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Chapter 934 Ten Calamities

Chapter 934 Ten Disasters

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 934 Ten Disasters

The fighting continued day by day.

Xu Yang was observing the frontline situation at his station in the southwest of Xizhou, Xintai, on the outskirts of Phoenix City.

There are enough data centers here for him to work, and the environment is secluded, with a river in the distance. Xu Cheng has delivered the goods, and Laila is following closely. Only Xu Yang himself is left here, and he can coordinate the actions of all the troops.

The situation of the war has changed.

Over the past two months, they have mobilized troops to attack from all directions, and they have been very effective. It is almost as if they have trapped the core of the lighthouse in a pocket. They can close the net like dumplings and defeat these last enemies.

But things got weird.

He frowned. For a week, the predictions of the battle had become meaningless. All military reports were very different from the originally expected results. It was as if there was an extra variable in the war, causing all their logic and simulations to be wasted.

On every front, the Eastern Hemisphere coalition forces encountered reversals and counterattacks again and again.

Xu Yang switched to the battlefield video and observed the actual report.

Yesterday, with Nisto Company's troops as the main force, they launched an attack on the central prairie at the core of the lighthouse.

I thought I could easily crush the demoralized enemy, but ended up being met with a determined counterattack.

To make matters worse, one of the front lines on the flank suddenly collapsed, causing the entire army to be besieged. Although they were lucky enough to withdraw and avoid being completely wiped out, this was still the biggest loss since the war began.

Judging from the tactical report, the pale army at the core of the lighthouse poured in through a glaring gap in the defense line.

Although that defense zone is undefensible, a brigade of more than 4,000 people from Nisto Company and more than 3,000 war machines are stationed there. Even if it is violently attacked, it should be able to hold out for several days.

The result was quite the opposite, it crashed within an hour.

The defenders were overwhelmed by the enthusiastic and violent offensive of the lighthouse core, which was completely inconsistent with Nisto Company's tactical expectations.

The enemy shouts the name of the divine, and even if he dies in battle, he will be resurrected by the omnipresent angels.

More angels have entered the battle, and more chaplains have joined the army to imbue soldiers' bullets with divine power. The simplest shot can also blast a gleaming hole in the body of Nestor's expensive heavy-duty bipedal robot.

Every advance of the Eastern Hemisphere coalition forces will be strengthened by the enemy's defense, and every confrontation will cause casualties beyond expectations.

Many second-line troops suffered high-intensity attacks during the defensive battle and were exhausted. Once they retreated, the flanks of the main force were completely exposed to enemy fire, causing the entire defense line to retreat back.

Every simple battle of annihilation turned into a grueling war of attrition. After every bloody skirmish, the troops had to stop and take a good rest.

Is it the oracle of Dirnai? Xu Yang thought. Otherwise, this is completely unreasonable.

In just a few days, the originally fragmented core army of the Lighthouse regained incredible cohesion and determination.

Originally, only about 30% to 45% of the core lighthouse soldiers believed in Dirnai, but now I am afraid that the proportion has reached 90% to 99%.

Could it be that our attack played into Dirnai's plan and gave her the opportunity to greatly expand her influence?

He glanced at the shocking strategic map. The red color represented all losses, disadvantages and areas that were being contested. Now the siege of New Taixi Continent was all red.

The core of the lighthouse is regaining lost ground inch by inch.

The daily casualties and equipment losses are astronomical. Every place in New Taipei Island needs guns. The main force needs them, and the garrison regiment responsible for suppressing the city also needs them. For logistics, we can only rely on the Anchorage Isthmus and a small number of portals.

Stations were being replenished, and many frontline troops had stopped advancing due to lack of ammunition and fuel.

These statistics are torture to the human spirit, but fortunately Xu Yang's determination is strong enough. As the saying goes, kindness does not lead to war, and this statement is true.

We have to give the tired army a rest. Xu Yang pondered.

At this moment, he heard the sound of the shuttle landing, and a lonely figure escorted by security personnel walked out of it.

Who would come to me at this time? Xu Yang turned around in confusion, and then stood there with his eyes surprised.

Lu Jing.

Escorted by soldiers, she walked toward Xu Yang, stopped in front of him, and put her hands in the pockets of her neutral gray suit.

Her eyes stared into Xu Yang's eyes, which were dark, calm and patient, as if she wanted to get the answer from Xu Yang's eyes and search for her missing memory.

Finally, Lu Jing showed a faint, frustrated smile: "Hello."

"Hello - Miss Lu." Xu Yang stretched out his hand to shake hands with Lu Jing.

He didn't know why, but he felt a little strange, as if his relationship with Lu Jing should have been closer than it was now.

"Sorry to bother you." Lu Jing stood there.

Her cheeks are still young, but she looks a little tired from being busy.

Lu Sizhou was carrying a bag about 15 steps away, looking around keenly.

"No, I just... need to focus, but we can study together." Xu Yang invited Lu Jing to walk to his cluster strategy terminal.

