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Seventeen, the female wolf is here

Brother Chao rushed to the division headquarters with a dozen brothers, met the officer in charge of military supplies at the division headquarters, and took out a receipt for receiving the weapons. The brothers couldn't wait to see what the new equipment was.


I stood waiting in the yard. After a while, several soldiers from the division headquarters carried box after box into the yard. There must be a dozen boxes in total.

"Accept it!" the officer said to Brother Chao.

"Okay!" Brother Chao agreed and said to the brothers behind him, "Come on, brothers, open it for me."

The brothers opened the box in a hurry.

Whooping Crane took out a long gun from the box, "Oh, it's really heavy. What the hell is this? The machine gun doesn't fire a few shots, and the rifle doesn't look like a rifle." Whooping Crane held the gun and looked around.

"That's it." Lei Hang said.

"Your mother-in-law is so strong. Come on, come on, hold me and charge me." Ming He thrust the gun into Lei Hang's arms.

"That is a Browning machine gun, produced in the United States, with a caliber of 7.62 mm and an ammunition capacity of 20 rounds. It is characterized by rapid firepower and extremely strong penetrating power. The disadvantage is that the barrel heats up easily."

The brothers all followed the voice and looked back. It was a young female officer, wearing a uniform of the national army. Judging from the epaulettes, she should have the rank of lieutenant colonel.

"Chief of Staff, salute!" While everyone was seriously admiring the beautiful female officer in front of them, the Chief of Staff appeared behind the female officer.

The chief of staff returned the military salute and said: "Okay, let me introduce to you comrades. This is Lieutenant Colonel Yang Ying, deputy director of the Confidential Division of the Fifth Theater Command of the National Army. From today on, Lieutenant Colonel Yang will be the military advisor of your special operations team.

, everyone is welcome!”

"Pa bang bang" the applause was very warm, but all the brothers in the special team were wondering in their hearts. Why did you send a national army officer as a consultant, and she was a woman.

"Lieutenant Colonel Yang is an old friend of your captain, Luo Yuesong. In the early years, I went to the Imperial Army University of Japan to study with your captain and Battalion Commander Lengren. I was my classmate for three years. I hope that the comrades in the special operations team can learn more from Lieutenant Colonel Yang.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang is a weapons expert in combat command, especially in ordnance. Okay, I'll stop here and hurry up and accept the weapons." After the chief of staff made the introduction, he shook hands with Lieutenant Colonel Yang and turned around to leave.

Brother Chao reluctantly walked up to Yang Ying, saluted him with a military salute, and said, "Lieutenant Colonel Yang, the special forces welcome you!"

"Thank you!" Yang Ying returned the gift and walked to the weapons and equipment as she spoke, "Vice Captain Chang, please assemble the team and I will explain the equipment to you."

"Yes!" Brother Chao agreed and gathered the team together. Everyone stood neatly in front of the equipment, with only Brother Chao and Lei Hang helping to hold the weapons.

"Brothers, for the sake of the great cause of the War of Resistance and to commend the special operations team for their contribution to rescuing Rice, the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Theater Command of the National Army has given a special award to our special operations group..."

Who are you and us? Third Brother was muttering in his mind. Brother Chao vaguely heard what Third Brother said and glared at Third Brother. Third Brother looked up at the sky and remained silent.

"I don't dare to be a weapons expert, but I still know something about these weapons. Let me tell you about the performance of these equipment. Look at this rifle. This is an m1 rifle, also known as a Garand rifle.

It is the standard configuration rifle of the US infantry. It has a caliber of 7.62mm and a magazine capacity of 8 rounds. It is characterized by being easy to disassemble and clean. Its combination of caliber, projectile speed and semi-automatic performance provides firepower superior to other rifles. Its only disadvantage is that it is easy to disassemble and clean.

It’s just that it’s very difficult to reload the magazine. In actual use, compared with our medium-sized rifle, it is a rifle that combines accuracy and speed. Compared with the Japanese 38-gai, its range is shorter and it can shoot

The speed and lethality are much higher." Yang Ying introduced vividly.

"Brothers, look at this again. This is a Thompson gun with a caliber of 11.43 mm and an ammunition capacity of 30 rounds. It is characterized by high power, a rate of fire suitable for close combat, and an effective range of 200 meters. The disadvantage is that the structure is complex, a bit heavy, and the accuracy is insufficient.

It's quite expensive and difficult to aim, but despite this, Thompson is still the most powerful and reliable gun. Come on, Captain Chang, do you want to try it?" Yang Ying continued to introduce.

"No, no, let's train hard when we get back." Brother Chao declined hurriedly.

Next, Yang Ying introduced Mark grenades and Browning pistols. It really had a familiar flavor and was indeed very familiar. But what interested the brothers the most was the one called Bazooka.

I heard from Yang Ying that the rocket launcher can blow up the little Japanese tanks and vehicles. What also makes the brothers excited is that every soldier is issued a pistol called a Browning. Hahaha, our soldiers

, although it is a special force, only the captain, deputy captain and third brother have pistols, but others do not have them. Now, everyone has one, and it is made in the United States.

After the explanation, Yang Ying asked Brother Chao to lead the team to transport the weapons and equipment back, and then left Lei Hang behind, saying that they would go see Captain Luo together. Lei Hang was unwilling to follow the female officer, but he thought he could see the imprisoned officer.

After the confinement, the captain, who had not been seen for several days, still happily agreed to this errand.

