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Chapter 755: Joy Is Insulated From Me

Chapter 755: Joy is insulated from me

Xu Yang waited for the voting window to close at Nisto headquarters.

Hour after hour passed, many people were so focused that they barely ate and kept refreshing the voting page, wanting to see how this big choice of the century would end.

The supporters are eager to build a fairer society with smaller disparities, freeing people from the pressure of basic needs. With the huge size of Nisto, they can fully afford this social responsibility.

The opposition emphasizes the negative impact of supporting lazy people on social atmosphere. Too high welfare will make young people unwilling to work hard, causing people to choose to lie down in their best years. Life is flavored by hard work, and the harder the life, the sweeter it is. At present,

Our society has reached a balance between fairness and efficiency. Too much emphasis on welfare will inevitably harm efficiency.

The referendum ends at 0:00 midnight on January 2.

The much-anticipated Nisto vote comes to an end.

The total number of votes is 9376443.

There were 5157044 votes in favor, about 55%.

There were 4,219,399 negative votes, about 45%.

Build a zero-pressure society...


"Yes, it would be great if I could work 24 hours a day and help others like her." Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang also breathed a sigh of relief.

A higher sense of spiritual satisfaction is stirring in people's hearts, and no amount of money can compare to this feeling.

The next day, Xu Yang was watching the news in the office.

"More than a million investors around the world have signed a petition to list Nisto."

With justice on the Nisto Company side, it is also very convenient to eradicate dissidents on the grounds of crusade against injustice. Falosa fell into deep thought, thinking about how to take advantage of this new situation. In comparison, the West Coast Treaty Organization will never be able to get such a

Righteous, because they are not on the side of the majority of society.

It snowed heavily and buildings were buried in the snow.

Xu Yang looked at the fireworks outside the window. The members of Nisto Company will bring a happy future to the northern archipelago.

The moment the voting ended, Xu Yang heard loud shouts from the entire Nesto Company building!

All those who voted in favor could not help shouting with excitement, while all those who opposed it roared angrily.

"Yanduo will also be blown into a sleep state." Falosa said, "and may even be captured again."

They are far overseas and support the "zero pressure society" action through large-scale purchases.

"I don't know. Now that I have tried my best, I have really accomplished something that no one could accomplish before. From now on - people will remember this day, an epoch-making day." Xu Yang sighed, "I

I also feel...I feel tired too. I am really tired."

At the same time, fireworks began to be set off all over Beijing to celebrate this victory.

"The West Coast Treaty Organization has publicly promised to consider using destiny weapons to bomb the 'Mountain of Death' in the Near East. It is said that the Winter Giant is hiding in the mountain." Xu Yang looked at the snow.

Start building today…

The cheers resounded through the building, causing the walls to shake slightly and the glass to buzz.

"This is their celebration of Nesto's charity. Do you feel their joy from it?" Xu Yang pointed to the colors in the heavy snow outside.

"The interesting thing is that no one knew that this proposal was made by you and you still kept a low profile."

If it is directly hit by a destiny weapon, its strength will probably be greatly reduced and it will no longer be able to create a terrifying winter.

"The world's first new company with the mission of repairing and supporting society - Nisto."

Falosa noticed Xu Yang's tiredness and sighed. This man had very high demands on himself, and he did this kind of work that harmed himself and benefited others.

Lila's voice spread through radio waves to the entire archipelago and half of the world.

"Maybe, maybe we are just like this...the most suitable couple."

"Don't she know she's tired?" Farosha felt disgusted.

"Ishtar is the saint." Xu Yang forwarded the news to Falosa.

In the past, the world still regarded Nisto as an ordinary high-tech company. Now, once again, Nisto has made its name resounding around the world, truly becoming a unique existence in this dark world.

This building was formerly called "Xisheng Shrine" and was the core of Xisheng Group.

Company members are willing to cede some of their interests, continue production, and continue working hard.

"Occasionally, some people will question: When? I can say that now is finally the time to pay back. After three years of accumulation and hard work, Nisto Company has defeated powerful enemies at home and abroad and stands firm in the world. Now it is towards fulfilling my promise.

The promise is a big step forward.”

President Lila Nisto also gave a speech to the public at 0:07, expressing her true thoughts:

"Three years ago, when I was at the entrance to Beijing, I gave a speech on the street and promised all citizens: Nisto is here to create a fair society in the northern archipelago, so please support us in our fight against the new

Xisheng Group. Subsequently, our troops entered Shangjing, and Qiu made no mistakes. The citizens also believed in our promise and did not block our advance. Instead, they actively cooperated with the work of Nisto Company. I am truly grateful for this."

