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Chapter 338 Han Yonghe's thoughts

As Lu Yao walked in the Han Dynasty, he began to think about how he should go about his future career. As for the imperial examination, Lu Yao was not worried. The real test was how Lu Yao would perform politically after entering the court. Survive the whirlpool.

During the reign of Song Renzong, there were many famous ministers. It can be said that most of the most important and wise ministers in the entire Song Dynasty appeared during the reign of Song Renzong. Or, among the most important and wise ministers in ancient China, Song Renzong's His subordinates occupied half of the country.

In terms of politics, there are: Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, Wen Yanbo, Fu Bi, Han Qi, Wang Anshi, Sima Guang, Zhang Fangping, Lu Gongzhu, Zeng Gongliang...

In terms of literature, there are: Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Che, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, Zeng Gong, Yan Shu, Zhang Xian, Liu Yong, Su Shunqin, Mei Yaochen...

In terms of calligraphy and painting, there are: Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu, Cai Xiang, Fan Kuan, Xu Daoning, Guo Xi, Yan Wengui...

In terms of Confucian classics, there are: Sun Shi, Liu Chang...

In terms of Neo-Confucianism, there are: Zhou Dunyi, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Zhang Zai, Shao Yong, Lu Dalin...

In terms of philosophy, there are: Hu Yuan, Sun Fu, Shi Jie...

In science, there are: Shen Kuo, Bi Sheng...

Regarding this picture of a prosperous age, Su Shi once praised: "In the reign of Renzong, he was called Duoshi, and his descendants for three generations relied on him." Li Zhi, the great philosopher of the Ming Dynasty, also praised: "There are many great princes, especially in a thousand years."

Speaking of which, in terms of fame, Song Renzong is not even as famous as many of his ministers. So, why were there so many ministers who were more famous than Song Renzong during Song Renzong's period?

In ancient Chinese history, "Renzong" is rare. There are only six who are truly called "Renzong": Song Renzong Zhao Zhen, Xixia Renzong Li Renxiao, Western Liao Renzong Yelu Yilie, Yuan Renzong Aiyu Li Ba Li Bada, Renzong Zhu Gaochi of the Ming Dynasty, and Renzong Yongyan of the Qing Dynasty. However, although there are six "Renzongs", the only two that are truly worthy of the name are Renzong Zhao Zhen of the Song Dynasty and Zhu Gaochi Renzong of the Ming Dynasty. Xixia and Xiliao are minority countries. The evaluation standards are different. The two "Renzongs" of the Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty are not considered "Ren". At the same time, even if there are only two "Renzongs" left, Ming Renzong Zhu Gaochi is not very qualified, because he only became a 10th Emperor for only a few months. Such a short period of time obviously cannot explain the problem.

It can be seen that the only person who is truly qualified to be called "Renzong" is Song Renzong.

So, why are there so few emperors called "Renzong" in history?

This is because feudal society is an imperial society. An imperial society is essentially a dictatorial society. It requires that the imperial power must be absolutely powerful, that is to say, the emperor must have absolute authority. All ministers must obey the emperor's rule and follow the emperor's arrangements. .One thing that the imperial system has been doing is to strengthen the centralization of power. To strengthen the centralization of power, in addition to reducing local power, it also reduces the power of the ministers of the DPRK and China.

The use of prime ministers in ancient China can embody the weakening of the power of ministers and the strengthening of imperial power. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was basically only one prime minister. The prime minister sometimes had more power than the emperor, and during the Qin and Han Dynasties, it would continue to Powerful ministers appeared. These powerful ministers were all very famous, and many even directly threatened the stability of the throne.

