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Chapter 663 I Don’t Regret My Decision to Let Qing Governor Chuanshan

"Censor of the Capital City, please report to His Majesty on behalf of the guilty minister. The guilty minister has committed a serious crime. To get this result is a blessing for several lifetimes. The dragon's kindness is so great that the guilty minister has nothing to repay." Chen Yan brought the result, so that

Sun Chuanting, who was anxious and uneasy, was overjoyed.

In the past few days, he even thought that he was going to be beheaded! Although all the previous rumors indicated that he would not be killed, but after arriving in the capital, the direction of the wind changed and he was not sure.

The most ruthless emperor's heart is that after arriving in the capital, it is really a state of being like a knife and a fish, and others suddenly fall out, and no one can do anything about it. The things Yuan Chonghuan committed back then are nothing compared to himself, right? In the end, they were all punished.

Lingchi was executed.

According to Chen Speech's treatment, ten years in prison is not a big punishment, it means that his freedom is restricted. In other aspects, not to mention compared with people in prison, even compared with casual young officials, it is far worse.

And nothing less.

Is there any person in the world who is in jail and can receive a salary of more than twenty taels of silver dollars per month? Even the monthly salary of sixth- and seventh-grade officials cannot get this amount.

"Bo Ya, do your best. You and I are already over fifty, and it's time for all our fame and wealth to disappear. After the verdict comes out, we can live a leisurely life."

"Your Majesty is very considerate of my arrangement! I will teach in the future and read some books when I have free time. But if I only have a few words to pass down to the world, I won't be running around in this life. A long prison can be compared to a paradise in the world."

As a result, Sun Chuanting no longer panicked, and his mentality was instantly corrected. He had not experienced prison life before. Compared with the treatment in prison back then, the imprisoned life he was about to start was like paradise. What else is not satisfying? Wrong indeed

You committed it yourself, and you didn’t regret it until the end, so what else can you say?

After the emperor set the tone, the Dali Temple trial entered a fast pace, and the results were announced in court four days later.

"Has the Ministry of Punishment made arrangements for Sun Chuanting's imprisonment?" A few days after the sentencing, Zhu Youjian called the people in the attendant's room to pay attention to the follow-up progress.

"The basic arrangements are in place. The prison is specially built next to the main prison of the Ministry of Punishment. Once you enter the small courtyard, there are clearly divided courtyards and special staff offices. The jailers are in a group of ten, and they rotate from the jailers of the Ministry of Punishment Prison every month!

"The people in the Attendant's Room were all well-educated and were very attentive to the emperor's thoughts. They knew that the emperor would definitely ask about Sun Chuanting's imprisonment in the near future, so they had already inquired about it and only waited for the emperor to ask questions.

"Who is the life secretary chosen from his family?"

"Erlang of the Sun family, Sun Shi'an."

"How old is this doll this year?"

"This year is thirty-six?"

"Oh!" Zhu Youjian always thought that Sun Chuanting and he were of the same age. It was only when he heard his secretary say that the second son of the Sun family was thirty-six that he realized that Sun Chuanting was already sixty. His

The child is the same age as himself.

"You said the basics are in order, but is there anything that hasn't been taken care of clearly?" After regaining consciousness, Zhu Youjian turned to his secretary and asked his secretary, apart from the basics, what are the non-basic things?

"The main thing is to teach at the Military Academy. The military academy in the capital has sent some basic teaching materials to Sun Chuanting in the past few days, and also arranged a special person to connect with him. There is a special carriage at the prison to make it easier for him to go to school.

Teaching. The problem now is that it is unclear what class he is going to teach and what is the specific teaching method?"

"Isn't this a simple matter? Let him talk about his participation in important battles, and then talk about his understanding of the previous Ming military system. It is no better than anything else. In the entire Ming Dynasty, there can never be another person who is better than him.

It's appropriate to talk about these things. Forget it, let's make some arrangements in the attendant's office. I will visit Sun Chuanting's prison in the next few days and tell him these things personally."