Tianshu Zhuwu's army is the absolute main force in all current battles. Lu Jing's opinion is crucial. She is the top commander of Xia's army.

Lu Jing glanced at the strategic diagram. She was a business leader who strategized and knew the situation on the front line very well. It could be said that she was no worse than those senior commanders, but she rarely directly intervened on the front line.

Her vision tracked the numbers on the screen, and her flexible mind habitually began to analyze the data.

Xu Yang looked at her. Lu Jing was taciturn, honest and creative. She could not only manage a giant company, but also provide wise advice in this war. Xu Yang knew that she had always been able to deduce complex human nature and comfort frustrated people.

emotions and build an unbreakable friendship.

Maybe she and he once had a friendship, but we all forgot it, too far away. Xu Yang thought silently. Lu Jing's profile is delicate and elegant, like a jade.

"Our troops have exceeded the supply limit." Lu Jing left her opinion on the strategic terminal, which coincided with Xu Yang's judgment.

"Yes, we have to shrink the front line and retreat temporarily, otherwise our troops will become very vulnerable. We have to build a defense line based on the existing terrain, and restore the production capacity of the industrial bases we have built, using the lighthouse core's own factory to manufacture

Use the gun to defeat themselves." Xu Yang judged.

"Here?" Lu Jing's hand traced across the map of Xintai Xizhou, establishing connections between mountains and rivers, calmly grasping the distance between transportation lines and strategic pivots, and maximizing the preservation of manpower.

"Here." Xu Yang stood on the same side as Lu Jing

He stretched out his hand towards the map, lightly covered Lu Jing's right hand, and crossed the same location.

Lu Jing felt how Xu Yang's fingers were wrapped around hers. Her eyes widened slightly and a faint color appeared on her cheeks.

She did not withdraw her hand from Xu Yang's, nor did she retreat.

"We should be able to solve all this." Lu Jing said slowly.

"What happens after that?" Xu Yang asked.

"Maybe you can move back to Xia Lai." Lu Jing said wistfully.

She didn't know why she said this. Was it because she wanted to recruit Xu Yang and get his full support? Or was it because she wanted to rediscover the memories of the lost time with Xu Yang? But, what she wanted might just be a person.

A hug, a kiss.

"It would be nice if today lasted longer." Xu Yang leaned towards Lu Jing's side.

Yes, if it lasts longer, Lu Jing thought silently. There are many, many, many things to say, but not today.

"I'm here to deliver something." Lu Jing took her hand away from Xu Yang's and took out a cyan mirror from her arms.

"What is this?" Xu Yang observed that there were antique patterns on the edge of the mirror, which looked like auspicious flowing clouds, which was particularly eye-catching.

"A communication medium." Lu Jing said.

Through the mirror, Xu Yang vaguely saw a distant figure sitting alone. It was an ancient image that was transformed into a human body. The body was covered with scales in the color of jade and ebony. A complex crown with seven treasure tassels hung down, extending to the back.

At the bottom, although the eyes are tightly closed, the light of molten gold almost blooms from them, possessing eternal divine power.

Pan Yuan?...the god of ancient dragons and the god of Longmen Mansion. Xu Yang secretly respected him.

"Panyuan will appear on the battlefield of the decisive battle and face Diernai." Lu Jing said.

"Then thank you in advance." Xu Yang was naturally surprised. If Pan Yuan directly offered to help, the chance of winning the decisive battle might increase by 30%.

"It is said that Princess Yaotang had a good impression of you, so she took action once." Lu Jing explained.

"Then we should make a special trip to express our gratitude to Princess Yaotang another day. This battle is related to the future of all of us, and all help is precious." Xu Yang said seriously.

"I'm afraid we have to seize the time to attack." Lu Jing turned his head, erased the defense icon for reference on the strategic terminal, and replaced it with a sharp red arrow, pointing straight to the Tianguo space carrier.

The heart of the Ark Foundation, the final military headquarters of the Lighthouse Core.

"It is impossible to attack in this situation." Xu Yang thought this proposal was very risky.

The core of the lighthouse has just received incredible protection. It should avoid its edge and restore the military strength and morale of the coalition forces in the Eastern Hemisphere.

The troops in the Eastern Hemisphere have not had a full day's rest since their expedition. The soldiers are exhausted and their morale has been depleted in every difficult battle.

The people of Nisto Company have been fighting bloody battles for six years, and they are still used to such decisive battles. However, the auxiliary forces of other companies, the second-line legions composed of mercenaries, are increasingly declining in organization, and sooner or later there is a risk of rebellion and collapse.

Advancing under such circumstances... once Diernai finds an opportunity to counterattack, even the results gained so far may be completely taken away.

Falosa's awakening is only one step away. If you want stability, you should strengthen your defense line and cherish the blood of soldiers.

"...Yes, but I'm afraid the enemy won't give us this chance." Lu Jing heard the sound of turbulence and looked up into the distance. There was a river there.

Suddenly, the river water turned into blood.

The fish in it died and the river smelled so fishy that people could not drink the water.

(End of chapter)

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