However, after the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the emperor gradually increased the number of prime ministers. Because increasing the number of prime ministers was equivalent to decentralizing power among the prime ministers. In addition to increasing the number of prime ministers and setting up left and right prime ministers, in the Song Dynasty, they also specially set up counselors Political affairs. There are already deputy prime ministers, and participating in political affairs is equivalent to becoming a deputy prime minister again, so the number of prime ministers will be more.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, starting from Zhu Yuanzhang, the position of prime minister was simply abolished and only the cabinet was established. The cabinet is not the prime minister. They are just departments that directly execute the emperor's orders. They do not have any power to discuss and handle government affairs alone.

The reason why an emperor is called "Renzong" is that he will give up more power to his ministers. He will discuss things with his ministers more and will not act arbitrarily.

Song Renzong is called Renzong, and it is precisely on this point that it is particularly obvious.

It has been recorded in history that Song Renzong wanted to grant an official position to the uncle of his beloved concubine Zhang Guifei, and it was not a very important official. At the same time, Zhang Guifei's uncle was not incompetent. But the ministers felt that this was

Song Renzong was engaging in nepotism, so they all attacked and strongly opposed it. Ministers like Bao Zheng argued so hard in front of Song Renzong that they even spit on Song Renzong's face.

This kind of situation is impossible to occur in other dynasties. In other dynasties, the emperor would appoint which minister he wanted, without consulting the ministers. Because all the practices of soliciting the opinions of the ministers are equivalent to decentralizing power with the ministers.

This is not allowed. Moreover, as a minister, the most important thing to do is to figure out the holy will. Figure out what the emperor is thinking, and then cater to him.

Of course, Song Renzong also cared about many other things about the people and his subordinates. For example, he was afraid that others would blame the eunuch for not bringing water, so he resisted thirst and refused to drink water. He wanted to drink mutton soup but was afraid of the hard work of the imperial cook, so he endured it.

Don't drink.

However, the most important "benevolence" is reflected in the division of power with ministers.

The power is divided with the ministers, so the status of the ministers is highlighted. In this way, the reputation of the ministers becomes greater than that of Renzong as the emperor.

Maybe everyone is unfamiliar with Song Renzong, but they are not unfamiliar with the courtiers during Song Renzong's period. During Song Renzong's period, we are familiar with Han Qi, Fan Zhongyan, and even Su Shi, the representative poet of the bold school of Song poetry, all of whom were from this dynasty.


Originally, with so many celebrities in this dynasty, there should be signs like stars holding the moon, but it may be because these stars shine too brightly and even somewhat block the light of the moon. Therefore, Song Renzong himself was very popular throughout the Song Dynasty.

The emperors of the past dynasties are not famous. However, in this dynasty, so many talents can emerge, which can be seen that this dynasty is also extraordinary. The emperor of this dynasty must also be a person who cherishes talents. The Song Dynasty

One of the biggest features of the political system of the Song Dynasty is the check and balance of power. The political system of the Song Dynasty implemented the system of two offices and three divisions. The second office refers to the Zhongshu Menxia and the Privy Council. The Zhongshu Menxia is responsible for people's livelihood affairs;

The Privy Council is responsible for military and political affairs. The three departments are Duzhi, Yantie

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, Ministry of Household Affairs. Among these institutions, different institutions are responsible for different affairs, do not interfere with each other, and check and balance each other. The biggest feature of the Taijian system in the Song Dynasty is that it is separated from all other power institutions. Even if it is aloof.


The prime minister cannot also govern the admonishment officials. The admonition officials are not subject to the restrictions of the two governments. Even the emperor will be subject to the dual restrictions of the Zhizhigao and the Fengfusi.

For example, if the emperor's order is unreasonable, then the zhizhigao can be returned. The sealing and refutation department is responsible for sealing and reviewing the written edict. This system gave the officials in the Song Dynasty a very high status, and the official's

Talents can be put to good use.

The establishment of all error-correcting political systems will involve the emperor, but without the cooperation of the emperor, these systems cannot be mentioned. Zhao Zhen and others can endure their desires in order not to be extravagant and wasteful and punish their subordinates; as well as other matters in the country.

Everyone can act strictly according to the rules.

