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Chapter 198 Cold and Kuroshio

Forge ahead in turbulent waves.

The most urgent task is to find a foothold again. It is very dangerous to soak in the sea. Dirnai and other enemies may appear at any time.

The Innovation was torn apart when Farossa released her divine power, and it sank to an unknown corner. Farosha was also in poor condition. The violent divine power destroyed the magic circuit in her body, making it impossible for her to recover her magic power in a short period of time.

Falosa was about to say something, but she was in extremely bad condition. She closed her eyes and passed out immediately. Xu Yang could feel Falosa's exhausted state, so he swam as hard as he could in the sea.

Xu Yang himself was not that good either. Although his physical strength could last for a while, the nano-armor on his body was in need of repair.

——The "Cloud Beast" self-test program is starting——

Warning: Armor damaged

Cumulative damage area: 63%

Estimated mass loss: 9.7 kg

Tip: It is recommended that the depth of ocean activities is <500 meters

——Exit the platform——

Xu Yang went to the deep water to rescue Falosa before. The nanorobots were overloaded and damaged a lot. Although this advanced armor can adapt to activities in various environments, it still cannot fully adapt to the extreme environment of the deep sea. Now it cannot

It's time to collapse.

Looking around, everything was desolate, except for the surging tide, making it difficult to control the body's balance.

According to the previous investigation of the God-Binding Project, there was no island around, and they could only look for large pieces of debris floating on the sea. Fortunately, after Lila’s constant search, some floating buildings were soon discovered on the sea.


There is a particularly large piece of debris among them. It is about 8 to 9 meters long. It is like a huge piece of industrial garbage, slowly rising and falling with the waves. This is probably a part of the God Binding Project after it was shattered. It has been completely deformed. Yanduo

When it was born, it released an astonishing amount of heat, completely melting it and leaving it completely unrecognizable.

Xu Yang swam hard in the sea to avoid being swallowed by the waves. Lila swam better and was responsible for carrying Farosha. In this way, they gradually shortened the distance between them and the floating wreckage.

It was too difficult. The sky was dim and the visibility was very poor. The ocean power released by Farosha was still there and still operated violently. Big waves surged from time to time. The sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the clouds were thick, like thick barriers.

Above them, the sea was desolate and deep.

The "Beast in the Cloud" still has a large piece of nanofiber bundles close to the body, which helps maintain body temperature, but Xu Yang can still feel that the seawater is taking away his heat. Seawater is one thing, and the temperature in the air has also dropped a lot.

Quickly, the cold air scurried around Xu Yang's body like a poisonous snake.

He looked up at the sky, seeing a dark and lightless scene.

In order to defeat Dirnai, Yando temporarily stripped away the sunlight. The threat of this cannot be underestimated. Sunlight is as necessary for life as air. When the sunlight disappears, the threat is as terrifying as draining the entire atmosphere. Although time

It's daytime, but the temperature drops as quickly as it does after nightfall. The sunlight disappears, and its return is far away.

Swimming desperately in the angry sea at night, Xu Yang and Lila finally approached the floating building. Several times he suspected that it would be knocked into the sea by a big wave, but luckily it didn't.

Lila gently placed Farosha on the piece of building debris. Only at this distance could she see the trademark and code on its surface. It was an insulated sandwich produced by Ultimate Technology Company, and seemed to be an integral part of the Yando Cage.

Falosa lay on the debris of the building, curled up, as quietly as a baby in a cradle with her eyes closed.

Due to the violent release of divine power, her arms were covered in flesh and blood, and most of the bones and blood had been washed away by the tide.

"Yendo sank to the bottom of the sea nearby," Lila said, "but Falosa's current condition seems to be beyond recovery even by herself."

"She needs time, she needs rest and supplies." Xu Yang grabbed the edge of the debris, used both arms to climb up.

This fragment of a building that carries them rises and falls on the vast sea, and the waves are ruthlessly deformed. Sometimes it is a gentle open land, and sometimes it turns into a steep slope, leaving them at a loss. Xu Yang and Lila need to keep an eye on them at all times to avoid being unable to do so.

Rosa slipped into the sea.

Endo fell to the bottom of the sea, Dirnai disappeared, probably due to being repelled, and Falosa fell into a deep sleep due to exhaustion.

Xu Yang's nano-armor automatically deformed and returned to its undeployed state. These nano-robots need to rest and cannot continue to work.

The supplies and medicines he carried were buried in the sea together with the Innovation. At the end of the road, Xu Yang searched all over his body and only found a treatment needle. He injected the needle into Farosha's chest, but she still didn't wake up.

"She is losing her temperature." Xu Yang touched Falosa's shoulder, "...she will die of coldness and will not wake up."

Without saying a word, Lila excessively consumed her power, making her body hot. Then she hugged Farosha tightly and warmed her body like an electric blanket.

The temperature gradually increased, and Falosa's eyelashes trembled slightly.

