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Chapter 114 After Thanos snapped his fingers, your mouth is still hard

Chapter 114 After Thanos snaps his fingers, your mouth is still tough

Nick Fury immediately sneered when he heard this: "Damn it, Fuck, so your kid is waiting for me here!"

But then he crossed his arms and lay leisurely on the chair: "We do have the relevant information, but Stark, things are not so easy to get. After you can resume action, we will

Let’s meet again.”

Tony shrugged: "I knew it wouldn't be easy to get the wool out of this guy."

[Sylvie's story finally came to an end. The two of them sat quietly, watching the meteorites falling crazily from the sky, indicating that the disintegration of the satellite was complete and the world would soon be destroyed. 】

[Looking at the meteorite hitting them, Sylvie asked Loki with a look of despair: "Do you think the reason why Loki became Loki is that we are destined to fail?"]

[Loki shook his head and replied firmly: "No."]

["We may fail, sometimes miserably, but we won't die, we will survive, isn't that what you do?"]

["You were still a child when you were captured, but now you have single-handedly defeated almost the entire organization that claims to rule the order of time. You are more powerful than them, you are the best."]

[Seeing Loki constantly praising herself, Sylvie touched his arm emotionally.]

[In the Time Management Bureau, B-15 and Mobius still did not give up searching for the anomalies in the timeline, and wanted to capture Loki and the two. Moreover, while B-15 was giving orders, Mobius also followed him.

Something strange was detected on his body.】

【"Lock the aura of the present world"】

[But at this moment, the monitor started beeping, and the staff’s shouts made Mobius temporarily put aside his suspicion and turn his attention back to the monitor.]

[Then, Mobius asked with a strange expression: "This is not a small movement, but have you ever seen such an increasing time branch?"]

[The B-15 female guard also took a step forward with a surprised look on her face and looked at the monitor seriously.]

[On the screen, a pale golden branch of time climbs upward at an extremely obtuse angle...]

[The scene changed and they returned to the lake again. Facing the two huge meteorites falling from the sky with the will of destruction and death, Loki and Sylvie couldn't help but nervously hold each other's hands. 】

[But then, the two looked at each other and smiled, and gradually regained their composure. 】

[A strange emotion spread between the two of them. Even if the meteorites became denser and denser, they did not panic at all. 】

[But at the moment when they were about to be buried with this planet, behind them, two golden portals opened in their surprised eyes. ]


Seeing the two portals open, everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help but exhale.

Loki also closed his eyes and relaxed and blew out two streams of air from his nose. It's good that he didn't die!

Extraordinary Peter covered his chest and said with a scared look on his face: "Fortunately, two portals were opened at the last moment, otherwise Mr. Loki and his girlfriend would have died directly on the Lada satellite."

Loki immediately retorted: "What nonsense are you talking about? What kind of girlfriend..."

But before he finished his explanation, Tony raised his hand and interrupted: "I don't think this is a good thing. The time controller on Loki has been broken, and TVA has also found them, so this

The golden portal can only be opened by them, so Loki and the others will definitely be behind bars next."

Captain America also nodded in agreement: "Originally, the two Lokis escaped during the doomsday in order to escape the fate of being wiped out. Now they fall into TVA's legal net again. It is difficult to guarantee what kind of fate they will suffer. "

However, Strange put forward another opinion: "I think you may have overlooked one thing. When the doomsday is about to sweep Loki and the two of them, is it too coincidental to suddenly open the portal? And so far, , every time TVA dispatches no matter how many people are dispatched, it only opens a portal, but now two doors appear at the same time... Is this really TVA looking for Loki and the others?"

Strange rubbed his chin with a suspicious look on his face: "Or...maybe a new character appeared and rescued Loki and the two?"

Bruce Banner: "This is not impossible. I even wonder if this is the time guardians behind it. If it is really related to them in the end, that means Loki...and Hill Wei, every step they have taken so far has been planned and planned by them. It is really chilling to think about it like this."

"You mean, we seem to have broken the exposed thread, but in fact, there is an invisible thread controlling us all the time?" Loki frowned. From the beginning of "Loki" to now, For the first time, he did not show his disdain or opposition, but seriously thought about Banner's words.

He felt that this style of painting looked familiar...

In fact, Loki did the same thing every time he devised a trick or a prank, making up a series of coincidences and trying not to let the deceived notice his existence.