Although this emperor spent most of his life restraining himself and following the rules, in the final analysis, he was still an ordinary person, a person with seven emotions and six desires.

For example, the posthumous posthumous title of Concubine Zhang Guifei as Empress Wen Cheng was one of the few times in the history of Song Renzong's reign that she opposed officials. Perhaps this was the preference witnessed by the so-called history books.

Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, the basic national policy formulated by Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin was to govern the country with culture. Therefore, the civil servants and literati in the Song Dynasty had extremely high status.

These statuses are also reflected in the officialdom. It is precisely because the emperors of the Song Dynasty gave great dignity to the Confucian scholars of the Song Dynasty that the Confucian scholars of the Song Dynasty have always regarded it as their duty to guide and dissuade the emperor. The remonstrating officer can

It is not necessary to find tangible evidence to "report rumors". The official environment during the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty was very loose. Taiwanese remonstrators could report to impeach a minister or even the emperor at any time. The scholar-bureaucrats at that time believed that the only way to remonstrate is to speak out.

The duties a minister should perform.

For those who only want to flatter their superiors and flatter their masters, most scholar-bureaucrats are not ashamed to associate with them. During the Song Dynasty, Renzong wanted to posthumously title Concubine Zhang Guifei as Empress Wencheng.

The prime ministers at the time, Chen Zhizhong and Liu Hang, were shamed by people at the time because they agreed with Song Renzong's move, and even later generations criticized them. During the examination in Jiayou's sixth year, the great writer's brother Su Che was in

During the exam, the emperor, the prime minister, and the three ministers were scolded from top to bottom, and they wrote thousands of words eloquently.

He originally thought that he had no chance of passing the exam, and the examiners were talking a lot. Some people thought that he should not be admitted. However, Song Renzong read his paper and said, I want to recruit people who can speak out and accept advice. Now this person has appeared.

But I wanted to depose him because he told me, so what was my original intention? So I rejected all opinions and admitted Su Che. From this point of view, the relaxed court environment of the Song Dynasty and the broad mind of Song Renzong himself

, is inseparable from the ruthless employer's vision.

Talking back to the present, Han Yonghe now occupies the position of Shangshu, and judging from the situation that Lu Yao knows now, Han Yonghe and Taifu Tang Long are helping each other. Lu Yao feels that even Zhao Zhen may not think that Tang Long and Han Yonghe have a relationship.

Some private cooperation, after all, the official position of Taifu is above that of Shangshu, and Han Yonghe took advantage of this. Of course, there are definitely no absolute friends in the officialdom. These two people just want to make their status more stable

, just take what you need.

Thinking of this, Lu Yao had already entered the main hall of Han Mansion when he came to his senses. Han Yonghe and Han Wenyuan were both sitting there. Seeing Lu Yao coming, Han Wenyuan immediately stood up to greet him, but Lu Yao's eyes remained fixed.

As for Han Yonghe. Han Yonghe obviously didn't show any emotional changes to Lu Yao's arrival. It was obviously him who asked Lu Yao to come over, and now he started to stage it again. Lu Yao said in his heart, sure enough, what kind of housekeeper, just

What kind of master is he? He couldn't help but think of the housekeeper in the Lu Mansion before. He looked at Han Yonghe again and strengthened his idea.

Han Wenyuan came up to greet him, but he didn't talk about business first. Instead, he asked in a low voice: "Did you bring new chapters of the novel when you came this time? Don't blame me for not telling you. When you didn't come just now, my little sister heard that you were going to

When I came, I immediately asked you if you had written a new chapter. I felt that you might not have time to write because you have been so busy recently, so I told her for you. Of course, if you really updated it, just tell me directly.

, this can be regarded as a surprise for her."