Eucalyptus has been sentenced, so Zhu Youjian has no psychological worries. Going to meet this famous official can satisfy the obsession in the memory of future generations.

Two days later in the afternoon, Zhu Youjian and his entourage arrived at the small courtyard where Sun Chuanting was imprisoned.

After receiving the news, Sun Chuanting waited at the courtyard gate early. When he saw Zhu Youjian, he knelt on the ground and apologized repeatedly.

"Bo Ya, don't kneel down! Except for special occasions, I have already taken the kneeling ceremony. You get up, find a stool to sit down, and we have a good conversation. I haven't seen you for more than ten years. I look at your face, and it seems that some years have made me tired.

Ah, maybe it has something to do with my recent worries.

It’s a done deal, it’s time to get your mind right and make good arrangements for your future life. By the way, I haven’t seen you for more than ten years. Have you noticed that I’ve aged a lot?”

After Sun Chuanting was persuaded by the emperor to get up, he took a seat under the big tree in the courtyard where the emperor was sitting. He took the mazha handed by the guard and sat down. He cautiously said, "Your Majesty is in the prime of his spring and autumn, and his style is still as good as before."

"This is a bit false. How can ten years not make people grow old? However, my mentality should be better than ten years ago. The main reason I came here today is to see you, my old friend, and to understand your story.

Thoughts. Regarding the past, I have something to tell you honestly. Although I am very angry with your actions in recent years, I do not regret my decision to let you governor Sichuan and Shaanxi.

Because the people of Sichuan and Shaanxi are living better than before, and because there has been no chaos in Sichuan and Shaanxi in recent years, my heart will be at ease."

"Your Majesty is kind-hearted and cares about the people. The blessings of the Ming Dynasty are also the blessings of the people. The guilty officials are unworthy of the Holy Grace and have disobedient intentions. The crime deserves to be punished by death, and the crime should be punished by death!" Zhu Youjian said.

Sun Chuanting knelt on the ground again, crying and apologizing.

"Get up! The crime has been sentenced. All you have to do is repent seriously and submit to the law. Tell me about your appointment as a lecturer at the military academy. I heard that the specific teaching content and regulations are difficult to determine?

I will set a course for you. I will open two courses. One is about the history of the Wan Tianchong period and the peace of the border areas during the reign of Wan Tianchong. The other is about the organizational history of the old army of the Ming Dynasty. You know very little about these two things, so you know how little you know about them.

The officers will definitely benefit a lot from compiling courses and teaching with their own insights and vision.

In course design, emphasis should be placed on historical facts, and your opinions and summaries should also be included. In the historical facts section, there is no need to be overly comprehensive. Focus on the parts that have impressed you most. The opinions and summaries should also be based on your experiences.


In the strategy of pacifying the border with chaos, you can put the arrangements before and after the Battle of Heishui Valley into the course, and reflect and summarize from a military perspective why the big bandit was captured but the civil unrest was not quelled? What is this?

, I know that there must be mistakes in the political arrangements between North Korea and China, but there are also loopholes in the military arrangements. Where are the loopholes?

How did you arrange your last battle with the bandits in the Central Plains? Why did you win first and then lose? How could you achieve the most comprehensive arrangement under the conditions at the time and ensure that you were undefeated to the greatest extent possible?

When you led the army to serve the king, how did you fight against the Jianlu? What was the difference between the imperial army and the Jianlu at that time? Is there any way to win against the Jianlu under the conditions at that time? What were the tactics and combat strength of the Jianlu and the civilian rebel army?

What's the difference?

In the organizational history of the old army, you can analyze the composition, mutual relationships, advantages and disadvantages of the garrison, battalion, generals, soldiers, war department, and servants by category! It also needs to be combined with your experience and how you dealt with the military leaders.

, how to unite, mobilize, and maintain troops? What are the constraints encountered in this process?

Etc., etc. In short, I don’t want to be perfect, as long as it is profound and can inspire future generals.”

This chapter has been completed!
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