Once upon a time, he always thought that the victims he could deceive with his tricks were just stupid. But when he met a more sophisticated trick designer and fell deeply into his tricks, Loki discovered that he was Just like those idiots, they can't really see through the scam.

"Interesting! So interesting!"

The corners of Loki's mouth slowly opened and he rubbed the future notebook in his hand, suddenly having great expectations for TVA.

He wanted to challenge his weakness... to see if he would be passively led around like these two Lokis when he was deeply involved in a scam.

"However, have you noticed that TVA's monitors have changed since Loki and Sylvie held hands? Could it be that the birth of a new branch of time is related to Loki holding hands?"

At this time, Mr. Fantastic Reed interrupted again in the chat channel, with a smirk on his face: "And that scene, that atmosphere..."

Loki: "...Isn't there anything else in the minds of mortals except love and love? My transformation has a similar purpose to Sylvie, and we have fought side by side for so long. Can't we become friends or comrades? We must become a couple. ?"

Tony couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Come on, after Thanos snaps his fingers, even if your people turn into ashes, your mouth will still be strong."

But halfway through his laughter, Stark's smile slowly faded, and he thought of the little spider again.

'Damn it, do we have to go to the point of sacrifice in order to achieve the final victory?'

[Video continues]

[As soon as the camera turned, Rocky and Sylvie were indeed arrested by TVA. No matter how hard they struggled, they could not escape from the restraints of TVA. They were also forcibly separated in a corridor. Brought to different places.]

[On the way to the interrogation room by Mobius, Loki was always dissatisfied with the fact that he was escorted by only two guards. He demanded to be treated the same as Sylvie, and said that this was an insult to him. 】

[This made Mobius couldn't help laughing angrily: "You just can't control yourself, can you?"]

[Hearing this, Loki couldn't help but scolded: "You betrayed me!"]

[But Mobius retorted loudly: "You betrayed me!"]

【"Please don't be so naive~"】

【"You are naive~"】

[The two of them came to the door of the interrogation room while taunting and quarreling with each other.]

[It was still the interrogation room where the files were shown before. After entering the room, Mobius said: "I didn't realize until now that in fact you are not the god of tricks at all."]

["Oh oh oh, here we go again." Loki struggled and resisted, with a sarcastic smile on his face: "Ignorant mortals are ignorantly mocking gods, then who am I, the self-framed god, stabbing him in the back?


[Mobius shook his head and raised the time controller set in his hand: "You are just a bastard and a bad friend. Okay, now I will give you some time to reflect on your mistakes."]

[After speaking, Mobius pressed the controller, and a red door opened in front of Loki.]

[Seeing this dazzling red color, Loki thought it was some kind of device that could kill him. He struggled even more fiercely and shouted Mobius's name again. 】

["Okay, okay, let's hear what bad ideas this desperate god of mischief can come up with."]

[Mobius made a gesture to signal the two soldiers to let go of Loki.]

[Loki calmed down for a few seconds, then seriously warned Mobius: "You were deceived by TVA."]

[Mobius laughed sarcastically and waved his hand again: "Throw him in."]


[Although Loki resisted vigorously, he still couldn't escape from the hands of the two time guards, and was simply pushed in by them. 】

[After passing the portal, looking at the familiar Asgard scenes around him, Loki had a strange expression on his face. 】


[He spread his hands and shrugged: "Are you serious just now?"]

Thor suddenly shouted when he saw this: "Hey, brother, they sent you back to Asgard? Are you so generous?"

Loki covered his face speechlessly: "...Have you never been willing to use your brain to think about it? Just before throwing me in, that guy told me to reflect here, so they must have set up a trap here.

What punishment."

Thor: "Brother, are you kidding? Is there anyone in Asgard who can punish you? Is it my father? But in my memory, my father has never punished you. After all, every time you make a mistake, you put the blame on me.

It’s on my head.”

Wanda immediately interrupted after hearing this: "Hey, you idiot, you actually know that your brother is throwing dirty water on you? Then why didn't you tell your father?"

Thor: "?Are you kidding? Brothers are playing around. As for telling their parents? Besides, with his little tricks and tricks, what kind of harm can he cause? Even scratching my itch is not enough. What's more, I

He is an elder brother, and it is his duty to take care of and tolerate his younger brother! ( ̄︶ ̄)d"

(End of chapter)

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