Before Falosa woke up, Xu Yang was panting and trying to regain his strength. He sat on the ground, looked at the sky, and was alert to the presence of enemies. Even if there was only one drone, it would be a great threat to them now.


This battle consumes everything. It is not easy to survive, and we can't expect too much. Xu Yang thought to himself. This battle between Diernai and Sun Yanduo revealed the tip of the iceberg of the top mysterious power. If it happens again in the future,

When getting involved in an incident of this level, you must make more preparations and act more cautiously.

Now he couldn't see how far away from the God-Binding Plan he was. No matter which direction he looked, he couldn't see the traces left by the battlefield. He suspected that the big waves might have pushed them dozens of miles away from the battlefield, and the metal remains under his body were still there.

Going with the flow.

Falosa gently opened her eyes. At this time, Lila's power was running low.

"Where are we?" her voice was weak.

"On the sea." Xu Yang took Falosa from Lila's arms. Lila reduced power consumption to avoid premature shutdown. She switched to energy-saving mode and silently released magic power to alert the surroundings.

Falosa fell tiredly on Xu Yang's body, her broken shoulders shaking constantly, trying to move her non-existent arms.

"Don't worry." Xu Yang lowered his voice, "...take your time."

"I'm hungry," Falosa said.

Xu Yang searched for their personal belongings again, but it was still the same. Most of the things were placed on the shuttle, and only a few items were carried with them. Lila found a stick of nutritional ointment, tore off the packaging and fed it to Farosha.

Falosha slowly ate the thick nutritional paste. It had no fragrance or color, but it provided all the nutrients needed by living things and brought a high sense of satiety. In addition, Xu Yang had previously injected Falosha with the therapeutic injection.

, her physical strength recovered quickly, and the damaged magic circuits gradually recovered.

"Wait a little longer..." Falosa took a deep breath, closed her eyes tightly, and had a splitting headache.

"You can wait as long as you want." Xu Yang hugged Falosa tightly to keep warm, and they sat on the metal debris.

Looking around, the sea is still turbulent. As time goes by, the sky becomes darker and the sun is almost invisible. Only the cold air and the black tide accompany it, and the loneliness in the vast world follows.

Falosa signaled that she was ready, and Xu Yang helped her up. She tried her best to lift the severed limb on her right side, focused her magic power on the severed arm area, and released the law of recovery. A brand new and white original arm suddenly appeared. Then.

Then he used the same method on the left limb, and the arm reappeared in the blink of an eye.

She kept moving her arms until she was sure they were healthy and functional.

"Where's Yanduo?" Falosa looked around.

"On the seabed in that direction." Lila raised her finger, "The waves pushed us to a distance of 4,700 meters from Yando."

"...We have to go there anyway." Xu Yang said, "It would be nice if we could get in touch with Yan Duo in advance."

"I'll try." Falosa called in her heart.

No response.

Yando must have been seriously injured in the battle with Dirnai and was beaten unconscious. You must return to it and use the law of recovery to heal it.

Falosa senses the state of the throne in her soul. She can enter the throne and use its power to contact all the mystics and seek help from them. But that place is connected to all the mystics. Once she returns to that dark place, Dirnai will also

It must be present, so the communication function of the throne cannot be used.

I can only find a way to return to Yan Duo...

Lila looked into the distance.

"Your 'children' are here," she said.

Five seaborn of different sizes swam over. They had been repelled by the God-Bound Project's defense ships, and half of them were scared away. The remaining five followed Falosa's breath and came to her.

"Let the Haiyi retrieve the fragments of the Innovation, and we should be able to turn the Innovation back to its original shape and bring us closer to Yanduo." Xu Yang observed these savage-looking Haiyi.

"Really? Go back to Yando? If Dirnai is still there, we will be doomed." Falosa sighed, "We have to leave."

"Maybe not," Xu Yang said, "Judging from the company's records, the Mystics have one biggest weakness - they are afraid of being observed by all living beings. This behavior will weaken their mystery and thus reduce their combat effectiveness. Yan Duo

The First World War attracted the attention of the whole world, and Dirnai would not want to stay there permanently."

"...Indeed." Falosa thought deeply and thought it was feasible. "We will first find the fragments of the Innovation, and then we will hide in the Innovation and go to the bottom of the sea to find Yando."

"If we don't let Yan Duo come to help, we will die of cold." Xu Yang felt that his whole body was frozen.

Falosa opened her arms, and half of the ocean power in her soul was still there, which was still a good reserve.

She releases a small amount of divine power to control the movement of the sea. If she abuses it, she will hurt herself just like before.

She didn't want to experience that feeling again.

This kind of power was prepared for God. The witch was not supposed to have it, and she needed to learn it from scratch.

With the blessing of this small force, the seawater around the metal wreckage was driven, pushing it back in the direction of Yanduo, with other sea descendants following on both sides.

——Go and save Yan Duo!

This chapter has been completed!
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