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Chapter 549: On the Hunting Field

"Mr. Miura, thank you for supporting our struggle and thank you for Japan's support for the just cause!" Chandra said very respectfully to Jiro Miura, who was more than half a head shorter than himself: "The actions of the Japanese Empire have allowed us to see

Asians are as close as one family, and Japan will always be India's good friend!"

Chandra expressed his gratitude to Miura Jiro in the most humble tone. Most of these words came from his sincerity. Chandra was able to launch the uprising mostly because of China's support. However, in the past few years, China has given up a huge part of its support.

, and what’s even more terrible is that Chandra’s actions aroused opposition from the upper echelons of India.

A large number of upper-class Brahmins used their influence to sabotage Chandra's revolution. What's worse, even the people at the bottom did not fully agree with Chandra's violent revolution.

The people at the bottom of India are actually not much different from many people in China before the Xinhai Revolution. They are all under pressure from all aspects and their lives are extremely difficult. If there is any difference, it is that the religious concepts of Indians are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. They do not practice spiritual cultivation in this life.

In the next life, I firmly believe that if you suffer in this life, you will have a better life in the next life and be reincarnated into a high-caste family.

It is this deep-rooted concept that makes these people instinctively reject reforms. Although Chandra's approach of attacking local tyrants and dividing land can win the support of some people, because he completely imitated the Russian revolutionary method and added high-quality bureaucrats

The system implements reforms, so the interests of the people at the bottom are inevitably damaged in this revolution.

These untouchables discovered that they had only nominally abolished their status as untouchables and obtained land in name only, but most of their output had to be turned over to supply the needs of the battlefield. Their living conditions were not even as good as when they worked for the master's family, and

Chandra learned all the tricks from Russia, severe punishments, and a large number of executions of opponents, which made the people at the bottom increasingly alienated from them.

Seeing that the massive uprising suddenly went downhill just when it was about to succeed, and seeing the sphere of influence shrinking day by day, one can imagine Chandra's distress.

At this critical moment, Japan sent a military advisory group headed by Jiro Miura. At the same time, Miura also brought good news that Japan was preparing to strongly support India's arms. Chandra saw the news again, so he seemed extremely excited.

Miura said with some contempt: "Mr. Chandra, you made a mistake from the beginning. The only one who truly supports the Asian people's resistance to colonialism is the Japanese Empire, while China has evil intentions. They don't want to see Asia liberated at all."

, the current Chinese government has surrendered to colonialism, they have absolutely no hope!"

Chandra was also dissatisfied with China, so he followed Miura Jiro and said: "The consultant is right. China's purpose is no different from those of the colonists. It just wants to mess up India and then annex it. I have seen

To understand the face of China, we need Japan's support to completely make India independent. I can assure the Japanese government that as long as we gain independence, we can sign an agreement with Japan and form an alliance with Japan. India is a country rich in resources, and

Japan is highly complementary, and we will definitely be able to cooperate happily!"

Jiro Miura also deeply agreed. He smiled and said to Chandra: "Mr.

Tens of millions of arms and supplies, including 100,000 Type 38 rifles, as well as a batch of tracked combat vehicles, mortars, grenade launchers and other equipment

Japan's equipment is the best in the world. As long as it is fully replaced with Japanese equipment and then learns the Bushido spirit of Japan, I believe that the Indian army will definitely become a formidable force. Even the China Army will not be your opponent.


Miura Jiro was bragging in vain, but Chandra knew very well that when it came to weapons and equipment, Japan's international status was not very high, especially since Chandra's army also used a large amount of Chinese equipment.

Having introduced some Soviet-made equipment from secret channels, plus the British equipment seized from the United Kingdom, it can be said that Chandra's troops are already made by all countries.

By comparison, Chandra found that Chinese weapons are slightly rough, but they are very suitable for use by Indians with low quality. They are durable and powerful. They are similar to Soviet-made weapons. As for British weapons, they are slightly more refined and more powerful.

The design ideas are a bit outdated and can no longer be considered a good thing.

As for contending with the Chinese Army, Chandra regarded it as nothing. You must know that the Japanese Army was beaten to pieces in front of China and was in a state of disarray. How can the Japanese have such great ability now?

But now, if you have breasts, you are a mother. If the Japanese provide you with weapons, you can't dislike them, so Chandra can't help nodding in agreement.

The Japanese and Chandra colluded together on this side, and the Chinese on the other side also sent a secret delegation to India. Now India is fighting a famous proxy war in later generations. The Chinese side began to choose Chandra to fight against the British.

