The wheel of history rolled through the magnificent Three Kingdoms era, and the Central Plains ushered in peace that had not been seen in a century. People thought that the prosperity was coming, but no one expected that what the Han people would never face was waiting for. Yongjia was in chaos, and tigers and wolves were rampant in the Central Plains! The children of China were mourning in a pool of blood. The Han people who were unwilling to be slaves went south and rebuilt the Eastern Jin Dynasty in Jiangdong. From the ancestors, the Han army went out of Jiangnan six times and attacked the Central Plains nine times for a hundred years, but unfortunately they failed. How many patriots only looked at the two capitals and sighed, and the towering green mountains, where are the loyal bones not buried? Fortunately, the Han people did not destroy the Han people, and Liu Jinu, who would use his passion to roar out the strongest voice of this era: Han and Hu are not in harmony, and Wang Ye is not in peace! Welcome to follow this book to enter the era of golden swords and iron horses, and swallowing thousands of miles. Author Book Friends Group