On the day of the accident, I... saw death. But no one believed me. It floated in the air, let out a low laugh, and then the screws and rivets began to fall off one by one... I am a railway track maintainer. April One day on the 20th, I was maintaining the eastern line 316, but it was strange that the sound of old-fashioned trains came from the other end when it was clearly forbidden to open to traffic... This is Lianghua Ecological Farm. Something was killed... My name is Li Wei, save me! There is another me in this world, he is replacing... Cough-hmm-my name is Gao Yi, I am a traveler from another parallel time and space. System. Let me collect the corpses for you... Ah no. Help you solve everything!? Weird, rumors, myths, supernatural... People
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This world is terribleChapter Contents