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Chapter 525 Closeness

To say whether I am happy or not, I am indeed happy.

It reaches up to the navel. As long as a man can do this kind of thing, a woman's attitude will be much happier.

Whenever it was late at night and everything was done, Linyin would always sit on the bay window and smoke, watching the night view of Anjiu City.

The city is more beautiful at night than during the day. Manpower creates a sky full of neon lights, which is not inferior to the golden sunlight of nature. The day is composed of work and study, and the night belongs to everyone. It is the same now, time belongs to Rinne herself, she thought

Fall asleep when you fall asleep.

Whenever her eyes moved from the modern city outside the window back to Xu Yang's face, Linyin could see Xu Yang's taciturn expression, which made her inevitably wonder if she hadn't done enough just now, or if there were some shortcomings that annoyed him.

It took several days for Linyin to understand and realize that this was not his problem. Xu Yang would never express his anger on others. He had no expression on his face because there was a huge and unpredictable world in his heart. No matter he

No matter what his mood is, he never shows it on his face. Outsiders can only wander outside, but it is impossible to enter this man's heart.

To enter the heart and become his soul mate, so that happiness does not just stay in the consciousness, but goes deeper into every level of the heart, as close as a soul living in two bodies.

When Linyin smokes, she occasionally thinks of this. She should go further, but is she qualified to find a further position?

Any such emotion requires long-term companionship to manifest and reach its ultimate state. But what is Rinyin?

When I first arrived, I had nothing.

At least she was very satisfied with herself. Others would have lost their minds in that thrilling supreme joy and turned into fleshy loyal servants, loving to play all day long. But Linyin could maintain restraint, three times a day, and nothing else.


The morning is fresher than the afternoon and evening. Whoever wakes up first will take the initiative and start the day's schedule.

"You can walk around the Real Gold Building." Xu Yang handed a chip to Linyin.

She was just about to make coffee when she turned around to collect the chip, stuffed it into the data interface on the back of her head, and downloaded it to Nisto Company's level 4 decryption authority, which meant that she could pass through most area access control and investigate.

Many encrypted files in the company.

Levels 0~3 are people outside the company's core layer. Levels 4 and 5 can access the secrets of Nisto Company. Level 6 is the president and other key figures. Level 7 only has Xu Yang. Linyin has now been given a jump in authority, slightly.

Nod, happy that you are taken seriously.

She looked back at Xu Yang and felt regretful. If she had been 5 years younger, she would have been more carefree and enjoyed her youth. But Linyin was already a worldly traveler, and she would often have visions of the bloody things she had witnessed in the past.

and madness. She has seen a family of scavengers torn apart by monsters in the wilderness, cruel virus experiments in the West Coast Biological Laboratory, Jialongpo's big-money casinos, a couple who froze to death in Chiba City, and some of the people she had joined before

One team after another, all fell apart and fell into pieces.

Now...now I can finally settle down. The fear of death and the nihilistic view of life have gradually passed away, replaced by a brand new motivation.

"I have to make some repairs first. See you in the evening." Linyin turned and left.

The past few days have been so crazy that some of the newly installed implants have desoldered and have to be re-soldered. The designers have considered various situations, but they have not considered that someone would stand upside down and drive piles on the ceiling.

Xu Yang watched Lin Yin leave. The pressure in this world is too great, and people can't help but want to indulge. Everyone has their own pursuits and struggles, and it is difficult to generalize.

After cleaning up the room, Xu Yang continued to complete his work.

As Nisto's control and influence in the northern archipelago further increases, and the takeover of the northern archipelago is nearing completion, other cities and commercial entities have sent promising contract invitations. What Xu Yang has to consider is how to deal with

Make good use of it, unite partners, and fight against enemies.

In Anku City, Risa Ohara, the daughter of former mayor Nobuhiko Ohara, continues to keep the city running. She married into the Kambayashi family as a commoner. She thought she would live in the shadow of the Kambayashi family for the rest of her life. She never thought about the important figures in the Kambayashi family.

They all died violently at sea, and their family property was plundered and dismembered by their nephews, forming hundreds of insignificant branches. Even her husband Shenlin Kuro only inherited a small amount of pitiful assets. From being a noble prince to now he can only rely on

Ohara Risa helps.

His mentality was unacceptable and he lived a reclusive life, leaving Risa Ohara to manage city affairs and maintain the stability and prosperity of the city. Because he could not make ends meet, he sold all the pastures, stables, cowsheds, rice fields, fruit trees, and bamboo forests around the former residence of Shenlin.

