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Chapter 7: Don't ask, it's just what the plot needs! (Newcomers, all kinds)

In the next three months, Gui did not teach the three little guys any skills that could help them defend themselves and kill enemies. He just played with the three little guys while subtly incorporating some survival skills in troubled times.

Handed over to three people,

Although his head was offline most of the time, this long-haired man gave the three little guys a precious, happy and relaxing childhood memory that they will never forget.

Even if this memory only lasts for three short months.

Yahiko, who was always clamoring for Katsura to teach him ninjutsu at first, also gradually sank in over the past three months, sinking into this dream-like happiness that only belonged to children that he had never dared to imagine in the past.

Of course, I am becoming more and more skilled at making complaints.

The change suddenly occurred one day after three months of living with Gui...

Under the gray sky, the tragically dead ninja, with blood on his hands, the red-haired boy with wide-eyed eyes, panting heavily, a blue-haired little girl who seemed to be frightened by the boy, and a yellow-haired boy who pretended to be calm.

Gui, who arrived belatedly, saw this scene and deeply understood that this country was completely different from his own, and it was very naive to want them to live happily as ordinary people.

"This eye..." Gui looked at the unusual eyes exposed by Nagato who collapsed on the ground, his pupils trembling slightly, "You have to go to a big hospital for treatment, right? Elizabeth!"




It was also after this day that Gui began to train the three of them in a real sense. Of course, it was training, and the person who took on the task of training the three little guys was not Gui but Elizabeth.

As an all-purpose pet, Elizabeth is also proficient in everything that Gui has learned in this world. She can handle fire, water, cannon, etc. with ease!

The things taught by Gui are still the same as before. On the surface, they still seem to be nonsense and useless things, but... they are unknowingly absorbed by these three little guys and subtly changed.

With three people.

It rains all the time in this country, just like this country never stops crying.

Sometimes Gui compares this country with a planet he has visited before. Although he can't remember the name, that planet also rained most of the time.

Late at night, looking at the thin red-haired boy under the eaves who was hugging his knees and weeping silently, Gui looked up at the sky and said with some emotion: "That's right, no matter what you did at that time, there would be nothing wrong. I speak from the bottom of my heart."

Believe it or not."

"Katsura...sensei..." Nagato quickly wiped his tears and turned back to look at Katsura who had arrived at an unknown time.

"Because you just wanted to protect the two of them at that time, right? Listen up, Nagato. Your desire to protect important people is not wrong at all times."

Nagato blinked inexplicably, as if he didn't quite understand why the guilt that had been lingering in his heart was discovered by Gui.

This kind of thing where you are afraid of your own power...

"Don't be afraid, that's your power. One day you will master it and use it as your power to protect the most important people. Of course, that being said, before that, train your heart first.



"Well, power is not good or bad. The key lies in how people use it. And the second half of this sentence is the so-called heart, which is your samurai... No, it's the way of tolerance."


"There used to be a guy who stood on both sides of the scale. Both sides were the most important people, but the choice he was given was to kill one party to save the other."

"What a cruel choice..."

"Well, yes. I have been thinking about what I would choose if I were in his position, but until today I have not found the answer."

"Then how did you choose that person?"

Gui did not answer, but shook his head: "This is not the point. What I want to say is, Nagato, unlike us before, you have the power to protect both sides at the same time. As your leader, what do I mean?

I also don’t want to see you face the choice we made back then one day.”

"Protect them...can I...really do that?"

"Well, absolutely. Because I believe it."

Three years passed by in a flash, and even Gui felt that it was time to say goodbye.

But before that, there is still an exam that the three of them need to take...

In the classroom, which appeared suddenly because of the plot, Gui stood in front of the podium, holding a teaching stick and tapping on the blackboard.

"Ahem! Because the world is different, the format of the exam also needs to change. This time the Anti-Yi Patriots Lecture Hall·Land of Rain·Graduation Examination has officially begun. Please pay attention and listen. I will only explain the exam content once.

First of all, it is the first written test. Because of the word count issue, there are only two questions in this written test. If you answer one correctly, you have passed the first written test.

Students, please pay attention to the answer board and pen on the desk in front of you. After I ask the question, please write the answer on the answer board. And pay attention, there is an invigilator watching behind you, so please do not cheat.

One final reminder: when answering a question, you must try to figure out the true intention of the person who asked the question. Now, please do your best!"

Looking at the white answer board in front of them, Nagato and Konan looked at each other and didn't know what was going on. Only Yahiko was holding his hands and looking confident.

"Then the graduation exam officially begins. First is the first question. Please write the hiragana pronunciation of the following Chinese characters."

As he spoke, Gui also posted a large-character poster on the blackboard. The Chinese characters on it were "The Rain Ninja Troops led by Hanzo the Sanshouyu".

At this moment, the three little guys felt that this question was stable because it was so easy! They originally thought that the graduation exam would be a particularly difficult question, but they didn't expect it to be so easy!

The three people who were thinking this way also looked at each other and nodded at the same time, and then confidently began to answer on the answer board.

Two minutes later, looking at the three little guys who were collecting their pens, Gui nodded and said: "The answer is over. Now let's announce the correct answer. The correct answer is [Silly x]."

"No way!!" Yahiko complained instantly.

"Well, calm down Yahiko, other things like idiots, rice buckets, wine bags and rice bags, corpse meal, idiots, idiots are also correct."

"Basically they all mean the same thing!"

"As the person in power of this country, even respected as a demigod by the ninja world, yet he does nothing and is indifferent in the face of the tragic situation of this country. Don't you think this title is appropriate?"

Yahiko was speechless. If he thought about it carefully, he even thought it made sense!

"Yoshi! Get the next question!"

"Why did you get the answer right! Xiaonan!" Yahiko was a little doubtful about life.

"Hehe," Xiaonan grinned and shook her scissor hands at Yahiko, "I have been with Teacher Gui for so long, I have already known this kind of thing!"

At this time, Nagato also showed up his answer board with the corpse position vegetarian meal written on it, and said: "Yes, Yahiko, the teacher just reminded you that you have to figure out the true meaning of the person who asked the question, that is, it cannot be judged by common sense."

"Hehehe...there is definitely something wrong..."

Yahiko just laughed and fell into a state of doubting life.

This chapter has been completed!
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