"Yes..." Xu Yang rubbed his forehead.

Anyway, it's decided! They will build a zero-pressure society in the northern archipelago!

It is no longer a profit-making company, but a company that serves society.

The 10 million-member Nisto Company is in his hands, and these lively and selfless company members make him feel extremely precious.

"I want you to take a vacation, you mortal - a small brain, limited quality. Go and have a rest and forget what happened here. You have too high demands on yourself. Do you want to become a saint?"

"Nisto is the new beacon of the world, without a doubt."

There is a joyous atmosphere inside and outside the company.

The prelude to a new era has begun.

Really...I did it. Xu Yang thought silently.

"Now you can logically invade all the infrastructure companies in the northern archipelago, acquire them, and occupy the high ground of public opinion and justice. You have caused all real estate companies to fall into retrogression and bankruptcy, and defeated the remaining financial elites in Beijing. You guys use cheap

Food squeezes the living space of other food companies. Yes, you have surpassed the company and officially entered a higher ecological niche. You are no longer businessmen, you are the rulers." Falosa looked at Xu Yang.

She turned around and held Xu Yang's face with her hands.

We have planned to build a new world from the beginning. We have talked about it for a long time, a long time, and a long time, and now we have finally taken the first step.

"I have never thought about it this way." Xu Yang said.

"Yes, but..." Xu Yang felt very tired. From the past to now, he was particularly tired today.

"Yes, according to the voting results, we will build a zero-pressure society. Nisto will provide 50 million tons of free food every year to eliminate hunger; provide 1.5 billion square meters of free housing and supporting maintenance services to the society every year; all public transportation services

, including buses, shuttles, civil aviation, subways, light rails, ferries... all fares are free, and infrastructure construction in the northern archipelago continues to be refined."


"I guess you're hiding your evil purpose behind a glorious reason," Falosa said.

"It is difficult to realize our plans for the West Coast Treaty. After all, the Near East is located at the intersection of Taixi Continent, Baixiang Continent, the Great Northern Region and Xia. It is a place where the four directions meet. No matter what we do, it will affect many entangled interests." Xu Yang sighed.

Almost everyone is thinking about their new future.

Falosa couldn't convince Xu Yang, never could; she had no choice but to sit on the table and look out the window.

Intercontinental media also gave high praise.

Now 34 years old, Xu Yang feels that he has really accomplished something, but he feels extremely heavy.

"We will continue to work hard to protect this paradise in the future," Falosa said.

Poor Yanduo, Xu Yang has not heard from him for a long time.

"Nisto Company is the richest company in the northern archipelago. In the past, people often thought and questioned: How can ordinary people outside enjoy the benefits of Nisto Company? Aren't the people of Nisto Company a veritable new type of aristocracy? Today, this

It is no longer a problem - the inside and outside of Nisto are connected in the form of 'building a zero-pressure society'. This is the free will of everyone in our company. Even if I feel that I am not capable, I will do my best.

It is possible to promote the realization of this plan, break down the barriers between inside and outside, transcend the nominal barrier of 'company', and share the same happy new society."

Everyone’s glorious ideals are fulfilled at this moment!

This is a miracle that has never happened in the world before. They really want to change the whole society into a new look and build the ultimate welfare enterprise that benefits everyone!

"But it will be resolved soon. The 'low temperature' has become increasingly unbearable," Falosa said.

"It's different. History has its limitations. This is the best we can do now. We can't tamper with reality at will. Within this framework, we just find ways to do good things." Xu Yang


Other progressive forces around the world also sent congratulatory messages to Nisto, supporting Nisto's important role in promoting social equity.

He brought the prototype of the new world to the world, which was not only perfect, but also as beautiful as a poem.

To celebrate the adoption of the zero-pressure society, Lila immediately announced the extension of the New Year holiday for one week. The release of this news made members of the company particularly excited. Even those who were dissatisfied with the voting results felt very good now!

It's a sleepless night for many.

"Yes, because people know that Nisto will do such selfless things, like-minded people from all over the world have begun to spontaneously support Nisto products. Most of our industry shipments have increased by 15% to 50%.

Wait, this can also give a good return to the people of Nisto Company who have transferred their own interests." Xu Yang sighed.

