beauty and wanted to hire a matchmaker to propose marriage.

It's not enough. Scholars have only been focusing on gaining fame these years and haven't thought about getting married and having children. Since this relationship is mentioned, we must take it seriously.

Doctor Ma Niu asked the scholar to prepare a betrothal gift that far exceeded the scholar's budget. The scholar was in a dilemma. In fact, Doctor Ma Niu was the biggest victim of this marriage. After he let the news out, scholar Sun Shanqian was not satisfied and wanted to get rid of him.

The obstacle to marrying Malanhua was that someone had to bleed, so he started his evil plan and started to implement it.

The former county magistrate of Dengcheng has determined that an acquaintance committed the crime, because it was very easy to kill Ma Niu Doctor. It is not easy for someone who is not very familiar with Ma Niu Doctor's family to commit a crime and kill Ma Niu Doctor. Even if Ma Niu Doctor was lucky enough to get in, he would still

was expelled.

Scholars rebelled, but it took ten years to succeed.

In other words, it was impossible for Sun Shanqian to kill Doctor Ma Niu. This was proposed by Nie Chu. Nie Chu felt that the person most likely to commit the crime had not yet come out, so he tried to find a way to communicate with the scholar and put forward his own opinions.

When the scholar Sun Shanqian heard about it, he realized that this matter was strange and there were doubts. If he grasped the doubtful points and solved them one by one, he would clear up the grievances. So Sun Shanqian began to draft a complaint document and wrote thousands of words to clarify the ins and outs of the matter.

This case was handed over, but it still fell into the sea, with no response at all. It was about to be questioned. This matter of life and death could not be delayed.

What a coincidence. As soon as the case came into Jin Shan's hands, he understood that there must be a problem in it, and the problem was not small.

Let’s talk about Xiucai first, because Xiu Cai has never seen Malanhua. He only heard from the matchmaker that she is beautiful and looks like a fairy. He also has a soft spot for himself and refuses to think about other people. Xiu Cai is modest and not very ostentatious.

A person like this, a shy scholar, would not do anything unfaithful or kill anyone.

Let's talk about Nie Chu. Although he likes this, he met the matchmaker and was eliminated. He no longer has the interest or energy to take care of other women. There is no motive for killing. If Nie Chu fell in love with Malanhua, because

Malanhua has an owner. After having a scholar first, there will be no other ideas. The key is that people are poor and have short ambitions. To go out for prostitution, you must have money. If you don’t have money, you can’t start. Who are the smart people outside? What they want is


As for the matchmaker, she had no reason to kill Ma Niu Doctor because Ma Niu Doctor had defaulted on the matchmaker's money. After the match was completed, there would be a generous reward. She couldn't commit murder. If she killed someone, what was the purpose of it?

So, who is the murderer?

Using the elimination method, it is easy to exclude the scholar Sun Shanqian. He cherishes his feathers and has a bright future, so he does not need to kill his father-in-law. Besides, in the future, if he studies and obtains fame, he can count on his father-in-law's full support.

If you kill your father-in-law, it is tantamount to killing the goose to obtain the eggs, and the gain outweighs the loss. Also, if the future money tree falls, there will no longer be a supply of money.

It is impossible for a scholar to kill someone.

It's impossible for Nie Chu, he is just a scumbag, talented, clever, can make women happy, but also expects women to support him. Killing Ma Niu Doctor is tantamount to cutting off his godmother's financial path and cutting off the matchmaker's wealth.

Road, is equivalent to cutting off one's own financial path. It will not be so easy to spend money in the future. The life of sensuality and horse racing is no longer guaranteed.

Jin Shan understands this relationship. To find the key to this case, he still needs to know more about the woman. Several suspects have not made breakthroughs because they have no motive for committing the crime. So, if these three people are excluded, there must be others. We need to find others.

People must find someone who has close contact with the three of them.

The only people most likely to come into contact with outsiders are matchmakers.

A scholar is a scholar who never leaves the house. He concentrates on studying the books of saints and sages in order to gain fame and has no time to play. Nie Chu has no time to study and does not know how to read. Although he is smart, he is just a little clever.

His biggest interest and hobby is eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and he has no time to study hard. This is very different from a scholar.

Jin Shan suddenly thought that the matchmaker did not follow the rules of women and was greedy. If she did not kill people, the people she came into contact with might be affected. So he decided to interrogate the matchmaker.

