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Chapter 113 The singularity is the time node? The way to deal with TVA

Chapter 113 Is the singularity the node of time? How to deal with TVA

Super Peter continued: "And speaking of this, do you still remember what I told you when I entered the live broadcast room today?"

Tony immediately clapped his hands, pointed at the extraordinary Peter and said, "You mean, your uncle was attacked last night?"

Peter nodded: "Yes, I have felt strange about this matter from last night to now. I neither ran away from home nor quarreled with Uncle Ben yesterday, and to be honest, nine o'clock in the evening is really not too late."

, I have come back at this point several times, but Uncle Ben still came out to find me last night."

"And the weirdest thing is, it's almost the same situation as in my spoiler. I was ridiculed by the convenience store clerk because I had no money, and then a man wearing sunglasses in line behind me took advantage of the chaos and robbed the clerk of his money.

, and then the clerk chased him out, shouting and alerting Uncle Ben, and by chance, Uncle Ben stopped the robber again..."

"This series of events is exactly the same as in the spoiler video. There is no error in any link... No, the only error is that the time is not correct."

"The shooting incident in the spoiler happened a few days after I became Spider-Man, but yesterday, I just became Spider-Man!"

"I didn't have time to think about these things last night, but after seeing Mr. Rocky's future and the existence of this TVA organization, I suddenly had a terrible suspicion. Could it be that the attack on Uncle Ben was also planned by them?


After listening to the story of Super Peter, everyone in the live broadcast room looked at each other in confusion and felt their scalps numb. If one thing is said to be a coincidence, but one incident after another that is interlocking and exactly the same cannot be called such.

It's a coincidence.

New Peter: "Wait, what do you mean makes me scared? Are you saying that our Uncle Ben is destined to be attacked?"

Amazing Peter: "I don't know, I'm just making a guess now, and what I want to say is, if I hadn't answered the question before and got a prop that can flow back time, even if I had discovered something wrong in advance yesterday, I would have become Spider-Man,

There is no way to save Uncle Ben."


Strange couldn't help but take a breath and asked cautiously: "You mean, you discovered something was wrong in advance last night?"

Extraordinary Peter nodded: "Yes, not far after walking out of the convenience store, because of my super hearing, I heard the quarrel in the supermarket, so I looked back curiously, and happened to see the guy wearing sunglasses holding the

During the money scene, I felt something was wrong at that time and immediately turned around and rushed back, but even so, I still couldn't stop this guy from shooting."

Several people were silent again. As for Peter's ability, everyone who watched The Amazing Spider-Man 1 yesterday naturally knew it, but even though he was so strong, he almost failed to save his uncle from an ordinary person. This was a bit too much.


Reed Richards: "Could it be that this is a plot kill?"

Karma Taj, after hearing the story of the extraordinary Peter in the live broadcast room, Master Modu and Casillas once again set their sights on the Supreme Master Ancient One: "Master, what this child said is true, how can I listen to it?"

It’s a bit familiar.”

Casillas: "Just like your evaluation of Strange becoming a mage yesterday, could it be that... what this child experienced was a singularity event?"

The Ancient Master took a slow sip of tea and slowly put it down: "I don't rule out this possibility, but in a true sense, this only happened once in his world. After all, the future of the spoiler could have become

Reality, so if you use the future predicted by spoilers to argue whether reality is a coincidence, I think it is a bit too arbitrary."

"But... doesn't there also be Peter Parker in our world?"

After saying that, the ancient mage closed her eyes, made a hand seal, and opened the Eye of Agamotto on her chest. After the green time gem rotated several times in the Eye of Agamotto, she removed the spell and opened her eyes again.

For the first time, the expression on his face showed a look of surprise that no one had ever seen before.

"Strange... I actually... saw two real but vague futures in him... How is this possible..."

[Video continues]

[The distant sound of the horn warning from the Ark interrupted Loki's shock. The two of them also abandoned other thoughts and rushed to the Ark at full speed. ]

[But while they were walking through the chaotic and disorderly crowd, a huge meteorite fell from the sky and hit the Ark, which carried the hope of everyone on the planet, directly breaking it into two pieces in the middle.