Now people call this place the Nisto headquarters, completely abandoning the name Xisheng Shrine. Because the Nisto company has proven itself to be beyond other companies in history, they will assume social responsibility, support people's lives and needs, and win the whole territory

The praise and trust of residents!

Queen Ishtar is currently at a social service agency in Taipei, helping 5,000 visually impaired people regain their sight for free.

Falosa smiled softly. She saw Xu Yang's expression and found that he was also a little nervous. Yes, what would happen if he failed? What if people failed to live up to this gift? Xu Yang looked very calm, in order not to let

When others are disappointed, he must show that he is wise. But he also has things that he is worried about. The things he is worried about seem strange to Farosha. There are actually people who are seriously worried about the fate of all mankind! Farosha knows that everything is

Know. So she loves him more because he needs her. Human beings don't know him, but Farosha does, and she knows that such a man is truly noble. He changes the story with his hands, arms and spirit.

"I will form an alliance with the Golden Soul, take it with me to the Mountain of Death, and find a way to rescue Yando." Falosa said.

"There is indeed something in common between you two..." Falosa sneered.

"The word joy is insulated from me," Falosa said.

"Although you always say that I can't succeed without the help of others, people like you can't succeed without my help." Falosa's fingers crossed Xu Yang's face.

"How could anyone be like you?" Falosa sighed, "Think more about yourself. You are quiet, silent, and have the greatest enthusiasm."

He has done many things, but none of them were as difficult as making a decision like today.

But it’s not just about making money, it’s also about adding welfare to the entire society in the Northern Islands.

All over the world, there are people who secretly hope that some organization can change the evil world, and the righteous deeds of Nisto Company directly allow them to find a target for their aspirations.

Beautiful fireworks lit up in the heavy snow.

"With this operation, Nisto has greatly enhanced its reputation." Falosa observed the news.

"It doesn't matter... I still don't want to be discovered. False fame... The last thing I need is false fame." Xu Yang couldn't help but said, "I want to leave a huge mark on this world. I suffered once, but then I reluctantly

After escaping from the prison of fate and gaining the ability, I want everyone to be free, peaceful and happy. I want everyone to stop suffering. This is ridiculous at first, but you see, one vote, one vote,

Another vote, more than five million votes. I am not alone. There are many people who are willing to help. We have changed, completely changed. Now we have truly begun to work towards everyone's happiness. It is no longer about making money and expanding operations.

Make money, we make money much faster than Kyoto Infinite, our army is ten times more terrifying than Black Fire Innovation, what should the common people do if we become a new giant company?"

Such lofty ideals no longer seem far away.

"No matter what you think, it's useless to say it. What matters is the fact. Nisto has become a bigger ship, a behemoth, surpassing ordinary companies in terms of organizational form, and compared with other companies, it has won more

People blindly support you, and you are the ultimate corporate form, silently above people's heads, interfering in every aspect of people's lives." Falosa said, she knows that the nature of society is both dark and rational, and nothing is done in vain.


Xu Yang silently stared at the countless fireworks outside during the day. People acted spontaneously to celebrate their beautiful lives.

The food, housing and public transportation provided by Nisto will reduce the price by 70% and become free by the third year, so that everyone can enjoy it for free, reducing the living burden of more than 200 million people in the northern archipelago.

“Nisto’s social support programs are earning them a solid reputation both at home and abroad.”

“Never before has a company offered profits to society on such a large scale.”

She realized that Nisto Company indeed had a great cause, and by making such sacrifices and establishing such a reputation, no matter what it did, it would be supported by others.

"Yanduo..." Xu Yang pondered.

Yan Duo must have been very sad to see his two brothers misbehaving.

A zero-pressure society...a society where the most ordinary and poorest people will not have any pressure in life, is like a dream come true!

The free and comprehensive development of every human being.

It is truly one person, one vote that has produced the result of this zero-pressure society, overcoming all criticism, opposition and controversy.

"Okay, just lie in my arms, you have won. I count this as your victory. I know what you have done, I know it all. Maybe others will despise you, but I will appreciate it.

You. Because I love you. You have the best woman in the world by your side, so what do you have to worry about." Farosha hugged Xu Yang and bore his weight, just like greeting a real hero.

Xu Yang was about to rest, and he seemed to melt into Falosa's arms.

"What will people think of us later?" he said softly.

"It's just like you said before: It's worth it, it's all worth it." Farosha closed her eyes.

(End of chapter)

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