The matchmaker was brought, and Jin Shan asked: "You have suffered! You have been in jail for so long! But don't worry, I will investigate this case thoroughly and give you justice. You have to be patient!"

"Sir, just ask. I'm willing to say anything to an upright official, but I'm too lazy to say anything to a stupid official," the matchmaker said.

"That's good, I want to ask you, you have close contact with people, who likes sex between men and women?" Jin Shan asked, he couldn't take that much into consideration, he didn't care about face, we will talk about it later, now we need to find out the truth.

what's going on.

"Folk women have no concubines," the matchmaker said. "Folk women are busy every day connecting good men and women, promoting marriage, and forming marriages. They have no time to think about their own affairs."

"There is no need to hide this matter. I know that you have a mistress, that is Nie Chu. This means that you are lying. You are not busy introducing friends and promoting marriages all day long. This also means that you are lying. You are still playing mahjong during the day.

, right?" Jin Shan asked.

"That's right, sir. I know everything very clearly. I admire you, I admire you!" the matchmaker said.

"Just tell me, apart from Nie Chu's long-term mistress, are there any other men? Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you and will never let Nie Chu know about you. Shu Li, don't remember this paragraph.

To avoid having to delete it later," Jin Shan said.

The scribe nodded.

"Sir, before the common woman met Nie Chu, she first met a man, nicknamed Big Cat. He took possession of the common woman before Nie Chu."

"What about your husband?"

"My husband went to serve as a soldier and died on the battlefield. What he came back with was a pile of bones," the matchmaker said.

"That's it! Your life is not good!"

"Thank you for your compassion and sympathy. A commoner woman's fate was not good, but she was lucky. She is living a good life now," the matchmaker said.

"Then when did you and Nie Chu meet?"

"It was after Da Mao got married. At that time, Da Mao got married and went to accompany his new wife. There was no one to accompany the peasant woman. I happened to meet a young man playing cards. He was asking people to find a wife everywhere. Master, look.

, he did not do his job properly and made a living by gambling. He had no parents, no roof, no place to stand, nothing. He also wanted to marry a wife, but it was difficult to find a wife, so he found a civilian wife. It happened that civilian wives were in short supply at that time, so he was greedy.

He got together with Nie Chu on the grounds that he was not suitable. Unexpectedly, Nie Chu would be satisfied as long as he had food, drinks, women to accompany him, and fun to do, and he didn't care about the old women. This advantage was mutually beneficial to both parties.

Reciprocity is really good!" said the matchmaker.

When Jin Shan heard this, he almost vomited and felt sick in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't have an attack and suppressed his anger.

"So, you got everything you wanted. What happened next?" Jin Shan asked.

"Later, Da Mao got tired of his newlywed wife and came to see a folk woman again to be with her. At that time, the folk woman was already living with Nie Chu. When Da Mao came, he was bumped into by Nie Chu. Nie Chu was young and energetic.

, and having enough strength, he beat the big cat out. The big cat was no match, or maybe it was because his body was hollowed out, and he was very weak. He was trembling in front of Nie Chu. This is really one thing that brings down another thing. Hahaha." Matchmaker.


Jin Shan hopes that this case will be settled as soon as possible. This old witch is unbearable. However, she is not a murderer, that is for sure. She is not a murderer, but a greedy and wanton woman. With this characteristic, she is very troublesome. I don’t know.

How many men are about to fall into her carefully designed trap.

"The big cat was beaten away, will it come again in the future?" Jin Shan asked.

"He will come, he is a cat addicted to stealing sex. Although he was beaten away by Nie Chu, he is still lustful and daring. He will still look for opportunities to come and come to see Nie Chu when he is not at home.

Folk women are messing around," the matchmaker said.

"Then don't you want to live a good life with Nie Chu? Why can't you insist on rejecting Big Cat?" Jin Shan asked.

"I don't know what I know. People are so cheap. Big cats have the taste of big cats. If you eat the same food for a long time, you will get bored. Who doesn't want to change the taste? This big cat is different from Nie Chu. He always eats the same food.

She is a little old, and she always smells old. Besides, the big cat brings something every time she comes, so the peasant woman does not suffer at all. Unlike Nie Chu, the peasant woman has to pay for food, drinks and entertainment, and she is completely free of charge.

After a long time, a man can't stand any woman. Is that right, sir?" the matchmaker said.

This chapter has been completed!
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