Sure enough, Lu Yao sneered in his heart, knowing that he was coming to Han Mansion, the first thing he asked about was not his own affairs, but also what he was busy with recently. Han Yunyu was still concerned about the novel. On the surface, Lu Yao looked at Han Wen

Yuan shook his head and said: "You're really right. I originally planned to write some chapters when I got home yesterday, but I went drinking with Bao Zheng and Su Shi yesterday. I felt a little tired when I got home, so I just

I just went to bed, and I didn’t have time to write these things before. Please forgive me, sister-in-law, and I’ll just have to wait until I finish writing and have someone deliver it to me."

Han Wenyuan nodded, obviously he wanted to say something else. During yesterday's game, Han Wenyuan completely watched the game from the sidelines. Although the Wenyuan team was formed around the core trio headed by Xu Chang

team. But in fact, the leader of the Wenyuan team is Han Wenyuan, which can be felt from their team name. What's more, Han Wenyuan performed relatively well in the previous warm-up match, facing the tactics

A series of tactical arrangements made by masters Cao Yu and Han Wenyuan also successfully allowed the Wenyuan team to go from panic to taking control of the situation on the court. Although the two teams ended up with a 2-2 tie, the credit for this is definitely there.

Han Wenyuan's portion.

Therefore, after watching the entire game between the Grassroots team and the Huangtian team yesterday, Han Wenyuan actually had some thoughts in his mind. However, he was naturally embarrassed to ask Lu Yao in front of so many people. When he learned that his father was today

When Lu Yao was called over, Han Wenyuan was a little happy, thinking that this time he should be able to ask Lu Yao about the new Cuju, which would also be helpful to improve the strength of his team.

However, Han Yonghe did not intend to give Han Wenyuan the opportunity to ask. Just when the two sat down and Han Wenyuan wanted to ask Lu Yao about Cuju, Han Yonghe coughed twice.

A very helpless look instantly appeared on Han Wenyuan's face. He knew that his father was going to talk to Lu Yao about something serious. So Han Wenyuan stood up and said that he would go to Fanlou

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Just bring some wine and food in person, and Lu Yao and Han Yonghe can dine directly at Han Mansion at noon.

Lu Yao didn't refuse. He knew that today's conversation with Han Yonghe would not be something that could be explained in just a few minutes.

After Han Wenyuan left, only Han Yonghe and Lu Yao were left in the main hall.

Han Yonghe looked at Lu Yao and said, "Do you know the purpose of calling you here today?"

Lu Yao, who has analyzed everything clearly, has no intention of hiding it. After all, he will marry Han Yunyu soon. Whether he wants it or not, this scheming guy in front of him will become his father-in-law. At least he will.

It shouldn't harm you, but with such a scheming person, it's better to put everything on the table and see what he really means.

So, Lu Yao nodded and said: "Of course I know, you should have known last night that the emperor wanted to take care of me during the palace examination, so you called me over at noon today to ask, and you also know,

Once my father learns that I have arrived at your place, the reply I asked him to give to the emperor will be postponed. Of course, it is not ruled out that my father will tell the emperor the reply today, but I think you should be in the palace.

You should have stopped him."

Han Yonghe touched his beard and listened to Lu Yao's analysis. After Lu Yao finished speaking, he laughed and said: "As expected of the son-in-law selected by me personally. Now that you know everything, you should also know what I mean. If now

If you can get the emperor's help, your career in the future can be said to be very prosperous. I hope you can seize this opportunity."

"No." Lu Yao waved his hand and said, "If I agree to the emperor, I will be doomed."

Han Yonghe frowned, but Lu Yao didn't think he would get angry at this time. The reason is very simple. Through the contact over the past few months, Han Yonghe should have recognized Lu Yao's ability. Therefore, even if Lu Yao speaks now

Some people had a bad attitude, but Han Yonghe, who already knew that Lu Yao would enter the court and enter an official career, did not have an attack. If it had been before, Han Yonghe would have been furious based on his temper.

"Oh? I would like to hear what reasons you have for rejecting the emperor's kindness." Han Yonghe suppressed his temper, looked at Lu Yao, and said.