[Seeing the destruction of the spaceship that also carried their hope of escape, Sylvie seemed to have been drained of all her strength at this moment, and walked back in despair. ]

[The scene changes to Judge Ramona, who is standing in front of the corridor where Rocky and Sylvie disappeared. At this moment, he also recalled the scene of arresting Sylvie for the first time. 】

[At that time, she was still a captain of the Time Guard team. After capturing Sylvie from Asgard, she escorted her to the judge for trial. But at this moment, Sylvie, who was still a little girl, actually stole away.

He grabbed the controller on her waist, opened the portal and fled in full view of everyone.】

[The recollection ends here, and the door in front of him finally opens. Judge Ramona swallows a mouthful of saliva and walks into the air-conditioned room uneasily. 】

Seeing the female judge disappear behind the door, Bruce Banner suddenly shouted: "Isn't this where the Time Guardians that Sylvie got from C-20's mind are hiding?"

"I guess so! Didn't that female Loki fight her way here after finding out how to see the Guardian of Time?" Phil Coulson agreed.

[The screen switched again. After Ramona came out of the room, she met Mobius. Since Loki was missing, Mobius could only ask Ramona to let him see C-20 again.

He believes that since C-20 saw some different scenes when he was with Female Loki, then Female Loki is likely to be hiding in those scenes, so he must determine which timeline those scenes belong to.]

[But Ramona rejected him and told him that C-20 had been completely tortured by the female Loki after returning to TVA and could no longer speak, so she asked Mobius not to focus on

Move to another place and find Loki and the others as soon as possible.】

"This woman is lying!"

Captain Marvel Carol suddenly interrupted: "C-20 must have been awakened to his true memory, so after returning to TVA, when they found that a puppet that had been brainwashed and controlled by them had been recovered.

With my own thoughts, I decided to obliterate her without hesitation. And..."

Carol sighed: "They succeeded!"

Strange couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this: "Why do you... look like you understand this operation very well?"

Carol glanced at him disdainfully: "Because I was once a C-20."

Strange paused for a moment, then suddenly understood what Carol really meant, and immediately apologized sheepishly: "Sorry, I was wrong."

[While Mobius and others were looking for the two Lokis in many timelines. On the Lada satellite, Loki and Sylvie were facing the end of the meteorite falling from the sky. 】

[Seeing Sylvie sitting on the stone disappointedly, Loki also came over and silently apologized: "I'm sorry."]

[Sylvie paused and then said in confusion: "I remember Asgard, I remember my hometown, my people, my life..."]

[When life and death were at stake, Sylvie finally let down her guard and revealed her heart to Loki.]

[She said that the universe actually wants to break free from control, so chaos occurs. For example, she was destined to become the goddess of trickery when she was born, but when the sacred timeline branched, TVA appeared and caught her. 】

Loki and others thought of Judge Ramona's previous memories, and suddenly showed a look of understanding.

"It seems that the reason for the arrest of this female Loki seems even more ridiculous." Loki sneered: "She just envied the righteous Valkyrie, but the radical TVA thought that she had a time branch and treated her as a

The time criminal has been arrested."

Wanda also complained: "This TVA is too overbearing. Doesn't it allow people to fantasize?"

Reed Richards sighed: "It's okay if other people fantasize, but the point is, that is the female Loki. As she said herself, she is destined to become the goddess of trickery, but if she

Now that she has become the Valkyrie of Justice, who will fulfill Loki's duties? After all, in the TVA setting, Loki is a character who brings chaos and death."

Thor: "It's so ridiculous. Why should these villains interfere with what kind of life my brother wants to choose? I swear, don't let me meet these guys, otherwise I will kill them with a hammer!"

The diving Falcon suddenly said: "By the way, after seeing it now, I think this TVA is a scam, but after all, they have the power of time. How can you defeat them with a hammer?"

Strange: "This is indeed a problem. If you get close, you will be easily cropped, but when you really fight, you may fall into time lag, just like when Loki was arrested at the beginning..."

Tony Stark: "Seeing the collar that restrains Loki, I have already thought of a way to deal with the TVA. Since they can time travel, we can also create weapons that can distort time, so that after hitting them

, can make their own time travel.”

"Of course, this method has a prerequisite, that is, we must have the technology to travel through time and space."

Bruce Banner sighed helplessly: "But for so many years, countless scientists around the world have racked their brains and failed to solve this problem, and we are also lacking relevant information."

"Information? This is the easiest." A sly smile appeared on Tony's face: "SHIELD has been operating for so many years, so it must have collected a lot of information secretly."

(End of chapter)

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