Now that the international situation has changed, China must also adjust its strategy

Gandhi and his Congress Party fell into China's sight. In later generations, Gandhi was revered as a Mahatma. Many Chinese scholars did not hesitate to use flattering words to praise him, believing that he achieved peace through peaceful means.

who won India's independence and is a well-deserved hero

In fact, this is complete nonsense. Many problems in India in later generations are hidden dangers left by this so-called Mahatma. The so-called peaceful independence is nothing more than a British facility. Since it is a charity, British interests in India have been greatly reduced.

For example, those core assets of the country are still controlled by the British, which makes India's industrialization difficult.

The old bureaucratic comprador still exists, the fragmented political structure still exists, the gaps and differences between regions are serious, and various contradictions have become the biggest constraints to India's development. As for the Gandhi family, which will still be the largest political family in India in later generations, it is completely hereditary.

Coupled with the Nehru family, several aristocratic families came to power alternately. What kind of democracy is this!

Of course, this independent approach preserved the interests of the colonists to the greatest extent. As Western countries that have the right to speak in the world, they naturally want to vigorously beautify Gandhi and elevate him to a high position.

This time, China sent Feng Yuxiang and more than a dozen of his entourage to India and found Gandhi. China had expressed to Gandhi through channels in advance its willingness to fund them. Gandhi was overjoyed. Now the Congress Party is sandwiched between Britain and India.

Among the people, their position is very embarrassing and they urgently need support.

Therefore, Gandhi warmly welcomed Feng Yuxiang's arrival. He prepared the most authentic Indian food for him and arranged a large number of showgirls. It was really lively and colorful. In addition, a large number of untouchable slaves were waiting around. This treatment

Almost as good as an emperor

However, Feng Yuxiang was extremely uncomfortable. These Indian slaves simply covered their key parts with a piece of cloth, and the rest was looming. Moreover, Feng Yuxiang was greatly surprised by the humility and submissiveness of these people. They ate the leftover food from their masters,

Bones with meat on them are their favorite

It was even more excessive when they arrived at the arranged residence. There was someone to attend to everything, even going to the toilet, and most of these Indian slaves knelt down and worshiped. These enjoyments were completely at the level of an emperor, even more excessive than that of an emperor.

Before coming to India, Feng Yuxiang must not have understood the non-violent non-cooperation movement. If you want independence, you must use violence to expel the oppressors. If you dare not use violence, how can you gain independence?

However, after arriving in India, Feng Yuxiang fully understood that these grandsons of the upper class would not be willing to give up their luxurious life. If they want violent independence, they must organize the people. But at that time, the common people will not only drive away the British colonists.

, we must also completely eliminate these upper-class people.

Feng Yuxiang saw that Indian society was so deformed and twisted, but he felt relieved. It seemed that the president was right to give up supporting Chandra. The upper-class nobles in India must come down. These people are like the Eight Banners of China. As long as they are there

In this country, there will be no need for India to rise. This country will always have one-tenth of the people, the upper class of one percent, and the remaining nine-tenths will be live animals.

Of course, Feng Yuxiang cannot focus on enjoyment. Being able to come to India this time is also a rare opportunity for him. Now that China is full of stars, it is difficult to get such an opportunity to make contributions. He must do things beautifully.

"Mr. Gandhi, you may know the current situation in India better than I do. In addition, I can tell you a new piece of news. The Japanese have intervened. They have sent an advisory group to support Chandra and will also transport a large amount of weapons.

, it is conceivable that Chandra’s power will expand rapidly. If his army occupies the entire India, I don’t need to tell you what will happen to you!”

Gandhi's face suddenly turned pale. Over the years, Chandra had become his nightmare, keeping him awake at night. After finally regaining his composure, Gandhi said with some doubt: "How dare Japan support Chandra?

Aren’t they afraid of the restrictions of the British Empire? You must know that India is still the British sphere of influence!”

The contempt on Feng Yuxiang's face became more and more intense. The old master's influence should not be underestimated.

"Mr. Gandhi, there has been no British Empire for a long time, and China has been involved in it a long time ago. How could Chandra have done it without our support!"

Gandhi was immediately blocked and came back. It is true that Britain has weakened too fast. Over the years, China has been pressing harder and harder, and Britain can only give in and cannot fight back. Now even Japan can bully Britain. This is not the case today.

The fallen empire is really going to fall.

"Mr. Feng, since you have already supported Chandra, why do you still support us?"

"We support Chandra because we think he is a nationalist who can help India achieve independence, but reality has proven that he is a redist and believes in the Soviet Union. To tell you frankly, we don't need to see

A British-controlled India, let alone a red force here!"

Gandhi agreed with China's explanation from the bottom of his heart. He also knew the contradiction between China and the Soviet Union. If India turned red, there would be no peace on China's western border.

"Mr. Feng, I believe in your goodwill and am willing to cooperate with you, but what do we need to do now?"

"Stop Japan's arms import and try our best to eliminate Japanese military advisers. We will also help you train your own forces to deal with Chandra

"[To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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