Lu Yao did not intend to hide this from Han Yonghe. He told Han Yonghe what he had said to Lu Xu before. But after that, Lu Yao also said: "Besides this, there is another most important thing.

The reason is that the emperor has actually set his sights on our Lu family for a long time. I don’t know if you can trust the people around you?"

The implication of Lu Yao's words was to tell Han Yonghe that, just as he knew that Zhao Zhen wanted to take extra care of Lu Yao during the palace examination, his conversation with Lu Yao today might also be leaked to the emperor.

In the ears. And once the emperor knows that Han Yonghe contributed to this incident, will he reward Han Yonghe, or will he be more afraid of Han Yonghe?

Naturally, the latter is more likely.

Lu Yao saw that Han Yonghe was thinking, so he continued: "I'm afraid that by then, even if the emperor really thinks highly of me in the palace examination and gives me the title of number one scholar, in fact, he has already confused me with you.

Now that I have become a member of one faction, do you think I can still be reused when I enter the court in the future?"

This couldn't be more clear. Lu Yao hopes Han Yonghe will think carefully about whether what he is doing is right. Of course, there is another meaning in it, that is, Lu Yao has once again made it clear that he will not enter the

After entering the court, he became a member of the Han Yonghe faction.

Han Yonghe thought for a while and said: "I understand what you mean. But," at this point, Han Yonghe looked inside, and then continued, "If you reject the emperor's invitation and therefore anger his majesty,

When the time comes and you rank low in the palace examination, then your marriage to Yun Yu, I..."

Well, Lu Yao finally understood how Han Yonghe made his wishful thinking. First, he could sell face and let Lu Yao remember his affection. It was he who gave Lu Yao a push at the critical moment, so that he could be cared for successfully.

After achieving good results in the imperial examination, Lu Yao will naturally help him when something happens when he comes to the court in the future. Secondly, he is still thinking about his own face and image. After all, Lu Yao and Han Yunyu are about to have good things happen.

If Lu Yao didn't get a good grade at this time, Han Yonghe's face would be completely humiliated.

Regarding the first point, Lu Yao didn't take it to heart at all. Originally, he didn't expect Han Yonghe to help him when he went to the court. However, as Han Yonghe's son-in-law, if something happened to his family in the future, Lu Yao would

I'm afraid this is a situation that is hard to get rid of even if you want to. As for the second point, Lu Yao feels that there is nothing wrong with a person like Han Yonghe who values ​​image and face to worry about it.

In order to dispel Han Yonghe's concerns, Lu Yao said: "You don't have to worry about grades and rankings. I think, although I rejected Your Majesty this time, I am still very confident in my own abilities. What's more,

I have done a lot of things that have contributed to the court in the past few months. I think His Majesty will not give me one of the last positions. Or, Mr. Han, do you think that as long as I am not in the top three, I will be the best.

Is it difficult to be your son-in-law? If that is the case, then there is nothing I can do. Although I love Yunyu very much, my ability is limited."

Han Yonghe was very surprised by Lu Yao's words. He originally thought that Lu Yao would be very nervous once the topic involved Han Yunyu, so he brought up his marriage to Han Yunyu. Even if he refused the emperor's help, he would be very nervous about the imperial examination.

He will also be more attentive, and it shouldn't be a problem to get one of the top ones by then. But I never thought that Lu Yao would directly say that if he felt that his grades were not good, he could cancel the marriage. This was tantamount to backing Han Yonghe.

An army, but he didn't know what to do.

Could it be that something went wrong between Lu Yao and Han Yunyu? But Han Yonghe didn't find any signs of change on this issue, and their marriage would be held as scheduled. Then there was only one possibility left.

Lu Yao is very aware of his abilities. He is no longer the same person who just started doing business a few months ago. Thinking of this, Han Yonghe breathed a sigh of relief. If Lu Yao has become a mature official now, what will happen now?

Much easier to handle.

(End of chapter)

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