To the Nisto Company, after renovation and transformation, they have been further expanded and their appearance is very different.

Chiquan City, this industrial city has suffered from unreasonable urban planning and environmental pollution. The entire city is currently undergoing renovation and reconstruction. This is a long process, and production capacity has stagnated. Originally, Xisheng Industrial and Iwaki Heavy Industries were just for

The industrial concentration was increased and all heavy chemical plants were concentrated in Chiquan City. As a result, the entire city was eroded. Residents were generally suffering from radiation sickness and were miserable. The average life expectancy was only half that of other cities in the archipelago.

Now, the medical assistance work for everyone is being carried out in an orderly manner. The current plan is to renovate the environment and relocate the residents in 2 to 3 years. At the same time, the equipment will be upgraded, the level of automation will be improved, and industrial synths will be allowed to move in to bear the impact of the disease on behalf of humans.

The unresolved industrial pollution has allowed the largest industrial city in the northern archipelago to resume operations. The petroleum, steel, machinery, electric power, and shipbuilding industries here are all very good. Over time, it will become a strong production capacity driver for Nisto Company, surpassing the Shangjing Bay Industrial Zone.


Shangjing is inextricably linked to the intercontinental economy. World-renowned financial companies and economies use Enomoto Bank as an intermediary to continue to penetrate and influence Shangjing affairs. Onimusha are also their important personnel.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Even in order to uncover spies such as Onimusha on the hidden front, Rinne and others have to continue training. As a secret agent of the corporate alliance, Onimusha is very powerful.

, resourceful and resourceful, it’s not like he can be caught in a short time.

The entry of Nisto Company broke the strict hierarchical barriers to Beijing. Forces in other regions of the northern archipelago also began to try to unite with Nisto Company. Many small and medium-sized companies reviewed the situation and decided to actively join. They chose to integrate with Nisto Company to make up for their shortcomings and become

As part of its ever-expanding business segment, it actively pledges its loyalty to Nisto Corporation in order to stay afloat or expand its business.

Among these many cooperation plans, Xu Yang is currently most concerned about the cooperation request put forward by Yuanjin Education Group.

They want to set up a school in Shangjing Land.

In addition to Beijing, Haratsu City has the largest concentration of universities, and it is also highly recognized in the archipelago and even around the world.

Harajin City is located in the southwest corner of the northern archipelago, facing the ocean and has a warm climate. It was originally a conventional commercial company city. After decades of transformation and special planning by Harajin Education Group, most of what is left are universities and research institutions.

Institutes, primary and secondary schools and academic research facilities, etc.

Among Kyoto Mugen's original Z1~Z20 research institutes, 7 were located in Haratsu City, so it is also known as "Academy City" and has provided a steady stream of company employees to Kyoto Mugen and Nozomi over the years.

However, even after working hard to this point, Yuanjin Education Group was completely crushed by many well-established and prestigious schools in Shangjing. With the huge resources of Shangjing, they could easily surpass Yuanjin Education Group, which was located on the edge of the archipelago. So much so that they

It has long been considered a rural academy, inferior to the established universities in Beijing in terms of global influence and recognition.

"Sorry, if Nisto Company can open the land transaction license and allow Harajin University to establish a branch campus near Shangjing Bay, our company will also respectfully open all the databases and knowledge and skill files of Harajin Education Group to Nisto Company.

As well as literature reserves..." The chairman of Yuanjin Education Group made a request for cooperation and begged Nisto Company to help them enter the business education system in Beijing. "...These databases and materials will definitely help your company to establish

Own corporate training system.”

Cooperation is profitable, because Xu Yang really plans to establish Nisto Education. In addition to supporting primary and secondary schools in the community for children to study well, the company itself must also establish an education and training system suitable for employees. Self-development is

Everyone’s great pursuit.

Before entering the company, everyone must first receive training in school. Education is too important and is an important cornerstone of social operation. Xu Yang pondered. The information provided by Yuanjin Education Group is not particularly high-end. No matter how top-level technical information they have, it is better than

Not as good as the reserves in Xisheng Shrine.

But they have a unique advantage, namely an unlimited supply of online courses and a huge database and teaching staff.

After so many years of education experience, Yuanjin Education Group knows how to build the entire system and all supporting facilities, which is crucial for Nisto Company to build its own education career.

This chapter has been completed!
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