On the way back, the brothers were all discussing the new female lieutenant colonel. Minghe was like Brother Chao complaining about how the female lieutenant colonel came and gave orders to Brother Chao. If he continues like this, it is

Even if our captain has to listen to the female lieutenant colonel, then our special operations team will be headed by a woman.

The third brother also had the same view, and as soon as the third brother incited the brothers, the dissatisfaction among the brothers was immediately aroused. Although Brother Chao didn't let everyone talk, Brother Chao himself felt like a cat had scratched him, which was not a good feeling.

Because of the approval from the chief of staff, Yang Ying easily took Lei Hang to see Luo Yuesong, who was in a solitary confinement room.

"Captain!" As soon as the door opened, Lei Hang shouted excitedly and ran in, holding Yuesong's hand, "Captain, are you okay? Hahaha, it looks like you are doing well. You are so fat and healthy."

"Dear, my sister-in-law will send you something delicious..."

"Baipai, you fat sister-in-law slapped me in the face in front of so many men that day. I've been locked up here for several days, and I haven't seen any of them, and you even gave me food.

You've made me anxious. I don't want her anymore. Can you think of finding someone more beautiful and virtuous than her..." Yuesong didn't talk to his brothers for many days and was so depressed that when Lei Hang came,

Then he started nagging.

"In front of sister-in-law, behind sister-in-law, where is sister-in-law?" Yang Ying suddenly appeared in front of her with her hands behind her back.

Yuesong turned around and looked, "Oh, it's Yingzi. Oops, I haven't seen you in almost two years, but I miss you so much. Hey, hey, come on, let me give you a hug!" Yuesong said, opening his arms.

Just went up.

Lei Hang looked at the female officer called Yingzi by the captain and thought, it can't be like this. But who knows, Yingzi smiled, got excited, and took the initiative to throw herself into the captain's arms, and the two hugged each other tightly.

, just a few bites away. Lei Hang couldn't stand it, turned around and walked out, standing outside the door, waiting.

After the hug, Yuesong put Yingzi on the bench and sat next to him, "Yingzi, you have become more beautiful. Oh my, it's better to work at the headquarters. You can eat and drink well."

, the wind can't blow, the rain can't catch, look at you, you are white and tender, how do you look like your brother or me? Look, you fell into the coal pile in the dark, and you opened your big eyes wide,

I definitely can’t find it, hahahaha.”

"Hehehe," Yingzi also smiled happily, "But I still want to see my sister-in-law." Yingzi emphasized the word sister-in-law.

"Oh, sister-in-law, right? She is a nurse from the Second Regiment of the New Fourth Army. She is very beautiful. When I get out, I will take you to see her." Yuesong said with a smile.

"Really? Isn't it very beautiful? Shouldn't you be blowing the ground? As long as you blow, the sky will be filled with cows floating..." Yingzi said, waving her hand.

"What? You don't believe it? Come on, I'll take you to see it now." Yuesong was anxious, took Yingzi's hand and left.

"Okay, okay, you are still in solitary confinement." Yingzi said as she broke free from Yuesong's hand.

"Oh, I forgot about this as soon as you came. By the way, why did you come to our New Fourth Army? You're not just like Toothpick, here to perform a special mission, are you?" Yuesong asked.

"You still call me a toothpick? You're disgusting. I've been promoted to regimental commander, and now I'm the regimental commander of the headquarters garrison. What's more, my subordinates are all Commander Li's elite soldiers." Yingzi said.

"Ah, ah, ah, I understand, that boy has also been promoted? Why is God so unfair..."

"It's not fair, haven't you been promoted to colonel?"

"Oh, that's right, hehe, our buddy is now a colonel," Yuesong raised his head and said proudly, "Also, how are you and Toothpick?" Yuesong asked mysteriously.

"What's going on?" Yingzi deliberately pretended not to understand.

"Hey, why are you so dishonest in front of your brother? Last time I saw Toothpick, I asked him to speed up. Why, that boy Toothpick hasn't knelt down for our Miss Yingzi yet. Well, in this way, I propose to you.

Diamond ring?" Yuesong half-knelt on the ground, imitating.

"No!" Yingzi said with her head turned away.

"Okay, I'll make the decision for you. I'll look for toothpicks tomorrow. If you dare not kneel down in front of our eldest lady, I'll chop him up and feed him to the dogs!"

"Tch, I don't care about it."

"What, what did you say, you don't care?" Yuesong asked puzzledly.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this." It seemed that Yingzi was really impatient, "Let me tell you, the headquarters sent me to be a consultant to the special operations team."

"Advisor? Special team?" Yuesong took a step forward every time he asked, "You are the deputy director of the Confidential Division of the Fifth Theater Command of the National Army, and you serve as a consultant to the special team of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army? Does this count?

What kind of thing is this?"

"What's wrong? The captain of the special operations team can be promoted to the colonel of the national army, but the lieutenant colonel of the national army cannot be the military adviser of the special operations group?" Yingzi asked seriously.

"But what does the special team want this consultant to do?" Yuesong spread his hands and asked.

"It's equivalent to being a special correspondent. You already know this, right?"

"Special correspondent?" Yuesong touched the back of his head, walked a few steps, thought for a while, then suddenly turned to Yingzi and said, "You joined the army?"

Yingzi did not directly answer Yuesong's words, but just said: "We'll stop here today. Lei Hang and I will go back to the special operations team first and pick you up in a few days." After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Hey, hey..." Yuesong shouted several times at Yingzi's back, then sat helplessly on the stool, lost in thought.

This chapter has been completed!
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